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CCC Candidates Shouldn't Subcontract Their Responsibilities To Citizens, Says Chin'ono

1 year agoTue, 25 Jul 2023 11:11:40 GMT
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CCC Candidates Shouldn't Subcontract Their Responsibilities To Citizens, Says Chin'ono

Journalist Hopewell Chin’ono has challenged opposition CCC party candidates to be on the ground mobilising and educating potential voters as well as fundraising for their campaign.

Chon’ono said it would be counterproductive for opposition candidates to sit back and relax saying the economy is campaigning for them. He said:

The most important things in the 2023 elections are Money, Voters’ Roll and Polling Agents.

The opposition leader Nelson Chamisa said he has Money (for) and Polling Agents.

As long as he has polling agents, he has won more than half of the battle to reduce rigging significantly.

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The problem is with the Voters’ Roll.

What happens if a voter gets to the polling station on August 23 and their name is not on the polling station voters roll?

That is why voters must check their names when the local Voters Roll is released on the 2nd of August, without which they can be disenfranchised.

Now this is key, the nonsense that citizens must do their part is a statement by political amateurs who have never studied human and political behavior.

The one who wants the vote the most is the candidate, he or she is the one who has to fight and also educate the electorate and cajole them.

You should not have put yourself forward to be a candidate if you knew that you didn’t have the capacity to do what needs to be done, in other words, you are a chancer and opportunist, especially for the ones in urban areas.

For years I have been telling Nelson Chamisa to avoid candidates who only ride on his popularity, they must have their own brand locally and be able to mobilize, educate and fundraise.

I spent the last 5 years doing rap and educational videos on voter mobilization not because the youths didn’t know that they must vote, but because I understood human behavior and politics.

They needed to be encouraged and educated and reminded, that is how politics works even in first world countries.

Another silly idea is to assume that you don’t have to campaign because the economy is campaigning for the opposition, it is a ridiculous proposition.

You campaign to educate the masses about why they are poor, why they don’t have hospitals, how the corruption is done and how you intend to change that. Kuvasimbisa/ukubanika ukuzethemba.

ZANU PF pumps sanctions propaganda daily, that needs to be exposed and debunked.

So whilst the citizens can assist in every way they can, the candidates are the frontline warriors for this battle.

They shouldn’t subcontract their responsibilities to citizens.

The citizen’s number ONE job is to go and vote, that is what they should always be reminded to do by the candidates!

More: Pindula News



Mr-Quicks · 1 year ago
haaaa uyu anonzi hopewell iyo .....haana basa uyu .we are to vote for Chamisa and ccc crew
HURUNGWERE · 1 year ago
@Mr-Quak. Dzidzai kuteerera nekutambira chokwadi. Hopewell ari kutaura zvinovaka. Voting alone is not enough no matter how popular the Candidate is. Without enough money there will be no Polling agents at all polling stations. Poor & unpaid Polling Agents can be bribed or bought. Candidates should do their part & not just wait to win because they have Chamisa's face on their posters. Hopewell is goid communicator & excellent Fundraiser. Dai CCC yakatonutora kumupa Constituency aitoita a better Job than the likes of Markham, Hlatshwayo, Sithole & many other puerile candidates that were impossed through cheating at the last minute...
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Journalist Hopewell Chin'ono is correct that ward candidates and constituency candidates must work hard to preach the gospel of CCC Political Party. [ TISAVHOTERE MBAVHA ZVEKARE IDZO DZINOVANZA CORRUPTION MUMA SANCTIONS ] Poling agents are some of the not important people in the elections matrix. In 2018, CCC Political Party failed to field 15% of their constituencies, thus creating a big loophole. Candidates must sacrifice and kill their own livestock to feed poling agents on the day in question so that they do not get attracted with what ZANU PF is doing for its poling agents. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
*well said* · 1 year ago
u just nailed itand so did Hopewell.
Dr Proffesor Big head · 1 year ago
Just a compliment my fellow Citizens. Look at the picture and see how beautiful and handsome these people look, they shine so bright and speak of hope compared to dirty, stinking and vegabond ZANUpf pictures brim with corrupt and angry faces . I am the Proffesor and I speak nothing but the truth. Vote were I vote, CCC for ZIMBABWE. DR Proffesor Big head PhD in Social science
Form 3 · 1 year ago
Ccc ka pressure group ke nherera kanopemha rubatsiro
Mr Quicks · 1 year ago
haaa imi munongo gwauta vanh u vakutambura uchingotiii heee chamisa this chamisa wat taura kaaa zva Dougie wenyu
bishu · 1 year ago
hatina basa newe Hopewell 'chimuko chetsambara mafuta' go hang yourself
FBI boss · 1 year ago
Thumbs up
HURUNGWERE · 1 year ago
Thumbs up to @DaddyHope indeed. Sadly, chokwadi chakadai chovengesa nekutikisa nevanhu veCCC. Money wins elections that's why it was foolhardy to eliminate seasoned party administrators like Biti who helped Tsvangirai to win the 2008 elections. It was also ridiculous or ambiguous to refuse a constitution, stractures & office bearers. For exempla, a Treasurer, Secretary General & a Finance Committee would have done a fine job of fundraising, had Chamisa not been a self-centered Snollygoster politician who wants to do everything by himself. But alas. Everyone who advised him properly was labelled a Zanu Pf infiltrator. Many competent & talented CCC cadres went silent for fear of being labelled. They watched while Chamisa imposed his "Strange Ambuguity" which caused all this chaos by impossing incompetent candidates with no political experience & no funding networks. Most CCC Candidates are not even campaigning for themselves. Many don't even have posters and flyers. Unpaid Polling Agents can be easily bought. I find Chamisa's Totalitarian style of leadership strange considering that he claims to be a pastor & a demi-crat.

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