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Zimbabwe Parliament Passes Law That Punishes 'Unpatriotic" Citizens

1 year agoThu, 01 Jun 2023 07:50:26 GMT
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Zimbabwe Parliament Passes Law That Punishes 'Unpatriotic" Citizens

The Parliament of Zimbabwe has reportedly passed the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Amendment Bill (Criminal Code) which contains a clause that is often referred to as the Patriotic Act.

The clause criminalises “wilfully damaging the sovereignty and national interest of Zimbabwe.”

Posting on Twitter just after 11 PM on 31 May, CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere said reports from Parliament had indicated that the Patriotic Bill had been passed. She wrote:

DARK DAY FOR DEMOCRACY – We’re receiving a disturbing report from Parliament that the dangerous, unconstitutional Patriotic Bill brought via an amendment to the Criminal Code has been passed. It criminalises “wilfully damaging the sovereignty & national interest of Zimbabwe.”

On Tuesday, opposition legislators criticised the Bill during its Second Reading Stage. Warren Park MP Shakespear Hamauswa (CCC) said:

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We need laws that will put back the powers to the people of Zimbabwe. We do not need any law that takes powers from the citizens of Zimbabwe.

We do not need a law that will say if a Zimbabwean complains about mismanagement of resources, then that person is against Zimbabwe.

Norton MP, Temba Mliswa (Independent), was on Tuesday ejected from Parliament after he accused ZANU PF of committing atrocities while debating the Patriotic Bill in the National Assembly.

Mliswa criticised ZANU PF for pushing for the enactment of the Patriotic Act saying the ruling party was “deranged”.

According to the Legal think tank Veritas, Clause 2 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Amendment Bill, inserted a new section into the Code, creating the crime of “wilfully damaging the sovereignty and national interest of Zimbabwe”. Said Veritas:

The crime will be committed by a citizen or permanent resident of Zimbabwe who takes an active part in a meeting involving or convened by an agent of a foreign government, if the citizen or resident knows or has reason to believe that the object of the meeting is:

  • to consider or plan armed intervention in Zimbabwe by the foreign government, or
  • to subvert or overthrow the constitutional Zimbabwean government, or
  • to consider, implement or extend sanctions or a trade boycott against Zimbabwe, or against an individual or official if the sanctions or boycott affect a substantial section of the people of Zimbabwe.

Penalties for the crime differ according to the object of the meeting:

  • if the object of the meeting is to consider or plan armed intervention, the penalty for participating in it is the same as for treason, namely the death sentence or imprisonment for life,
  • if the object of the meeting is to subvert or overthrow the government, the penalty for participating in it is the same as for subverting constitutional government, namely imprisonment for up to 20 years, and
  • if the meeting is about sanctions or a trade boycott, the penalty for participating in it is a fine of up to Z$200 000 or imprisonment for up to 10 years or both. And in addition, if the crime is committed in aggravating circumstances (i.e. if sanctions were implemented as a result of the meeting or if a non-binding advisory was issued with the same effect as sanctions, or if the convicted person made a false statement during the meeting) and if the prosecutor so requests, the court may impose any of the following penalties:
  1. deprivation of citizenship, if the convicted person is a citizen by registration or a dual citizen,
  2. cancellation of residence rights, if the convicted person is a permanent resident of Zimbabwe,
  3. prohibition from being registered as a voter or from voting, for a period between five and 15 years, or
  4. prohibition from holding public office for a period between five and 15 years.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
The First Family and all Zanu pf elite are affected by this Bill. Looting and Corruption are both National Security issues. Gold Mafia evidence is plain available. If Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 had a true and just Judiciary system then we would see the arrest of theives starting from Emmason Mnangagwa and his band wagon. So a coup is allowed under this bill.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I'm unpatriotic to ZANUPF but patriotic to Zimbabwe hence denounce corruption and abuse of human rights...
senge · 1 year ago
logan act
Ba Dee · 1 year ago
ED akaita coup naChiwenga vose mujeri havasi patriotic
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Instead, the government could be working out ways to create jobs for the youth and our brothers and sisters locally and those in diaspora. Let me be the first to go to jail for saying this... or, do i deserve death penalty!
Captain Jack Sparrow · 1 year ago
As a result of the Patriotic Act I formally resign from commenting on this platform as this platform contains a lot of unpatriotic members... Wish you all the best fellow Zimbos
DaVari · 1 year ago
The last nail on the Coffin for Democracy . now it is clear as daylight that this regime is a monstrosity. what is the objective in passing this bill?
kg · 1 year ago
kg · 1 year ago
The best law ever to us the patriotic. It will be a nightmare to sellouts. Thanx Parliament we need laws that protect our sovereignty.
Dzingai N · 1 year ago
those who globtrotte asking for sanctions , blackmailing the country ndovari kuita NOISE,it's a good thing this bill should have been passed long ago, Pamberi neNyika yedu
Garwe · 1 year ago
Dindingwe rinonaka richakweva rimwe kana rokwevewavo roti angu mavara azra ivhu kutaura kwevakuru
hot shot · 1 year ago
and then whaaaat
... 😂😂 · 1 year ago
then you become a cold shot
APOLITICAL · 1 year ago
you see let's go and vote in numbers
Kst · 1 year ago
Welcome to North Korea
Verbatim bulletin · 1 year ago
Hallelujah I guess it will be treasonous zvakaitwa na Mahere ku Geneva
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
People who love Zimbabwe don't steal from it. All those implicated in Gold Mafia are unpatriotic, those destroying institutions like NSSA by looting are unpatriotic, those passing laws that limit our freedoms are unpatriotic, those manipulating the voting system to favour one party are unpatriotic, those failing to manage the economy and those sabotaging it are unpatriotic, those using public offices to fraudulently amass wealth are unpatriotic, those with 21 farms and other vast tracts of land are unpatriotic. Those who ban political gatherings and demonstrations are unpatriotic.
patriotic · 1 year ago
i am patriotic to Zimbabwe my country, i will NEVER be a patriot of stinking z a n u p f
Zvenyika · 1 year ago
kutonga kwaro
Dispenser · 1 year ago
A people like those who were involved in e gold mafia documentary, are e one who have to be affected by this patriotic Bill bz they do not have e country at heart. Corruption at its highest level.
cid · 1 year ago
kkk so vakatora citizenship yangu ndege ndakufanirwa kugara kupi🤣
ini zvangu · 1 year ago
... In a shallow grave
Mutsa Washe · 1 year ago
we need more opposing mps in parliament otherwise we'll have more of these meaningless laws.
laugh emoji3
Mutsa Washe · 1 year ago
patriotism means love for one's country. so if you dont love Zimbabwe being a Zim unorohwa jere.
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Samuel Johnson the English writer once described 'calls to patriotism as the last refuge of a scoundrel.

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