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ZIMRA Lost Tax Records Triggering Fears Of Revenue Leaks And Tax Evasion

1 year agoWed, 21 Jun 2023 09:12:12 GMT
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ZIMRA Lost Tax Records Triggering Fears Of Revenue Leaks And Tax Evasion

The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) has reportedly lost tax records dating back to six years ago, raising concerns over potential revenue leakages and tax evasion. It is speculated that the records may have been lost due to a server crash or a lack of a reliable backup system.

ZIMRA has requested its clients to resubmit their Pay as You Earn (PAYE) P2 forms, Value Added Tax (VAT), and Income Tax (ITC) records stretching to 2017, citing them as “outstanding”, although some clients claim to have already submitted the records.

Zimbabwe heavily relies on taxation to fund the fiscus, with taxes contributing 97.6% to government revenue in 2022.

NewsHub’s Sofia Mapuranga reports that ZIMRA’s head of communications, Gladman Njanji, did not respond to questions. Another official in the same department, Francis Chimhanda, requested the questions in writing but did not respond despite repeated reminders.

Economist Prosper Chitambara allayed fears over the possibility of financial losses due to the systems crash, stating that many companies are likely up to date with their tax records, so the impact on the state would not be significant.

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The loss of tax records has raised concerns that current tax evaders may take advantage, resulting in significant revenue leaks. Zimra has admitted that tax evasion is limiting its revenue collection efforts. In 2021, Global Financial Integrity reported that Zimbabwe lost US$1 billion through under-invoicing in the past decade. The Zimra commissioner general, Regina Chinamasa, has also acknowledged that fraudulent conduct has resulted in the state being prejudiced of taxes and levies.

A consultant handling the financial services of over five companies has expressed concern over the risk of firms indicating arbitrary figures to satisfy compliance, potentially prejudicing the state. Tax-related corruption, such as direct tax evasion and under-declaration, is common in Zimbabwe.

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Malcolm X · 1 year ago
Sorojena · 1 year ago
The voters roll would just crash like that, see it coming
Zindoga · 1 year ago
They're destroying evidence be4 the elections bcoz they are afraid of being arrested after losing the elections to CCC.
Ano · 1 year ago
Phillimon kambiro hoooonaaaaaa pakuda ma comment egwazhi apooo maZanu muripiko mangojaira kuita parroting kuti pasi NeCCC data iro rakashaikwa zvinoenderana nepakatanga ED kutonga 6 years ago Something is going on ndomari yakatenga mota nekuregesta ma candidates ED ndaatiudze kutimari yakaenda kupi why only for 6years zvoenderana neterm yake in office ino crusher ichisiya mamwe makore here system iyooo or hapana kana chakambopinda muserver for the past ED's term ini office shame on u Zanupf. Kupa zanu another term tichanzwa kuti system yeRBZ or yekwa Registrar general yacrusher futi tikasara tava mamuZero
cid · 1 year ago
idzi ndidzo nhema idzi ,,,Think they have servers from national level untill the lowest level considering transactions are done at different locations
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
We won't do double work due to someone's negligence
@ · 1 year ago
Zvimwe zvacho hazvidi maeconomists, regai ma Accountants a comenteyo pakakodzera
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Gross negligence. All the Bosses must be held accountable and must resign
Sorojena · 1 year ago
Really? Or just a looting ploy 🙄
doug · 1 year ago
When they become serious about getting things done properly they should engage Liquid or Google to back up the records on their servers. They should also be wary of whoever will try to stop such arrangement with the talk of sovereignty or sanctions as he/she could be responsible for the loss of records.

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