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Zelenskiy: Peace Talks Possible After Russia Troop Withdrawal

1 year agoSat, 17 Jun 2023 16:25:44 GMT
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Zelenskiy: Peace Talks Possible After Russia Troop Withdrawal

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has stated that peace talks with Russia would only be possible once Moscow withdraws its troops from occupied Ukrainian territory, Reuters reported. He also expressed surprise and confusion over the decision of African leaders to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Zelenskiy emphasised that negotiations with Russia could only take place after a complete Russian withdrawal from Ukrainian land, adding that any negotiations with Russia, while they continue to occupy Ukrainian territory, would only serve to freeze the war and prolong pain and suffering. Zelenskiy told a joint press conference with the delegation:

To allow any negotiations with Russia now while the occupier is on our land is to freeze the war, to freeze everything: pain and suffering.

We need real peace, and therefore, a real withdrawal of Russian troops from our entire independent land.

The African delegation, which included leaders of Senegal, Egypt, Zambia, South Africa, and the Comoros, met with Zelenskiy to discuss the possibility of mediating the end of the conflict. Despite this, Ukraine remains firm in its stance that peace talks can only take place after a complete Russian withdrawal.

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South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and the President of the Comoro Islands, Azali Assoumani, hope to mediate in the conflict, which has disrupted grain and food supplies, causing price inflation in African countries. Ramaphosa called for the free flow of grain and African participation in a peace agreement. While some African nations have cordial relations with Russia, most have closer economic ties with the US and Europe. The leaders aim to negotiate “confidence-building measures” despite Ukraine’s recent counteroffensive against Russian forces. The Kremlin has downplayed the prospects of peace talks with Kyiv, but remains open to outside initiatives.

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Dr Kafera · 1 year ago
Jehovah havapo pakurwa kwevanhu gyz. Musa svibisa zita raMwari wangu.
kwachu · 1 year ago
Ukraine......fight on God is watching ...the ghost will die Russia will rot
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
😡😡. PINDULA U ARE BEING SO UNFAIR TO CRICKET LOVERS SERIOUSLY. Zimbabwe is hosting the cricket world cup qualifiers and we are playing our first match today. U never even mentioned anything.
Hokage · 1 year ago
I am Angry As Well 🔥
g · 1 year ago
paDead bc parikutoburitswa zvema dam
Hwisiri · 1 year ago
😬I think ma Russian soldiers akanakirwa ne mabhebhi eku Ukraine 🇺🇦 saka vari kuda kumbopedza kukwira then voenda havo kumba ku Moscow. Ukraine ine vakadzi vakanaka
pretty · 1 year ago
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fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
try *ed#
377 · 1 year ago
we must just have to accept a new world order. Egypt ruled the entire world first then the order changed to Mesopotamia with the Babylonia empire, Mido-Pesia,, Greece then Rome. After ww2 Eastern Europe was simply handed over to Russia and it became USSR then we had some freaky cold wars wich were fabricated. later America invaded middle east with endless wars. Everything is done to forge the much needed WORLD WAR 3 so as to change the order of ages- ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT in this case led by Russia and China. USA is just the match maker. Your one dollar bill has the Egyptian pyramid a symbol of new world order and written in Latin "ANUIT COPTIS. ORDO SECLORUM" that is to say "announcing the birth of new world order ". Your ten dollar Bill is Written """we kill people ". NO ONE CAN STOP THIS. IT HAS LONG BEEN PLANNED. do proper research.
Tom · 1 year ago
Hey where is it written we kill people on a us$10 note? .You also have to do proper research its, We The People
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
@Tom 🤣🤣 are you the Big Bear 🐻 I need to confirm lol
Hokage · 1 year ago
@377 keep your baseless conspiracy bulls.hit to yourself , you out here saying "some freaky cold wars" the hell are you talking about ? there was ONE cold war and It was NOT freaky at all , there was no fighting even though tensions were very high , it was just a technological race between the USA and Russia , the fact that you think it's written "we kill people" on the US dollar just shows how st.upid you are .
377 · 1 year ago
i dont have time to argue with kids. grow up first
Hokage · 1 year ago
@377 hilarious ! if you're older than what your comment potrayed you to be then you're far more foolish than I thought .
job ho · 1 year ago
Africa can STOP this senseless war. dzingai Russia and china from mining in your country
bhobhojani bhadhiza · 1 year ago
kungodawo kuziva kwete kuti ndoziva,Nzvimbo zhinji yavakunzi Ukraine haina kupiwa neRussia here?Ko Ukraine neRussia hadzina kuwirirana here kuti Ukraine hayaifanirwa kupinda muNato?Ko kana zvakaita Ukraine zvakanaka iri sarudzo yayo ko sei Cuba payakada kuita sarudzo yayo seUkraine , America yakarova Cuba nehondo sezvirikuita Russia kuUkraine? Handina kuti ndoziva asi mibvunzo yose iyi mukandibatsirawo ndogona kusazoita gakava randisingazivi pabavamwe.Wekupedzisira mubvunzo woti ,sei ukasaita zvinoda America unoonekwa sewakapusa kana mutengesi?
@bhobhojani bhadhiza · 1 year ago
for your own information, America ndiro bhuru repasi redu so munofanirwa kuita zvayinoda, on 23 August vote CCC chete tiri kuda kendesa masoja edu kunobatsira Ukraine kana CHAMISA akahwina
NATO · 1 year ago
bravo bravo bro. putin and his allies are all dictators i dont like dictators.i will always stand with ukraine. zelesnky and chamisa my favourates
ty · 1 year ago
Inonzi fadza mutengi wedoro
Sorojena · 1 year ago
Ramaphosa must put his Briccs 's ally to order... Poo-tin must remove his invasion forces from Ukraine... Then talks to follow, though not necessary, as Ukraine is a sovereign state.
zxie · 1 year ago
ndezvavo isu tinoita zvekweduu...
doug · 1 year ago
When out of Africa, officials should always tell the truth as it is. A South African spokesman is now being termed a liar by the Ukrainian media. The more than a hundred soldiers and police who were to protect Ramaphosa were not able to get to Ukraine with him, and he was safe in Ukraine with bombings being heard. He and delegation are now in a safer Russia. I hope the mission was not spoit by what the Ukrainians are terming a lie.
· 1 year ago
What's your point❓
Anonymous · 1 year ago
On point Mr Zelensky How can peace talks be held when Russian forces are occupying a sovereign country? If Ramaphosa and company are serious they should go and persuade Putin to order his forces out of Ukraine Otherwise they should just come back home
377 · 1 year ago
zelensky is a Russian spy. The bottom line is Ukraine is deteriorating, Ukrainians getting killed Gas, all precious minerals in the Donbas region luted
Child of hope · 1 year ago
mese mukungohukura. amuzive nezvepolitics tinyararirei vote Pfee
sisisi · 1 year ago
hazvinei nepolitiks
198 · 1 year ago
uyu zelesnky murwere unonakirwa nkuona vna vachifa kut apiwe ma awards
Bhoso s · 1 year ago
comment yako inoratidza kuti wakatsva brain. ndimimuno bekerwa mukadzi immi
Chinos · 1 year ago
Unogwara uyu
zwana mina · 1 year ago
zvivatengesi zvakuvara nenzara zvakunosangana napootin
Chokwadi · 1 year ago
Ramaphosa kundogsdzirisa va zvekure But Zambabwe arikutadza zve Africa hamugone Ramaphosa ziva zvekuba ku South sevamwe vako mu Zimbabwe buy Young blood to rule Afrika
..... · 1 year ago
yaa you are right
cid · 1 year ago
Vana Ramaphosa dzokai kumba mugadzire chinyika chenyu chaora icho, Maita vana apa
taku · 1 year ago
utak · 1 year ago
😅 deep down u know
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
poor zelensky your country is the battle field

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