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Current Voters' Roll A "Crime Scene", Says Biti

1 year agoTue, 25 Jul 2023 08:25:10 GMT
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Current Voters' Roll A "Crime Scene", Says Biti

Harare East MP, Tendai Biti (CCC), has described the voters’ roll availed by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) as a “crime scene” demanding an urgent national audit by all political parties.

Biti said the current voters’ roll cannot be used to conduct a credible election.

He was commenting on a tweet by Team Pachedu, who had alleged that there are more than 10 000 national identity numbers (IDs) on the 2023 voters’ roll that were previously used by completely different people during the 2002-2008 elections. Said Biti:

The current voters’ roll is not fit for a burial society election. It is a crime scene.

There must be an urgent national audit of this roll signed off by all political parties.

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Zimbabwe cannot be led into an occult travesty masquerading as an election. 23 August must be a real election.

Some CCC candidates recently claimed that the voters’ roll is not searchable nor analysable saying it is in small font and in PDF format which does not allow a comprehensive search.

However, ZEC chief elections officer Utloile Silaigwana said that the voters’ roll met the provision of the Electoral Act and was searchable and analysable.

He said the Electoral Act “permits the commission to format the voters’ roll to prevent it from being altered or tampered with”.

More: Pindula News



Big · 1 year ago
Ndokusaka mukomana asisakude hauna dama.
Big · 1 year ago
Ndokusaka mukomana asikude haunadama
Observer · 1 year ago
A poll carried out in the rural areas showed CCC at 63%and zanupf at 32%. The people know who to vote for.
. · 1 year ago
biti mamunyanyira
bishu · 1 year ago
🤔🤨 · 1 year ago
Biti haasisina remuromo Angova bhogi anongohukura chero mumvuri wake, Apa ku tsvaga revelence chete, Zwake zvakasu kupedzwa na Rusty humour yake now, an archaic product not even a trash can keep that anymore
haha · 1 year ago
biti u always buff ndosaka chamisa ari kuda kukutsveta..unogara uchida kumupikisa
baha · 1 year ago
biti u always buff ndoasaka cuamisa ari kuda kukutsveta
pj · 1 year ago
zanu chete chete
DR Proffesor Big head · 1 year ago
Look you ZANU pf infidel, you might love and Worship ZANUpf more than yourself but bare with me now ,ZANUpf is twisting your empty head, brainwashing your weak 5 senses and oppressing your entire future. Give me 1 reason why you support ZANU pf and benefits you've attained in these past 43years . Your parents wardrobe is empty but with 2 T shirts of ED ,2 ZANUpf Caps and a ZANUpf Cloth. That's what your mother and your father possess so far and you can't even afford to buy them any clothes including those Bales. You are weak, poor and almost insane. Your future is on the edge of demise and you live on hand outs to the extent of vouching and praising other man. You don't have balls and you need to visit a Shrink like me for Physiological help. I am the Proffesor and Vote were I vote CCC for ZIMBABWE. DR Proffesor Big head PhD in Social science
soldier · 1 year ago
tell them Prof
........ · 1 year ago
@Dr professor big...... HEADMESTEER Ideology Prof, kusapfeka kana kupfeka asi kana uri smartphone kufunga you don't just blirt nekuti uripa Pindula Ihwohu professor hwacho wo wakati kuita write off ku Ingutsheni hospital uyu Chinyi so chinyadzi chemumabhawa mwaka uno uyu Kupererwa here Prof musoro uzere wet
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
fake professor usati zvekwenyu ndozviri kwedu. vabereki wako ndovane empty wardrobe sakeyi uchiwengav zanu pf nekuda kwehusimbe hwako. zanu pf haisi yenyope

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