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HomeCrime and Courts

Saviour Kasukuwere Seeks Cancellation Of His Warrant Of Arrest

1 year agoThu, 08 Jun 2023 08:06:01 GMT
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Saviour Kasukuwere Seeks Cancellation Of His Warrant Of Arrest

Self-exiled former ZANU PF Political Commissar Saviour Kasukuwere has filed an application seeking the cancellation of his warrant of arrest to allow him to contest in the 23 August presidential election.

The warrant of arrest was issued on 17 January 2019 by retired Harare magistrate Hosea Mujaya after Kasukuwere failed to appear for trial on four counts of criminal abuse of office.

NewsDay reported that in early 2020, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) sought the extradition of Kasukuwere from South Africa where he is based.

However, the International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol), turned down the request claiming that the issue was political.

In his application, which was filed on 02 June 2023, Kasukuwere, through his lawyers, Mhishi and Nkomo Legal Practitioners, said the warrant was issued in error.

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Kasukuwere’s lawyers said he appeared before Mujaya on 29 November 2018 to answer to four counts of criminal abuse of duty.

The former ZANU PF Politburo member then took exception to the charges saying they lacked essential elements of the offence of criminal abuse of duty.

The magistrate, however, dismissed the application and Kasukuwere approached the High Court for a review of Mujaya’s decision.

The High Court ruled in his favour.

After upholding Kasukuwere’s application for exception, the High Court then ordered that the warrant of arrest issued by the Magistrates Court be cancelled by Mujaya who issued it. Said Kasukuwere’s lawyers:

It is accordingly submitted that the applicant (Kasukuwere) has managed to show on a balance of probabilities that the warrant of arrest should be cancelled. It serves no purpose for it to remain in force.

It was rendered void by the High Court in a judgment.

Kasukuwere lost his ministerial position after the November 2017 military coup that ended the later former President Robert Mugabe’s 37 years in power.

More: Pindula News



@aj · 1 year ago
keep the fire 🔥 burning?!!! unonakidza kk hanz ukaona bhachura robika maheu
at aj · 1 year ago
you're a deranged daft insane mad person
Sorojena · 1 year ago
Livid Mnangagwa will never allow anymore threats along the way to state house. He fully knows what the advent of Tyson in the game means to his shaking political career.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ngaadzoke kumusha unoitamadhiro hapana ane title deeds dze zim we are all ch.of living g God
gumlaz · 1 year ago
@coni i agree with u
at aj · 1 year ago
I pity you too is aj a name what a shame you're a nobody you don't have a name you don't have a tribe woe to you iam living a comfortable life I don't have any problem be it financially spiritual and physical am ok iwe kana unenhamo don't think we're living the same life when you fail don't think we all fail ..go find counselling coz of your young energetic handsome ndasiyana newe kadhara kasakara nechimonera...zvese zvinoti ini zvirikufaya wangu iwe ndiwebwanetswa nehurombee nhamo inokunetsa enda unofa muroi mukuru anodya nyama yevanhu masikati machena woe to you go find a life
Aj · 1 year ago
🤣🤣 I feel in your sentences that u are in pain emotionally. Wangotanga nekundi denha. Watambura Starbucks, I understand kuti mashoko awakawudzwa naYoyoyo paya they hurt you so bad achionekwa ne Pindula family yese kkk. Hapana anokuda, u are ugly, wakas.hata I understand, unodzokorodza the same underwear for four days. U don't even have a relationship with God, there is no love in your heart becoz wakarwadziswa by your Exes. Nhamo yako handina shaa, I am enjoying my life. My parents love me, my siblings love me and I love them all, we pray together every morning and evening. It's a good and blessed family that I grew up in. Go and talk to someone you are a bitter and broken person. Inini ndakazara mumoyo mangu with love from God and my family tinofara hedu munyasha dza Mwari. Go and find healing shaa🤣🤣
l · 1 year ago
zvikutofaya kukunda news nhai😂😂😚😚
Patriot · 1 year ago
Uyo anozviti Tyson arikupedza zvake nguva yake . Nelson Chamisa we CCC atombori nani.
Ras · 1 year ago
Tyson must be very careful because Chikurubi is waiting for him should he decide to challenge "The Don". Wiwa is now a permanent resident there because he ruffled the feathers of the mafioso. Cry my once beloved country.
at aj · 1 year ago
am not Starbuck and am not a woman I don't have any issues with one ignores me hanty ipapa watodaira...I don't have any failed relationship so far I always win..asi iwe can force people to laugh kanaa zvanakidza tinoseka azvisi zve force ukwane iwe
Aj · 1 year ago
🤣🤣I pity you coz u are nothing, u don't have a name and u are so bitter with your miserable life. I will always entertain people and those like you u have no sense humour you grow old fast. Go and get some counselling becoz u are so bitter and angry with your failures. Hapana chiri kufamba muhupenyu wako.
at aj · 1 year ago
are you forcing people to laugh
Aj · 1 year ago
🤣🤣@Starbuck u seriously have issues musikana iwewe. Your family doesn't give attention and they ignore you. Ur relationships fail becoz u are so sarcastic. U have no friends coz unobhohwa.
coni · 1 year ago
with this state captured judiciary the warranty of arrest will not be cancelled judges do what their boses from zanupf tells them apana chitsotsi kana ka1
Aj · 1 year ago
Jokes🤣🤣 tisekerei apa. *Ndakavenga munhu wekuti akandi bata nemukadzi 💏wake anondi bata huro koo ndikafa?😳* 🤔🙅 *Ukaona bhachura😎 rosvika pakuzvibikira maheu kana chimodho, ziva kuti hapachina tarisiro yekuroora* *Paunenge wati wakuda kurara nhamo dzako dzobva dzati nhasi tine meeting kusvika na4 am*🤣🤣🤣🤣
007 · 1 year ago
yes the warrant should be cancelled it was rendered void a long time ago
Ano · 1 year ago
He is appealing and the judges got 400,000 USD loans kkkkkkkkkkkkk haaa Zanupf soo ka i drama chairo

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