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Reserve Bank Of Zimbabwe Owes Over $4bn For Goods And Services

1 year agoSat, 22 Jul 2023 06:52:50 GMT
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Reserve Bank Of Zimbabwe Owes Over $4bn For Goods And Services

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe owes more than $4 billion to banks and companies, including commodities giant Trafigura Group and South African Airways, for fuel, corn, and other goods and services.

Private credit has saved Zimbabwe’s economy from total collapse, according to John Mangudya, the central bank’s governor. He told Bloomberg:

The creditors were supplying Zimbabwe in good faith, supplying things like fuel in advance, which was consumed by Zimbabweans. It’s only right that the country repays.

Trafigura is Zimbabwe’s second-largest private creditor, owed $66 million, behind Holbud, which is owed $85 million. SAA is owed $61 million for airline services. Mangudya expects the recent appreciation of the Zimbabwean dollar against the greenback to continue, which should alleviate pricing pressures.

John Mangudya expects the recent appreciation of the Zimbabwean dollar against the US dollar to continue, which he believes will alleviate pricing pressures. He also expects to see negative month-on-month inflation in July.

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The central bank’s quasi-fiscal activities have been criticised by the International Monetary Fund, which has urged authorities to end them. Zimbabwe cannot access credit from international financial institutions as it is already $17 billion in arrears. Zimbabwe’s Treasury plans to seek lawmaker approval to assume the central bank’s external obligations.

Former Finance Minister Tendai Biti is also on record criticising the central government for off-budget spending such as subsidies, loan guarantees, and tax exemptions, as well as the accumulation of off-budget debts or other financial obligations and sidelining of Parliament in key economic policy decisions. Biti argues that laws affecting the economy have mostly been made through Statutory Instruments and the Presidential Powers (Temporary Measures) Act, bypassing the role of Parliament. He argues that Parliament should take back its powers to act on policies that affect the economy to prevent negative consequences for millions of people, particularly pensioners. 

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Pipiro · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
Saka tirikuenda kwatirikubva if so, hope Mayweather haazotiwo we owe him 🤔
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
The people who benefited from the farm inputs and mechanization schemes are alive and making more money from the loans as we speak. Why does gvt want to adopt the debt while the beneficiaries are there and can repay the loans. One reason. The major beneficiaries are the people in parliament, the people in zanupf leadership and those in gvt. Poor Jah people have to foot the bill for their luxury life styles,
master bates · 1 year ago
master baiters of note !
! · 1 year ago
. · 1 year ago

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