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Couple Commits Suicide Over Pot Of Sadza

1 year agoSat, 24 Jun 2023 05:58:24 GMT
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Couple Commits Suicide Over Pot Of Sadza

Police in Manicaland Province have implored couples to seek counselling whenever there are misunderstandings rather than resort to self-harm.

This comes after a man and his wife from Marange committed suicide one after the other following a misunderstanding over how to prepare sadza.

Peter Mukwada (29) and Pure Gezana (21) were both employed as domestic workers in Rimai Village.

According to The Manica Post’s sources, Mukwada accused Gezana of wasting maize meal by using a big pot.

Gezana reportedly left the house and did not return. Her lifeless body was later found hanging from a tree in a nearby bush at the back of their employer’s homestead.

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Her body was discovered by Mukwada, who upon seeing his wife dead, also hanged himself.

The couple is survived by two children.

ZRP spokesperson in Manicaland Province, Inspector Nobert Muzondo confirmed the double suicide. He said:

Mukwada pointed out that Gezana was using a big pot to prepare sadza and was wasting maize meal.

He advised her to use a smaller pot but she stormed out of the kitchen and went to a bushy area where she hung herself using a rope. The bush is 50 metres away from the kitchen hut.

When Mukwada realised that more than 30 minutes had elapsed before his wife came back, he followed her and discovered her body hanging from a tree branch.

He called his neighbour, Ozias Kuhudzehwe, who accompanied him to the scene.

Mukwada later told Kuhudzehwe that he was feeling cold and wanted to put on a jacket. He went back home.

Kuhudzehwe also left the scene to go and inform the village head, Munamato Chipindirwe, about Gezana’s suicide. Added Insp Muzondo:

When Kuhudzehwe and Village Head Chipindirwe went to the scene, Mukwada had not yet returned.

The pair is alleged to have waited for about 30 minutes at the scene before following Mukwada.

When they could not locate him at his home, they started looking for him.

His body was later found hanging from a tree branch, at least 300 metres from where his wife had killed herself.

The matter was reported to the police and they attended the scene. Said Insp Muzondo:

Whenever people have a difference in opinion, we urge them to seek counselling from the police’s Victim Friendly Unit, professional counsellors, church leaders, community leaders or trusted relatives.

Cases of suicide are seemingly on the rise as the country’s economic woes continue. This week, a deputy school head in Masvingo Province and a police officer in Harare committed suicide due to paltry salaries.

More: Pindula News



Y2K · 1 year ago
Mazita avo ndiyo ma1 anyway to all those blaming this double suicide on economic situation I just want to tell you to stop lying please.Stop it stop it!!!!Koimi muri vapenyu wani makatadza nei kuzvipfuudza hanty tingori munyika imwe na the late deputy head avo navamupurisa vamayaya necouple iyi????Vanhu vanenge vane nyaya dzavo.
Jinn · 1 year ago
Zvinoda vakaShinga wangu!
done · 1 year ago
makazviziva sei
cid · 1 year ago
iyi nyaya it seems too good to be true 😏,
· 1 year ago
dzikati hakuna kwaunoenda, tosangana ikoko
Madzibaba veShanduko · 1 year ago
Handina basa nazvo bloody Ndeere urikutiii apaaa ma Ndeere havasi vanhu shuwa
Jinn · 1 year ago
M kosho wena S Hona loThuvi
Phiri Bankston · 1 year ago
Jinn was saying rest in peace to the couples then iwewe wamutuka because u you cannot understand your fellow country man's language. Jinn did not say anything bad. Madzibaba Shanduka kkk
Jinn · 1 year ago
@Phiri Bankston the guy is a bloody racist.
Jinn · 1 year ago
trbalist I mean
Jinn · 1 year ago
Obviously a tribalist got high chances of being a racist
Jinn · 1 year ago
Akula okunye zindlala zodwa ezindlini lapha, imali yempuphu ayikho.Sithi lala ngokuthula ungapoki
cloe · 1 year ago
black adam nechinyaya chako mese murimbwa
· 1 year ago
Seconded 🤚
svika mati sorry · 1 year ago
pakufira sadza apoo umm varume vemazuano vari wk
Verbatim bulletin · 1 year ago
Ka zhinji kwacho ka sadza rakawanda I mbodza zvakare harigutse. Kana Uchida kuona kuti sadza I mbodza kandira Imbwa kana kiti Hazvidye zvinosiya kana kunandzwa bedzi but rakabikika kamsuva bhogi anojambira wagging it's tail nekusnakirwa Try it kwete kuti here ED Nero Chino ne chino apa
Zuze · 1 year ago
Wotozvirova dundundu kuti ndiri baba pakadai?
cde · 1 year ago
kufira iro jembi rine maVeggie
... · 1 year ago
stale news*
.... · 1 year ago
Stalen news read the story here two weeks ago.
u · 1 year ago
baba gadzirai app renyu mutipe dziri fresh news tenda kuti pindura inokuvaraidza ne free news kwete kutaura bvonyo
Jinn · 1 year ago
I think bathumele thina esingasibonanga istory lesi
Black Adam ⚡ · 1 year ago
📣🎙🎙 MIRAI NDIKUUDZE WHAT HAPPENED PANYA IYI. 📣🎙🎙 👩Mukadzi: Timbireiwo baba madzoka. 👨 Murume : Tambirai henyu Mai Boi, iii ndakuvara nenzara ini. 👩: Mukadzi : Dont worry Baba Boi rega ndikubikirei sadza rinoguta riya🍚🍚🍚. 👨 Murume : Ndinga fara chaizvo mukadaro Mai mwana. 😊😊 Saka mukadzi kabva atora rino ZIPOTO ne mugoti, ndokubva atakura saga rehupfu akadurira wakawanda muzipoto re black. 👨Murume: Ayikaka nhai iwe ko uri kuisei hupfu hwese iwowo mupoto guru yakadaro, ko mwangwana tinozodyei nhai? 👩 Mukadzi: Ko nhai Baba handiti mati makuvara nenzara saka ndangoti ndibike rakawana for mhuri yese. Mangwana ndinonotenga rimwe ne mari yandiinayo. 👨 Murume: HAYEWA! DONT BE STUPID IWE MHANI. Haufunge iwe, ndosaka wakatadza pedza chikoro ukafoira form 4. Instead of kuti uyise mupoto idiki then wondipakurira rakawanda samazuva ose zvanga zvakaipei. Dzorera poto iyo ukuture upfu mupoto idiki apa. 👩Mukadzi: Shuwa mungandi tuka nemashoko ese iwayo kunge inyaya hombe here iyi. Ndakanganisa papi handiti ndanga ndichingoda kuti mudye chikafu chawanda sezvo mashanda zuva rese. Ndine mari yandanga ndakachengeta kuti ndizotenga umwe hupfu. Mukadzi akabva atanga kuchema😭. 👨Murume: Mari yauyi nayo iyoyo ikapera tinozodii? Haufunge iwe.. zvinhu zvakaoma munyika muno, pandiri panapa handina kana cent chairo, yese yakapera pandaka tenga chikafu nemafuta. Iwewe ndiwe wakutaura zvekuti hupfu unozotenge mumwe iwe uchida kupedza unotopedze 3 days. Hauna kurongeka iwe! Ndiwe uri kukonzera kuti mari nechikafu chikurumidze kupera. Ndaishaya kuti nei hupfu uchifamba zvakanyanyisa kudai. 👩Mukadzi: Hooo saka ini ndini ndiri kukupedzera mari pamusana pekusarongoka nhai! Mukadzi akabva asimuka ndokubuda mumba. The rest is a sad ending. Vhoterai Chamisa ne CCC party
Me · 1 year ago
Kkkkkk what a story.
Rita · 1 year ago
ndoma funnies ka
tino · 1 year ago
👮‍♂️we also urge them to seek counselling from CCC leaders
QQ · 1 year ago
vanenge vanga vagara vachinetsana nedzimwe nyaya. Vese vari 2 pakashaiwa anozvidzora kusvika pakufira sadza here chokwadi
Zuze · 1 year ago
@QQ, it's not about previous misunderstandings, but the result of poor economy. In an environment in which everything is ok, surely noone would be concerned about conserving hupfu. But because zvinhu zvakaoma this is the result. In another article today, a policeman committed suicide because of salary shame. All this reminds me of the Economic Depression of the 1930s in which thousands and thousands of people committed suicide because they couldn't cope with unemployment, underemployment, poor wages and lack of subsistence means. Zimbabwe has just joined the trend. WE ARE POORLY LED. Led people who are heartless and don't care about their subjects, except themselves.
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 Haayewa ayehwaaa iiiii musadaro shuwa shuwa kuita suicide pamusana peZiiiiipoto resadzaaaa here yeeeeyi. Chamisa ngaatonge hake.. nekuti ED ndiye anemhosva for this, kubva pandakazvarwa ndikabvundutsaaa ma doctors and nurses neZiNdege 🍌✈ranguuuu kusvika zuva ranhasi🍆... i have NEVER heard kuti a couple ine vana kills itself over a pot of Sadza kuti yakakurisa aaah. This has happened during ED's reign with Zanu PF in government. This is sad and embarrassing kuti nyika inosvika pakushata to the point yekuti vaberiki vane vana hang themselves. Ndarwadziwa shaaaz. ED so haa Chamisa dai Mwari vaita bless his campaign atoita president. Vote for CCC guys so that ma suicide cases apere Zimbabwe inake. #RESPECT!!!
Aj · 1 year ago
Chamisa ndingade kuti ayite President coz ever since ED got into power suicde, murders, crime and divorce rate zvese zvakasimuka
mwana wemufi · 1 year ago
kufira chikanga hr 😭😭 vati isu vana tidii
cde che · 1 year ago
kufira sadza nxaa
.. · 1 year ago
ama 2k
K · 1 year ago
Ama2k **** mani ...,,don't marry these kids

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