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Govt Says It Has Allocated US$30 Million To COTTCO

1 year agoThu, 13 Jul 2023 11:37:25 GMT
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Govt Says It Has Allocated US$30 Million To COTTCO

The Government says it has injected US$30 million into the Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (COTTCO) to enable the company to buy raw cotton from farmers.

The cotton selling season opened in May but COTTCO has been struggling to pay farmers for their product.

COTTCO chairperson Sifelani Jabangwe told The Sunday Mail that the US$30 million will enable the firm to cover outstanding payments. He said:

We are pleased to announce that, following yesterday’s (Tuesday) Cabinet meeting, our company has been allocated a total of US$30 million to buy cotton from farmers.

Prior to this meeting, we were facing challenges to make payments to our farmers because our coffers had just 40 percent of the total amount required to pay for the total deliveries to be made during this season.

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Zimbabwe Farmers Union (ZFU) director Paul Zakariya said farmers welcome Government’s intervention.

Cotton Producers and Marketers Association chairman Stewart Mubonderi, said:

The delay of payments to the farmers was a major challenge. We hope that from this new financial injection, we will see a great improvement.

Farmers were ending up doing side marketing because they will be in need of money while the proper channel was not forthcoming with payments.

We hope all these will be the things of the past and hope COTTCO will ensure a smooth flow of payments throughout all channels.

To date, 54 000 tonnes of cotton worth US$80 million have been delivered, against the target of 96 000 tonnes.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
USD30 million availed for LOOTING.............ndikawanewo "cut" here...
Zuze · 1 year ago
Vaakuvhara yakabiwa naWadyajena and Maxmore Njanji (ZANU candidate for Mazowe Constituency), at the taxpayers expense. ZANU soooooo 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
aaaa · 1 year ago
Nzungu dzirikutobhadzara pane kurima chirimwa chisingabhadhare apa chine rebha kuchirima
aaaa · 1 year ago
haaa ichi chirimwa hachirimwe nemunhu anonyatso funga
chirimwa chevanhu vasinga funge · 1 year ago
ska imi zvamuno funga munorimeiko nhai sabhuku
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
This late payment discourages other farmers who drops growing cotton in favour of growing tobacco. [ VOTE FOR CHAMISA CHETE CHETE FOR REAL CHANGE/SHANDUKO ].The USD 30 million is not enough. It may pay for cotton which been delivered This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
· 1 year ago
Taura hako handisati ndamboona munhu anorima cotton anonyatsofunga inorimwa neMapositori ekwaMarange
pm · 1 year ago
cotton ya mayor wadyadyena pa gokwe ipapo

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