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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

VP Chiwenga Blames Opposition For Poor Urban Services

1 year agoMon, 03 Jul 2023 15:33:48 GMT
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VP Chiwenga Blames Opposition For Poor Urban Services

Zimbabwe’s Vice President Constantino Chiwenga has blamed the opposition for the poor public goods and services in urban areas.

Speaking during a ZANU PF’s Presidium Rally at Mbare Netball Complex open space, Chiwenga claimed that the opposition is slowing down the country’s progress towards an empowered upper-middle-income economy, and that in many urban areas, the opposition has dominated since the turn of the millennium, resulting in a collapse of services, infrastructure, and amenities. Chiwenga said this has been a huge source of pain for the Second Republic, particularly at a time when President Mnangagwa is championing development in every corner of the country.

Chiwenga urged people to vote for President Mnangagwa and ruling party candidates for council and parliamentary seats in the August 23 national elections. He also spoke about several infrastructure projects, agricultural enhancement projects, the country’s tourism contribution to the Gross Domestic Product, and other economic enhancing programmes that the government is undertaking to attain an empowered upper-middle-income economy. He said:

The August 23 elections come on the backdrop of people in urban areas, whose councils are under opposition parties, having to endure several years of suffering in the absence of services that councils should provide.

 Urban roads have become impassable, clean water has long deserted our taps and garbage is largely uncollected, pilling near our homes.

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Their stints in councils have clearly shown that these opposition parties are not good at anything expect making lives difficult for residents and inviting illegal economic sanctions on the country.

As the ruling party, we are pained to see our people being subjected to this sad kind of living marked by poverty as a result of opposition councils’ ineptitude and corruption.

August 23 is an opportunity to correct this by resoundingly voting for President Mnangagwa and ruling party candidates for council and parliamentary seats.

The rally aimed to gather support for President Mnangagwa, the Zanu PF party’s candidate for the Presidential Elections, as well as the party’s house of assembly and council candidates for the August 23 national elections. Martin Matinyanya and Maureen Nyemba are representing the party in the Mbare and Southerton constituencies, respectively. These two constituencies, like many others in Harare Metropolitan Province and other urban areas, have been controlled by the opposition since the year 2000. 

The opposition accuses the ruling ZANU PF party of meddling in the affairs of local government authorities led by the opposition, resulting in a lack of service delivery. The opposition alleges that ZANU PF is attempting to impinge upon service delivery to manipulate the electorate into voting for the ruling party. However, ZANU PF claims that it is merely exercising its oversight role, as expected of the Ministry of Local Government. These accusations and counter-accusations have led to a breakdown in cooperation between the ruling party and the opposition-led local government authorities, resulting in a lack of service delivery in many urban areas. Zimbabwe is scheduled to hold harmonised elections on August 23, 2023. 

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kovid · 1 year ago
But Zanu bo wani
nhema unadzo · 1 year ago
zanu ndeyenhema idzo ichokwadi ini hangu ndinoti zanu its black devil
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Debhiritating claim.....!
Kule Kule · 1 year ago
Toda Mukomana chete chete
Anonymous · 1 year ago
It's 50/50 guys it might win
rarara · 1 year ago
Nembudziya Mashame poor road the wo rd poor rikava nani pane 40km u, pay 6dollars bus ,,,Ma MP ezanu councilers ZANU Chiwenga uwukura vanhu to tarisai zviripoh
Manyuchi · 1 year ago
you are all to blame, sick of this blame game politics
Soro jena · 1 year ago
Am not a politician but I do think Ccc it's a ZanuPf project. those guys are not there to rule but there are there for money.. I think Job Zikhala ndiye anoda kutonga but gap racho ndoraasina .Chamisa haana direction se weti yekuseni .Anokufurirai mukapinda busy iye ari safe hake tarirai last election zvaakaita so be wise dint be used. used. vote and wait for results ,no violence hakusi ku Sudan kuno hatide noise kana matadza kutonga join them musazoite noise isina basa .Hapana achakupa basa tanga kutengesa madomasi nhasi uone kuti hauna basa here samirire promise dzenhema hakuna
Mafiro kureva · 1 year ago
Poor general 43 yrs rural areas roads are so bad eg gokwe nembudziya, cholocho, etc all zanupf run council are badly run no development.zimbabwe hapana nzvimbo yakabudirira the whole country is in bad shape and mazanu muchigona why cry babies her masactions iyezvino ma china apedza minerals no benefit for ordinary zimbabwean.Zimbabwean are educated they know who is responsible for the rot.Da maigona tingadai tisina currencyy inotenga.Chiwenga we are beginning to doubt how you got promoteion to the General in the army. Civil servants army included are wallowing in abject poverty while only the elite is lining their pockets.You are rehabilitation air ports which is used by less than 1% of the population what is that kana tisina zvokutaura ngatinyararei.People are watching.Musawhanende nechimunwe.You spent the rest of your life working for govt and retire a pauper toti tinongotonga God is watching.
sad emoji1
muswee · 1 year ago
unotoshama kuti kuchine **** yemunhu inoda kuhwanda nekuporongwa kwaitwa nyika naED pfeee neZanu yakaora. Chinhu chinoitwa zvekupfekerwa hachishande chinongoda kubviswa sekupfeeeekerwa kwachakaitwa. Imotokari ngani dzemapurisa nekushanda kwavanoita asi yezanu ichifamba nemunhu one mapurisa achifamba netsoka. Zvimwe nyarayi mhani.
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
I ask to differ from former army commander Cnstantino Guvheya Chiwenga. He is missing the point. [ MA ZANU PF NGAAPIWE DORO VAROVE VANA MAI VAVO ] Zimbabwe constitution must be amended. The position now is unworkable. If a certain council is run by an opposition, and the Minister comes from the ruling party, the Minister may sabotage the council. This is exactly what is happening at this material time. THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Heal The World!! · 1 year ago
Make Zimbabwe a better place stop politicking when people are dying. How do you pacify the restless civil service and the urban poor?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
......and he also blames sanctions for the overall rot in the country 😂😂😂😂 Zimbabwe is some country for sure
at gg you're such a horrific disgrace · 1 year ago
f .o.ol at gg and your colleague fugu
gg · 1 year ago
The opposition is a failure. If they are being made useless by Zanu why dont they give up these local authorities
Sorojena · 1 year ago
The problem in Zimbabwe is that we are having an elite opposition masquerading as a ruling party whilst the real ruling party is denied access to the reigns by a partisan state apparatus of power. The apparatus have declared allegiance and loyalty the ruling opposition party. That's the reason why Zanu pf always play opposition polititics and they are fully aware that the opposition is the ruling party. Analysing the Zim politics , it's clear that Chamisa is the president but with a silent 'p'.
Zhang taaa · 1 year ago
nxaa tsek ndosaka wakaitwa spare while naED nekupata kwaro ....tamba nevanenjere Chiwenga usapusa haumbofi wakatonga nyika yatoenda neMukomana musi wa23 kkkk
Sorojena · 1 year ago
I blame July Moyo both for rural and urban rot.. it's counterproductive for a sitting govt to bar opposition for appointment in the cabinet. For example the ministry of local govt is dominated by the opposition, it's common sense that the opposition heads the ministry, but because of selfishness, the ruling party minister appointed won't do anything than throwing spanners on the work of a?n otherwise devoted opposition leadership. July Moyo is the rot. A successful govt is where the ruling party has a cordial relationship with the opposition and civic organization's
Jah🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
At times i asked myself, why do we repair roads yearly when we still have Smith's roads to date? Cowdray Park is only a few years old but repairs after repairs 🤔 We need to save as a nation by fixing roads to go for ages...
Hwisiri · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Chiwenga akavhuka nekukwiiira mukadzi wake Yellowbone ndosaka akutaurisa pese pese
doug · 1 year ago
Being a sovereign state which is free to do what it wants with the country and citizens, they should just make it a one party state so they do what they want, instead of the citizens being used as political footballs in a continuous match of ruling Vs opposition.
Zanu yawora · 1 year ago
U re ruling but u blame the opposition for everything saka murikuvuma kuti opposition ndiyo yakabata maKeys to a better future.
Pumura · 1 year ago
43yrs of gross incompetence and blaming the opposition
genararo · 1 year ago
Finance ministry has blocked Harare city council from billing in US$,Genararo musafunga nema ga ro
Ninja · 1 year ago
We are now sick n tired of this blame game
Gudoguru · 1 year ago
ndiyeuye wekunyepa kuti swimming pools kumatapi in 2018
Zuze · 1 year ago
We don't listen to a person who read prepared speeches.
Nigga · 1 year ago
Debhiritating should shut his shi.t hole and tend to giving his curvy b .itch orgazim 😁
· 1 year ago
jimo · 1 year ago
good comment wagona
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
We as Zimbabweans, we blame Genarari for masterminding the Coup which is brings more suffering and oppression
ini zvangu · 1 year ago
Ko kumaruwa kwakazara ma Councillors eZanupf kune development ipi kusara kwe nzira yezvikochikari/ngoro
coni · 1 year ago
inharo dza chiwenga but truth be told no one will vote zanu only imbecile people will do vote NELSON CHAMISA this time we need change
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
bika doro
zanu Pf · 1 year ago
****wo iwewe unongofunga kubika doro, kasi vakadzidza nemari yedoro. Inharo kukuudza chokwadi chisingadambure hukama hapana munhu achada zanu pf kana handa yembwa kunze kwako une t shirt yezanu zvega
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
asi zanu ino winner zvakadaro. 10+4=40
Netsai · 1 year ago
isu tinongoti 5+1=6 million

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