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HomeCrime and Courts

Fake Abduction Case: Mamombe And Chimbiri Acquitted

1 year agoWed, 05 Jul 2023 10:38:26 GMT
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Fake Abduction Case: Mamombe And Chimbiri Acquitted

Joanna Mamombe, a lawmaker for the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), and party activist Cecilia Chimbiri have been acquitted by the High Court in a case where they were accused of publishing falsehoods.

The women were charged following a 2020 incident where they claimed to have been abducted and tortured by suspected state agents. The activists were arrested at a police roadblock after staging a flash anti-government demonstration in Warren Park, Harare. Mamombe and Chimbiri, together with Netsai Marova who has since fled the country, were put in police custody at Harare Central Police Station. However, they were later discovered injured and soiled in Bindura, 70km outside Harare, after their friends and party raised an alarm about their disappearance.

The state accused them of lying about their abduction to harm the government’s reputation, arguing that CCTV footage showed them in Belgravia during the time they claimed to have been abducted. Authorities, however, did not explain how the trio escaped from police custody.

In court, Joanna Mamombe and Cecilia Chimbiri’s lawyer, Alec Muchadehama, accused the State of punishing his clients due to the hype their case received on social media. The women were acquitted after appealing against magistrate Vongai Guuriro Muchuchuti’s ruling that they had a case to answer and should proceed to a defence hearing.

In delivering the ruling, High Court judge Justice Priscilla Munangati Manongwa said the lower court had erred in failing to discharge the women at the close of the State’s case. The judge criticised the State’s case, saying it was marred with malice and falsehoods. The judge also highlighted that it was unconstitutional and against the principles of the court to push the applicants into a defence case to supplement the inadequacies of the State’s case and hope that in the process they incriminate themselves. The judge ordered the women’s discharge at the close of the State’s case.

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The judge ruled that the State’s case was marred with malice and falsehoods and that the women should be found not guilty and acquitted at the close of the State case.

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cde hondo · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Leave politics girls , it is hard and painfull
zxie · 1 year ago
mababei manyama
Anonymous · 1 year ago
State organized abductions of opponents exposed...
Anonymous · 1 year ago
State organized abductions are real under zanupf...
Patriot · 1 year ago
zviri kungoitirwa ma elections bedzi esp ma foreign observers. Soon Sikhala will be out.
Chanib · 1 year ago
Ndosaka vakatiroyera president we nyika, tikaguruma mumwe
tino · 1 year ago
*NPA vows to appeal High Court’s acquittal of abducted CCC activists* HARARE – The legal battle of two CCC activists who claimed to have been abducted and tortured by state agents in 2020 is not over yet. The National Prosecuting Authorty (NPA) has decided to appeal the High Court's ruling that acquitted Joana Mamombe and Cecilia Chimbiri of publishing falsehoods. The two women, along with another activist Netsai Marova who has since fled the country, were arrested after participating in an anti-government protest in Harare. They alleged that they were kidnapped from police custody, taken to a remote location and subjected to horrific abuse. Their case drew international attention and condemnation, but the government accused them of lying to tarnish its reputation. After three years of court appearances, they were finally cleared of the charges by the High Court, which found no evidence to support the state's case. However, the NPA is not satisfied with the outcome and has announced that it will challenge the judgment. It argues that the High Court judge made a serious error by interfering with the ongoing proceedings in the lower court and terminating them without justification. It also claims that the judgment violated the High Court Act and the precedent that requires another judge to concur before a decision is made. The NPA believes that another court would reach a different conclusion based on the same facts and hopes to overturn the acquittal of Mamombe and Chimbiri. The two activists will have to face more legal hurdles in their quest for justice.
zvesebho · 1 year ago
kkkkkk guys dakubvunza. fugu pfee ndiye fugu ndee hre 😂😂😂😂😂
Chaka · 1 year ago
Zvichibatsirei kuita notebook remazita. Ndivo vanhu vanoseta alarm pane vanhu kuti vanzi vamborecivawo
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
takasiyana. pana fugu na fuku. fugu pfee and fuku ndee
Zuze · 1 year ago
Ndiye futi anonzi PK, Firimoni Kamporo kana kuti Philemon Kambiro.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
No @zvesebhoo Vakasiyana Fugu pfee ndiFirimoni Kambiro kana kuti PK 😂😂😂😂
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
anonymous na zuze mindiziwa chokwadi. 😂😂😂😂 surrend. but muri vana bhambi zvenyu.
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
At least here and there we now have accused persons who are being acquitted by our courts. [ ZANU PF IS A PARTY WHICH IS NOT FOR THE COUNTRY, NOT FOR THE PEOPLE AND NOT FOR THE LAW ] Its government has captured courts. Magistrates and Judges are now realising that it is against tenents of the the law to be captured. This case was very porous from the beginning. Police General Headquarters admitted that they had arrested the three women before CID denied having arrested them. But Police failed to explain how the vehicle they were driving got into their yard at Harare Central Police Station. This is my story and l leave it here. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ]
Anonymous · 1 year ago
If they did not fake the abductions and torture it then follows that they were actually abducted and tortured It then should follow that the perpetrators must be brought to book but with our partisan and captured judiciary I don't think this is going to happen
Anonymous · 1 year ago
If these ladies did not fake the abductions then it means they were actually abducted and tortured It then follows that who ever did it must be brought to book but I doubt if this will ever happen in a country like ours
Zuze · 1 year ago
That Sir is the truth and your conclusion is right on the button.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ka die forward💀💀🗡️
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
They should now sue the state for the abduction and torture
cloe · 1 year ago
the humiliation these ladies go through is not good at all I encourage them to sue those tyrants
They should investigate throughly similar cases of abductions by suspected state security agents.
Zuze · 1 year ago
You think if they pay lip service to the abduction and disappearance of Itai Dzamara, they would want to incriminate themselves by investigating such matters? We know Whodunnit and for self preservation we shut up. Otherwise you become the next disappearance.
coni · 1 year ago
iam waiting to hear from zanupf what they are going to say about this woe to zanupf tsepete tsepete Pana Chamisa ipapo ipapo ngaapinde hake MKOMANA
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Now the state must be made to pay substantial compensation, and the liars jailed for 6 years
. · 1 year ago
unconstitutional, against principles, marred with malice & judge knows how to describe the state

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