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Nigerian Journalist Detained And Deported From Zimbabwe After 10-Hour Ordeal

1 year agoSat, 22 Jul 2023 07:32:12 GMT
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Nigerian Journalist Detained And Deported From Zimbabwe After 10-Hour Ordeal

David Hundeyin, an award-winning Nigerian journalist, was detained for over 10 hours at Harare Airport in Zimbabwe before being deported from the country.

Hundeyin had arrived in Zimbabwe from Ghana, where he had sought asylum for political persecution in his country. He was denied entry due to improper documentation, despite using the travel document of a country with a visa-free relationship. The Nigerian journalist tweeted on 19 July:

I landed in Zimbabwe earlier [today], and I have been detained at Harare Airport inside a smelly locked room for nearly 7 hours. They said that despite using the travel document of a country with a visa-free relationship, my nationality is still Nigerian, and thus, I need a visa.

I’ve been allowed to use the loo for the first time in 10 hours, and I’ve been assured that I will be allowed to catch my exit flight. I will keep updating until I board and have my passport returned to me.

Hundeyin’s detention and deportation sparked criticism on social media, with Hopewell Chin’ono, an award-winning journalist of Zimbabwean origin, calling out the Zimbabwean government. Chin’ono said:

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The journalist you are detaining at the airport is the African journalist of the year for 2020. He is a big journalist in Nigeria and not a chancer.

In response, Nick Mangwana, a senior Zimbabwean government official, stated that Hundeyin had entered Zimbabwe with Ghanaian refugee papers claiming to be a Nigerian who was a refugee from his home country. Mangwana said that Hundeyin’s story was unsatisfactory to the immigration authorities and he was not considered a candidate for entry into Zimbabwe. Mangwana said:

Since he has chosen to put all his issues out without making full disclosure, it forces us to give details we would have preferred not. But we realize this may affect how Zimbabweans are treated when they visit Nigeria so we are going give the information here. David came with Ghanaian Refuge papers claiming he was a Nigerian who was a refuge from his home country. His country of Asylum is Ghana after claiming to be running away from persecution in Nigeria. People in this category certainly need Visas to enter Zimbabwe. He wasn’t coming in to work as a journalist. He said he was just coming to visit but without getting a Visa in Ghana first. Other parts of his story were also unsatisfactory to the immigration authorities. He was considered not a candidate for entry into Zimbabwe.

Hundeyin later reported the matter to the Ghanaian government.

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AKAYZ · 1 year ago
Ava vemhete pazheve ivo vari varume hatidi kana kuvaona muno muZimbabwe. Ngakuuye vanhu kwavo. Ngochani NOOO!!! Hatidi kupandutsigwa vana vedu. Uyo ngaaende hake.
pj · 1 year ago
iwe Hopewell gara pasi zvekuti ndi Journalist of the 2020 zvinebasa rei munhu kana atyora mitemo tata lo. Unoda kutsvaga mbiriwo zvisizvo
nangisai magura · 1 year ago
vana hope,zveku winner ndezvake ikoko and harisi visa rekuti anoita loiter around without proper documents,
cid · 1 year ago
Aendeswa ku Nigeria or Ghana
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The Law applies to Everyone whether journalist or Jonolist. Zva Chin'ono Hopeless zvdkuti is a big journalist ha**** basa mutemo mutemo. Kunyange dai aive nobody zvaingoitwa. Iye Hoperesi akanga amusheedza ngaaende ikoko., idzo mhete kunge madhikauzi kkkkk
huchi murume uyu · 1 year ago
..... · 1 year ago
Tumwe tuma journos to konzeresa munyika Idzo mhete munhurumwe nyangwe iriswag its Gayish and has no room muZim I hate mhete idzo ku varume Surely can you really call yourself representing ne earing kana earings It's not a journos dressing unless kana achi cover zvechi**** **** Zvino vahwinhisa ma awards without hesitation
.. · 1 year ago
**** this Zimbabwean people need visa to go anywhere," why him if we trespass in any country without an actual visa of our destination' their GVt sue Zim n interrogate takes place first maybe it will last for 3-4 months for us to be deported. but for then all work easy
cde hondo · 1 year ago
to win war against drugs and fake money lets chuck out all ilegal imigrants from nigeria
bishu · 1 year ago
since you were running away from Nigeria wakaona zvakakodzera kuzozororera muZIMBABWE hanty wakadii wagara kuGHANA ikoko, zimbabwe is not a safe haven for terrorists you are an agent for bokoharam
Chihururamatamba · 1 year ago
Hatidi vanhu veJuju neMboko Haram muno. KuSouth Africa vanopisa neNecklace yematayi emota. Hundeyin uyu akatobatwa zvakanaka muno uyu. Nigeria Nyika yake chaiyo yakamushungurudza kusvika atizira kuGhana. Kuda kuuya kuzonyora **** pamusoro pemaElections eZimbabwe vachibatsirana naHopewell Chi****. kuNigeria maElections akabirirwa vanhu vakaurawa asi Zimbabwe haina kumbotaura mashoko akaipa. Ngaatange atsvaga maChibok Girls ari kuitwa vakadzi neBoko Haram...
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
bokoharam iyo masquarading as a journalist. makanzwaka kuti muzimbabwe mabuda oil ne gas, uyowo chingonono i****, big journalist ikoko kwete kuno,

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