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CCC Parliamentary Candidate, Ereck Gono, Crowdsources For Campaign Funds

1 year agoMon, 24 Jul 2023 14:05:04 GMT
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CCC Parliamentary Candidate, Ereck Gono, Crowdsources For Campaign Funds

CCC candidate for the Lobengula-Magwegwe National Assembly constituency in the upcoming general elections, Ereck Gono, is asking for funds from the party’s supporters for his campaign.

Gono has set up an online campaign to solicit funds from well-wishers to purchase campaign material. 

In an interview with CITE’s Senzeni Ncube, Gono said candidates have been raising their own funds due to financial challenges in the party. He said;

Because of financial challenges caused by the failed regime, we must self-fund the campaign for change.

Whilst we have a few resources that we set aside all along, it’s not enough to sustain the whole campaign.

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We need money for t-shirts, flyers, banners, and to sustain our campaign teams and also get polling agents at stations.

Our friends and relatives in the diaspora who want to donate can do so. It accommodates even those who might want to help our campaign but don’t have a lot of money.

Gono said people can donate as little as US$5. He said he has so far raised US$250 for his campaign.

More: Pindula News



she devil · 1 year ago
ko iyo zanu zvaisina machallenges emari chii chairi kuitira nyika kunze kokuibira for 43 years
Murozvi mkuru · 1 year ago
ko vanokutorera pa salary yako vasina kumbokuudza munoti kudii navo
🤔🤨 · 1 year ago
Yaa mhani, ndosaka compaign trail iyi iri inconsistence, bag hakuna zveshuwa, they tried kupemha ku Jozi, I think 🤔 varikumanikidza Ko vanodii kukwereta havo ED Inga nguruve unoikanga ne mafuta ayo Apa kungoitira democracy chete, Vakuru vedu vakuitei White wash mozozviona next elections
Zvinhi Zvacho · 1 year ago
Ko anoshaya mari sei iye ane surname yaGidhiyoni Gono. Ko maForty thousand vakaisepi vanhu ava? Ko ngavashandise dzavakapihwa manje manje kuParanende. Inga makanzuru ari muhutongi hweCCC. Pavanotengesa mastand zvehuwori vanodii kuisa inwe mari yekukambenesa parutivi? Haa zvinhu zvacho.
cloe · 1 year ago
yaa vanombunyikidza tirikuvaziva ndeva ed their days are numbered nonsense hogwash misoro bhangu ngaapinde hake MKOMANA zvake
kloe · 1 year ago
at anonymous and unknown kana musina help yamunayo nyararai isu tine mari tifande musangano iwe kana une bp usina mari isu tinadzo mari uye atina bp ye e creator so we will support Ereck apinde hake MKOMANA
Mpunduru waCloe · 1 year ago
@Kroe. Une mari ipiko iwe usina kana Bundle. Unotonzwira news paPindula yemahara, ndiyo yega Internet access yaunayo. Uno Funder ani iwe usina kana yeData Bundle? maCCC be honest with yourselves kamwechete zvako. Mukomana akaita zvinhu zvakapirongeka, zvisina kurongeka.
unknown · 1 year ago
😂😂😂 zvatanga kusanyara kudopega hanzi kutangira paUS$5, mubvunzo wangu kwamuri honourable ndewekuti ko ndikaitawo kaproblem kangu kumba muchandibatsirawo nei kana imwi makutsvaka mari kwatiri kut mupinde muOffice
anonymous · 1 year ago
apa ndine bp yeEcreator ndonzwa rimwe dho-ti richiti ndipeiwo mari yekuCampaigner,ndopaunowona kut senyika hapana kwatiri kuenda
baba two · 1 year ago
asi zvikumanikidzwa here arikukumbira haasi kumanikidza munhu vanomanikidza munovaziva wani
The Citizen Chamisa Church (CCC) is highly disorganised. Now they are asking for Tithes & Offerings from their impoverished blind congregents. All this party insolvency & confusion is Chamisa's fault. No sane donor will find "Strange Ambiguity" where there are no accountability mechanisms such as a constitution & elected office bearers. The CCC has no Treasurer, no Finance Committee & no bank account. Amature Candidates were imposed by Chamisa at the last minute, leaving little time for fundraising, healing & reconciliation. If Chamisa could be dishonest, cruel & unjust to his own candidates who laboured hard doing Mugwazo since last year, mobilising for him only to be dishonestly eliminated - then why should he be trusted by outsiders? Apart from blaming ZANU PF for everything, the CCC has no real campaign message & nothing to offer. Is this how Chamisa hopes to run Zimbabwe - doing everything secretly, at the last minute & single-handedly like Somandla Ndebele? Since January 2022 why was the Citizen Chamisa Church not fundraising? Chamisa was busy building a narcissistic Church-like petsonality cult around himself instead of formalising his party to make it accountable & attractive to local & international donors. "Strange Ambiguity" will definitely lose in the end.
roger voe · 1 year ago
What exactly do you want you faz project people? Any funding for CCC from outside the country not allowed if they asked from well-wishers from within the country you have bad feelings about them; please come out?
Kaffirson · 1 year ago
Wapedza here?
...... · 1 year ago
much ado about nothing, iko kuzoisa ma paragraph
Former ZINASU · 1 year ago
CCC ine mapofu zveshuwa. If you point out their errors they are so defensive & impervious to logic. Kuipa kweZANU PF is not justification for dixtatorship & confusion in CCC. I used to support Chamisa until I notice his dictatorial style of leadership senge Mugabe. Takazvitaura pama WhatsApp groups eCCC kuti please formalise the party in time, so that Office Bearers can start the work of fundraising & campaigning. Zvikanzi maZANU nemaCIO ndiwo anoda kuti CCC iite Constitution. Apo I had provided them with my lorry as transport to the launch held at Zimgrounds in Highfields. Ndakabva ndangubuda mazviri ndikati regai vaite ivo vanoziva kudarika tese. Nekushanda kwandaiita muMDC yaTsvangirai ndoona party isina democracy yekuita Congress zvayo.

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