
Govt Says Only 65 CCC Rallies Were Banned By Police, Mahere Says 101 Have Been Barred

Govt Says Only 65 CCC Rallies Were Banned By Police, Mahere Says 101 Have Been Barred

The Government has said from January to July 2023, CCC had 345 of its political gatherings approved while ZANU PF has 1 351 notifications also approved.

Addressing diplomatic missions accredited to Zimbabwe and observer missions for the harmonised elections preparedness, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Major General (Rtd) Dr Gerald Gwinji, claimed that from 1 January 2023 up to 10 July, political parties filed close to 2 000 notifications. He said:

Since January 2023, operational districts across the country are maintaining registers relating to all notifications and intentions to hold public meetings made by political parties.

During this period, different political parties have notified the police of their gatherings and some of them met the legal requirement while some could not.

The police have received a total of 1 437 notifications from ZANU PF of which 1351 were compliant, whilst 86 were not compliant as a result they could not proceed.

The CCC filed 410 notifications, 345 of these were compliant whilst the remaining 65 were not.

The MDC had 30 notifications out of which 23 were compliant; other political parties put together a total of 89 notifications and 80 were found to be compliant.

However, CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere said to date, the party’s 101 rallies have been banned or disrupted by the Police or ZANU PF. She added:

Which ZANU PF rally has ever been banned? Is there any letter from [the Police] that shows that they wanted to conduct a rally and were banned from doing so?

More: Pindula News
