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Zimbabwe Freezes Bank Accounts Of 12 Major Businesses Over Alleged Currency Violation

1 year agoSun, 11 Jun 2023 12:49:39 GMT
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Zimbabwe Freezes Bank Accounts Of 12 Major Businesses Over Alleged Currency Violation

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe‘s Financial Intelligence Unit has frozen the bank accounts of 12 major suppliers of goods and services, including four supermarkets in the capital, for allegedly refusing to transact in the local currency and engaging in forward pricing practices that are believed to be causing exchange rate volatility.

Ten of the companies are accused of forward pricing, while two others are charged with pricing goods exclusively in foreign currency. The FIU says that repeat offenders will have their licences revoked.

FIU director-general Mr Oliver Chiperesa told The Sunday Mail:

… we uncovered 12 violators of our regulations and we have frozen their bank accounts.

Two of them were businesses refusing to accept Zimbabwe dollars, while 11 were businesses using forward pricing.

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The law only allows businesses to charge 10 percent above the interbank exchange rate, but we saw people who were using exchange rates of up to US$1: $6 000 and some as much as $7 000 to the US dollar. So, we have frozen their accounts for the time being.

Like we said, we are not just focusing on fining them. We are going to freeze those accounts indefinitely for the time being.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Dr Mavis Sibanda said the Ministry has established that “market malpractices” are to blame for recent price hikes, and a high-level committee has been set up by the government to undertake regular market surveillance. Sibanda is quoted as saying:

The depreciation of the local currency against the United State dollar and the dollarisation of the value chain, which has resulted in over 70 percent of transactions being conducted in the United States dollar, has had an inflationary impact on the prices of basic commodities.

Market malpractices, which include the redirecting of goods from the formal to the informal sector, has been one of the major causes of the artificial shortages of basic commodities in the formal market.

She added that the ministry is finalising regulations on consumer protection, which will include punitive measures for violators of consumer rights.

On Friday, President Mnangagwa warned that those found deliberately engaging in such malpractices risk having their operating licences withdrawn.

The Zimbabwean economy is facing challenges due to high inflation, foreign currency shortages, and a lack of investment. These difficulties have resulted in a decline in production and export earnings, as well as a shortage of essential commodities. Despite the implementation of various measures by the government, including economic reforms and anti-corruption initiatives, the economic situation in Zimbabwe remains challenging, and full recovery is likely to take time.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Iiiiii haa zvakaoma takatambira nyoka dzisina anoda kutambira Foodworld swipe machines and ecocash zvakafa can't blame them dai tchibvumidzwa kuchitengesao RTGs salary yacho kuRBZ kwavanotengesao mbinga idzi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Businesses are not wrong since the local currency has depreciated. Some businesses order raw materials outside the country while others buy stocks in other countries , in order for them to continue in business they should use a rate which will enable them not to shut down. The blame should fall on ZanuPf which implements inefficient measures . ZanuPf minister of finance should have forecasted this situation back then and implemented measures b4 it became worst
Kingstone Chidarikire · 1 year ago
Yes its a right strategy they all need to get revoked so that they will apply brakes to forward pricing
Anonymous · 1 year ago
You can blame the retailers but they are in business too. Many manufacturers demand payment in USD and you buy in USD and sell it in RTGS? You put a low rate, people will come and wipe all your stock in swipe and you can't even go back and buy the product again. They are trying to survive, I can't blame them. Even the official rate is rising daily, they should put the prices up daily or else they will close and many people will lose jobs.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Exchange rate is worrying you ko the missing 15 billion and goridhe ramurikuba makabvunzwa nani Aluta continua kana zvanetsa taakuuya nepfuti ED must step down
Anonymous · 1 year ago
And they find someone to punish after auctioning their own currency.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
P.J stores muchegutu Pedyo nepa Sable 1:10 000 vakatonyora endai muzvionere
Tada · 1 year ago
Iwe siya munhu arikuedza kurarama.Enda unotenga kwacho kune rate rakadzika.
mai tada · 1 year ago
@ nzou ,**** ,kwedu unokudii imbw hadzi unofita une makuhwa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Vote out this government of thieves. Ma shops aita sei, should they make a loss. Mbavha dziri mu government. They create arbitrage and shed fake tears.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
True, selling in RTGS now is running a loss. They are struggling to survive. All suppliers want USD while they sell in RTGS
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Any move like this will just lead to empty shelves. 2008 part 2 for sure.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Vakuru vakuru vari kufuma nazvo. Vane matura azere ne mari chaiyo chaiyo kunze kwe nyika uko.Isu povo tomanikidzwa kushandisa ma bond. Bond harisi mari chaiyo chaiyo. Mufananidzo we mari. Bond harina value saka haisi mari ye chokwadi.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mari chaiyo chaiyo haina value as well. The people decide if it has value or not which is why the shops are using whatever exchange rate they want. If you all decide to blame government which wants to stabilize the currency then you are not helping at all. Protest against the companies for once and see the government itself which is against protests supporting you. Don't let these companies get away with murder and impoverishment
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The problem is the government. The official rate rises daily and expect the shops to keep the prices low? The shops are struggling with people dumping their RTGS and they can't even use it. Why do they print money?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ma money changer ari kushandira vakuru vakuru. MBINGA idzi ndo dziri kugadzira migwagwa nema dams vobhadharwa nema Bond anoprintwa ne RBZ daily. There are now too many bond notes chasing too few dollars saka kuti ubate dollar unotokwidza mutengo. To zuva zviri kuitira.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ma bond matsva ari muma street anobvepiko uye ano printwa nani. Anodei. Ku mu bank chaimo hawaniki wani. Sei zvakaminama kudai. Ko sei vano chinja mari vasingasungwi.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Yes this is the reason for high prices.
mai tadah · 1 year ago
kunoku hakuchina chinhu che0.50 ,unototenga chimwewi che0.50 kutira change,,nyika ino yawora guys ndatisimudzire huso kuna tenzi ndiyemununuri,mwari pofomadzai mbavha dzriku leader our beloved nation ndanamata usiku huno,ngavasaone mikoko yegoridhe,ye diamonds.ngavaite mapofu mbavha
nzou · 1 year ago
kwenyu kupiko kusina Zita
maiTadah · 1 year ago
2008 part2 sure
sad emoji1
xyz · 1 year ago
still waiting for the garrison shops
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kana Nyika yoita dambiro rembavha mati yaigozvitawo sei economy yacho...
doug · 1 year ago
The indecisiveness is still being shown, how can you say indefinitely and then say for the time being? The FIU should adopt a producer, a wholesale and a retailer and run them in the way the RBZ and the Finance Ministry is prescribing, making these a model for other businesses. The FIU, RBZ and Finance Ministry will be able to see their effectiveness or ineffectiveness. It looks like most of the people doing the prescriptions have never run businesses, or failed, or have never worked elsewhere besides where they are now.
BM Chisipite · 1 year ago
try Bon Marche Chisipite, many items are USD cash ONLY at the till !!!!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
They are trying to survive. Beside that, many shops will close. Many people are dumping their RTGS in those shops taking the products. Where can they buy their products in RTGS? All suppliers and manufacturer want USD
mitengo ngaidzike · 1 year ago
P.J stores muchegutu umo padhuze nepasable 1:10000 vakatonyora endai muzvionere
Greater · 1 year ago
name and shame them for doubling as business and politicians.
citizen · 1 year ago
zvitori nani kt ma supermarkets atengese ne black market rate kana munhu achida kutenga ne rtgs nekt rtgs haina value iri straight , va business mazhinji anovhara kana vakada kuteedzera zvehurumende . rtgs is no longer acceptable as a medium of exchange , worst asi a store of value . .
...... · 1 year ago
rtgs is no longer acceptable as a medium of exchange , worst as a store of value . . kkk ndaseka zvangu
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Quite a number of supermarkets are using anything from 1:7500. Yesterday I bought goods that were priced in usd using rtgs bank card and calculated that the rate employed was actaully a straight 1:8000. Also major and well established supermarkets have joined in the practice of selling certain goods in usd only, and you will find that the usd price of it is actually so inflated.
Mohammed Zaka ali · 1 year ago
kupa mhosvaa kuvanhu ndozvineiko apa muchingoda kuvabiraa chete
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Taura hako. Vamwe vanobatwa nemaKG egoridhe, and some are clearly recorded doing billion dollar money laundering deals asi vanotodzivirirwa kuti vasasungwa.
idi aminny · 1 year ago
asina chekukwidza ngaakwidze bhurugwa rake
SC · 1 year ago
Name them

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