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Patriotic Bill Is About "Loving Your Country", Negative Remarks About ED Scarf Unpatriotic, Says Mutsvangwa

1 year agoMon, 26 Jun 2023 09:30:59 GMT
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Patriotic Bill Is About "Loving Your Country", Negative Remarks About ED Scarf Unpatriotic, Says Mutsvangwa

Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa insisted that the controversial “Patriotic Bill”, legally known as the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Amendment Bill, is not meant to suppress freedom of expression.

The bill, which was passed by Parliament on 07 June this year, has been heavily criticised by civil society organisations, including Amnesty International and Reporters Without Borders.

Speaking to the South African publication City Press in Randburg on Friday, Mutsvangwa said the proposed law was meant to deal with citizens conspiring with outsiders to overthrow the government and campaigning for sanctions. She said:

I don’t accept that it is controversial. It’s okay for people to talk [about it]. That’s freedom of expression…

People who talk about it [the bill] as being controversial; I’d like to understand what it is they are saying.

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Is it good to cooperate with people planning subversion of the constitutionally elected government?

Is it good to cooperate with people who are planning a coup? Is that correct? No.

Under the Bill, it is a criminal offence for any Zimbabwean citizen to willfully injure the country’s “sovereignty, dignity and independence as a nation”.

Participating in meetings with the intention to promote, advance, encourage, instigate or advocate sanctions or trade boycotts against the country is also prohibited.

Under the proposed new law, those found guilty of being unpatriotic will face up to 10 years in prison or a fine and will be banned from voting and occupying public office, among other penalties.

Mutsvangwa claimed that there had been cases in which citizens would bad-mouth the government because they were paid to do so.

She said being unpatriotic included negative remarks about the scarf that President Emmerson Mnangagwa always wears, which is branded with Zimbabwe’s flag. Said Mutsvangwa:

But I say, this is our flag. Why are we not proud of our own flag? I was a diplomat in the US. I lived in an exclusive area. Every house in the US had a flag flying. There’s nothing wrong with loving your country.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
My auntie was a war Vet and fought for Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 Independence. She had war time scars all over her body. She was poor despite having fought for the freedom of many. I asked her why she was poor while most of her fellow female freedom fighters were in high position in zanu pf and Government. She told me that all those you see in these big positions were and are still girlfriends and prostitutes of the ministers, presidents and military generals. 🪖 She died poor and may her soul rest in peace. So Monica were you part of those who sold the body and soul to the devils.food for through.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
what a woman
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Silly even Stupid woman
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Prostitution is unpatriotic...
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Criminals in power will make create secure and safe environments to protect their loot. Monica ED where is it written in Zimbabwe constitution that ED scarf and underwear your boyfriend wears are national flags. Iweka you soil our surname Parirenyatwa nekusafunga kwako. Are zanu pf looters and corrupt elite patriotic as long as you abuse Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 people and steal from povo we will keep talking. Your boyfriend came into office through a coup and nothing will stop same through a people's revolution sick Monica.
Kirikiti Mhizha · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe is cursed for producing educated ****s who think Zanu is a solution. tinongofa kupera vachingodya imwi muchinanzva maronda
· 1 year ago
Then there are illiterate goons like PK, @patriot and other ZANOIDS on Pindula.
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
It is very surprising for this ZANU PF government to promulgate a full bill or Act of Parliament to protect a scarf !!!!! [ ZANU PF IS NOT SERIOUS WITH GOVERNMENT ISSUES ]. Patriotism can not be forced down the throats of citizens. It must ooze down smoothly like blood because of good governance. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
QQ · 1 year ago
Zvino kana kushora scarf kusiri patriotic motopedza tese zve kkkk
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mutsvangwa **** wanzwa hnty
The minister failed dismally to articulate herself. The husband usually writes her speeches but this time she was on her on refering to ZACC as Zimbabwe Corruption Company.
Me again · 1 year ago
But @kg soo mmm I didn't say But it seems you are happy with the way things are Or you are also payed to speak falls truth abt ed I admit that maybe zany pf won't be defeated But the truth is we are being led to our graves what the government doing is speech after speech with no action
. · 1 year ago
This woman is..................
China bricks at wholesale and retail price · 1 year ago
zvakatiomera senyika
scarf · 1 year ago
hlanya · 1 year ago
uyahlanya wena....I scarf senu lesi lezimbabwe kutshiyene kakhulu....ungazikhohlisi mama
doug · 1 year ago
We have enough laws. What is needed here are policies which make people proud to be identified with their country, and there is no greater love for one's country than this.
........ · 1 year ago
True, you cannot use a gun to make people respect you. Respect has to be earned.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Verbatim bulletin · 1 year ago
Scarf is furnishing your intellect. Ramaposa and them too wear a scarf. It's a symbolic to barristers In first world . So it's a good setting for a public figure and yedu iyi yema colours inechiremerera The UK s wear 🧣 Sunak chaiye he wears a scarf Dzimwe Nyika wore Scarf Ana lreland kuma balkans kwese uko so scarf 🧣 ndizvo
· 1 year ago
and by country you mean, the government and H. E (though not). It's like telling your wife **** is loving your man, or your man - cars, jewelery and money is about loving your wife.
zvapera · 1 year ago
aar vave kutya kuurawa ASI vaimbourayawo, kungoshandiswa mutsvangwa utaure, manje muchinguri arikukunyima mweya ku manicaland
Zindoga · 1 year ago
Monica Mutsvangwa is the unwisest person l have ever known. Scarf and flag are 2 different things. Scarf is a cloth to wear around the neck and flag is national symbol. So 2 insult or to scoff at the scarf doesn't mean u don't respect ur country. l don't like the scarf bcoz it might be hot.
Zuze · 1 year ago
Eish, warped reasoning. But Evan Mawarire was arrested for promoting "This Flag"!!! Or am I missing something here? Are some people more patriotic than others? Welcome to Animal Farm.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
mawarire akarasika panoti protocol.
😳 · 1 year ago
Is protocol punishable at law?
ini zvangu · 1 year ago
We love our country Zimbabwe, but we cannot be forced to love an oppressive system led by looters, child molesters, murderers and election riggers.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Uyu mukadzi uyu ka. Sekuti Ihama yegarwe so anofunga kuti munhu wese muZim anamate scaff yehama yake sekuti taita sei munyika yedu Zim. Ngaatibvire kumhepo. Haasiri iye akawanikwa aine Gold yaida kuenda kunotengesa kuDubai. Asi no arrest was made on her.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Agree . She really has a problem. I am a patriot, but I loathe the e’sarfe.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
To be honest ignorance is bliss and knowledge is power in which she doesn't have at all. Go back to school and learn the difference pakati pe Mureza wenyika neScaf yegarwe yaurikuda kuti vanhu vapfugamire munhu ari corrupt sewe nehama yako.
· 1 year ago
ko kuba Gold kuda nyika here nhai iwe ****
Kg · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Thank you for clarifying it's worth it. Teach them that Zim yakanaka. Toxic opposition politics is misleading people.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
gold raunoti rakabiwa rakatobatsira iwewe. ma usd auri kuona uchimashandisa unotinari kubva kupu. tenda mafia iri kuita kuti usd riwanike muno. hatina allocation yema usd kubva kuma international financial institutions. muzim usd hobho haripere, zambia chaiyo haina chinhu.

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