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Teachers' Zimbabwe Dollar Salary Plummet To US$13 - Unions

1 year agoSat, 01 Jul 2023 13:13:57 GMT
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Teachers' Zimbabwe Dollar Salary Plummet To US$13 - Unions

Teacher unions say their members can no longer report for work consistently due to financial incapacitation.

The Education Union of Zimbabwe (EUZ) has since written to the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare explaining the financial challenges teachers are facing and asking for an upward review of their earnings.

The letter, which was copied to the permanent secretary in the Public Service Ministry and the minister and permanent secretary in the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, reads in part:

Our members in the rural areas have been long forgotten with a rural allowance of ZW$3 516 which is 72 US cents at interbank rate. Our members shall therefore not consistently report for duty until they are fully capacitated.

Teachers got a paltry ZW$70 311 in April 2023. Then, the interbank rate was at US$1:ZW$994.71 and could secure US$75. The interbank rate has since shot up to US$1:ZW$4 868 as at June 2023.

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Prices of basic commodities have also spiraled at each upward review of the interbank rate.

The Consumer Council of Zimbabwe has confirmed that in May 2023, a family of 6 re[1]quires ZW$1 million to survive monthly from ZW$611 275 in April 2023.

Without an immediate review of teachers’ salaries, they cannot afford decent accommodation, transport, food and paying bills.

Amalgamated Rural Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) president Obert Masaraure told The NewsHawks that the future of the country’s education system is uncertain. Said Masaraure:

The future for the education sector in particular is bleak. We are witnessing a massive brain drain as workers, including teachers, are leaving Zimbabwe in search of greener pastures in the diaspora.

Those who are unfortunate enough to remain at the workplace are highly demoralised, with very low productivity. Downtime is also high as workers are consistently engaging in job actions.

The revival of Zimbabwe’s economy is next to impossible with the current crisis in labour relations.

To save Zimbabwe, people should vote for a government that can improve the welfare of workers.

Teacher unions are demanding varying amounts ranging from civil servants’ pre-October 2018 salaries of US$540 to US$1 260 per month.

More: Pindula News



munya · 1 year ago
kkkk musadaro vadzdzisi I'm
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mushandi anonzi TEACHER imhuka isingadiwe ne ZANUPF kana zvodiyi zvazvo..
ro · 1 year ago
@ kkk zvauri kutaura hazvina kana musoro. .. uno defender system ine vanhu vano Rapha ku China Singapore. .. where do thy get that money n iwe ukaenda kuhospital hakuna mushonga ..zvinei nemasanction ... vana mayor wadyajena vaka wanikwa ne ma5 million n more vachibira varimi vecotton then u say sanctions ... self destruction... unorima wopihwa ma worthless rtg wats that ...iwewe wacho hauna bundle. muka mhani iwee nxaaaaaaa
Kkkk · 1 year ago
We all have been through this, 2007/8 era. Coming out of a bank with pay only to buy majiggies ne matches wayive nema sticks asina kuwana, muma shelves maive makazara huni nemajombo kune aya venyere(****s) it was horrible. Vana vararira majiggies though the then President made sure bread was available at a freezit cost, that when I realised the bone effect of SANCTIONS. They don't want them removed but technology has altered every economy in such way that the old books are useless as this has upgraded small nations to be at par with technology hence smartphones Emoney etc leaving sanctions skirting on touchline forever in Zim even there be change their removal won't conjure any tricks to bolster economy So bizzy kutaurisa kuti vamwe vasina kudzidza vaneyi instead of venturing into businesses Loans you are given mbeu munopiwa technik yekurima mopakurirwa zvese izvo asi chamunoda kucheeema chete ko vaiva mu lndustry dzakavharwa netutsamba twa Chidyausiku vanozoitei Sadly vazhinji died others went berserk others can't tell their bearing is at. Asi vakateedzera gwara rehutungamiri mu new Republic Vakatokunda Mufunge Ndovamwe vavanemota idzodzo dzamunoyemura kudaro Ndovamwe varikufodya ku mining ne mamwe ma bizness ku transport Just that POSITIVE MINDSET to regedza zvema begging bowls everytime Ku Russia teachers were once paid bhodoro re Vodka pa munhu but Russia is one of the Super powers kwese even ku technology power Industry Don't despair to take your life asi get revealed and Zivakwekuvhotera Ndapedza ma spots ese hangu ini #ED can.
@kkkk · 1 year ago
Hazvisekese sezita rako Raamai vako...
Sorojena · 1 year ago
To all my dear comrades in the teaching fraternity, stay calm... whilst waiting for August 23rd. Let's vote wisely for a brighter and prosperous future, this sitting regime has bogged down All our hopes and wishes for the future.
ex teacher · 1 year ago
ini zve kudzidzisa ndakarega ndakutengesa tumbwa nemutoriro pamwe nembanje ndowanzo tengesera vanha vechikoro ndatenda

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