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Chamisa Chides ED Over Disqualification Of CCC Parliamentary Candidates

1 year agoSat, 29 Jul 2023 05:21:45 GMT
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Chamisa Chides ED Over Disqualification Of CCC Parliamentary Candidates

CCC leader Nelson Chamisa on Thursday said President Emmerson Mnangagwa should not be over-excited over the disqualification of 12 CCC parliamentary candidates in Bulawayo.

Addressing party supporters at a campaign rally in Kadoma on Thursday, Chamisa slammed Mnangagwa, who he accuses of masterminding the High Court’s decision to bar the CCC candidates from contesting. Said Chamisa:

Usafarisa (stop being too excited). No one will be in power forever. He (Mnangagwa) should ask (former President Mugabe) on this matter.

He should ask (former Libya President Gadaffi), he should ask (former DRC President) Mobutu Sese Seko; no matter how strong a dictator, your time will come.

Mugabe was deposed by the military in 2017, Gadaffi was ousted following a civil war during the Arab uprisings, and Mobutu was toppled by an armed rebellion.

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Chamisa vowed to resist the disqualification of party candidates in Bulawayo.

He also accused Mnangagwa of “ruining the country” by allegedly engineering the disqualification of CCC candidates. Said Chamisa:

I will be in Bulawayo, no one will be disqualified. If you disqualify candidates, you would have nullified the elections.

When you nullify elections, you have driven this country into anarchy. You have ruined the country.

Bulawayo High Court judge Bongani Ndlovu on Thursday ruled in favour of some ZANU PF activists who had sought to have CCC candidates disqualified after filing their nomination papers on 21 June out of the stipulated 4 pm deadline.

The ruling means that ZANU PF candidates Mthuli Ncube (Cowdray Park), Tendayi Charuka (Bulawayo Central), and Raj Modi (Bulawayo South) could walk into parliament unopposed.

Ncube, Charuka and Modi were set to contest CCC’s Pashor Sibanda, Surrender Kapoikilu, and Jane Nicola Watson, respectively.

More: Pindula News



Wilfred Ndege · 1 year ago
ZANU PF is too terrified this time around. 85% of the people interviewed in the last survey said our economy is too bad. Now Idhi is facing an iminent election with such an economy. Mira uone kuzvamburwa kwaachaita.
truth · 1 year ago
day dreaming Chamisa knows he is going to lose, and after 23 August CCC might die,if BITI accepts the offer by ZANU PF as the vice president of Zim since Chamisa ditched him bcz of not helping chamisa with the American link
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Let babamunini try to organize a protest then we see how protest vote is his protest, chamisa must take seriously the anger from his supporters simply admit to have messed up and try next time, if this will not lead him to be a dhaggie, people have not forgotten how he treated khupe after morgans passing on, these podium theatrics worked for mugabe, unfortunately its too early people still remember mugabe theatrics. Chamisa is pure replica of mugabe no wonder he claims to have been anointed by bob, sit down get sober, call opposition minds including chibwa/ago, from ju choose leaders of proper governance skills not theatrics.On another note since Obert Mpofu became secretary general at shake shake there is serious change bringing younger kids on the block, check how Farai out classed Jacob 'you spent five years in office have nothing to show you resort to just attacking everything', the chase on zntv, i feel what happened has happened, Bulawayo support must go to zapu, uza it is still opposition, Chamisa sounds like he makes me feel as Ndebele am not smart enough, why do we have vp ncube if he cant sign nomonation papers, am not tribalist am mixed blood but have serious reservations with chamisa rhetorics
chamisa · 1 year ago
im descending to Byo zvevumburu dambudzo handidi gidzirisa nyaya dzako ndisasati ndauya
Ambiguous Ambiguity · 1 year ago
Kkkk the issue is simple and straightforward. The illegality yakaitwa ne ZEC when the nomination officer asked a policeman to collect papers just before 4pm. Ndoo pane nyaya.Electoral law inoti you submit nomination papers wega or through an agent. The CCC should come out clean and tell their supporters why they submitted forms late considering that the nomination court opened on 11 June???
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
ZEC said they filed their documents on time meaning there is no case here, the judge will swallow his/her pride and reverse that decision...
Widzo · 1 year ago
If they submit there papers in time ko police yaitsvageyi pamapaper apa.ant paidiwa muridzi wayo kana kuti mumiriri here.munobhohwa imi kutambisira vanhu nguvai.
Tkt · 1 year ago
they did on time vemene. but after some noted anomalies which they went outside to correct, they then gave an officer a little while after the closing time who can say haasati ambo vharirwa mkati meBank after 3pm to transact? itai mushe I go for #ZANU-PF but what's wrong is wrong
pro · 1 year ago
they did not just give the police officer........the police officer was instructed by zec to collect all could they refuse
&-()fghhh · 1 year ago
anarchy = lawlessness & disorder. =⁠_⁠=
bfrhbgd · 1 year ago
Anarchy loading
...... 🤷‍♂️ · 1 year ago
Anarchy is staying put in opposition forever, to an extent that you do not want your kids to go to school, you do not want what's proffered by the Reigning Republic on grounds that it is not led by one of your kind, and or Anarchy is when a court rules against you, for many times you file Incessant boring appeals from who to deliver a judgement, its the same guy whom you always say he's bought But mutemo wakanyorwa wani
xxc · 1 year ago
👁️ 👃 👁️ · 1 year ago
Zec said CCC submitted their papers well before 4pm but why is High court in favor of Zanu pf?
truth · 1 year ago
it is bcz you never followed the Court Proceedings, you heard the quarter sermon
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Judges told and paid what to say and do
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
@vhurazipi they submitted to who? Court records show they all submitted after 4pm, some even after midnite. Why did zec record incorrect times. The judge said zec acted unlawfully not CCC. The judgment is against ZEC not CCC. It's zec that is lying o the court and to the people of Zimbabwe.
. · 1 year ago
@ mparanamo those court records are the zec records & zec has clarified that the time written are the times when the papers were fully processed....they were submitted on time....can't you see wats happening here
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zimbabweans are foolish fools for how long have they suffered ? This ZANU PF cartel has walked all over you for to long there is no rule of law in the country only ZANU law . Only one day lizabona.
Li · 1 year ago
It's the judges that are corrupt
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
munangagwa apinda papi nhai chamisa weee. mabororo eku party yako wakaita wega wani.
Dzingai N · 1 year ago
bvunza wo , how does Mnangagwa fit in pakusarongeka kwaChamisa neCCC , why centralize everything around you Chamisa , you're preaching devolution kumarally Ako but in your party you're not practicing devolution, that's what you get when a party is run 2 people, you and Mahere.... Blaming Zanupf for your own maladministration and organizational short comings ,that's the problem of operating without structures .
PARAFFIN · 1 year ago
Reign · 1 year ago
patinosvika 23 August vanhu vanenge vapere kudisqualifayiwa I'm kno ZANU wil throw a joker even pana Chamisa watch this space
. · 1 year ago
definitely....with the zanu mentality l wouldn't be surprised if pfee runs the erection on his own
Reign · 1 year ago
Zanu : CCC candidates submitted their papers after 4pm CCC : No we submitted our at 3pm ZEC : yes their papers were submitted well before 4pm the deadline time High Court : Okay, Zanu is Correct they have the right to contest alone Then you hear someone blaming Chamisa Nxaaa
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Nomination officer: I only interacted with the candidates when they submitted their papers. Court: show us the record of submissions. ZEC record shows all 12 submitted their papers after 4pm. If the nomination officer had no other interaction with the candidates before they submitted their papers then where were these people when the court closed at 4pm. Candidates are also said to have submitted their papers to a police for onward submission to zec which on its own is illegal. What zec did was illegal, the candidates and the party should sue zec for sending a police officer to collect nomination forms. But hey just out of interest, the court opened at 8am, these 12 let's say they submitted before 4pm or after 3:30pm, where were they all day, why did they wait until the last minute. Sometimes you have to look in the mirror to find the source of the problem. Truth be said the whole process was illegal, CCC candidates may not the the source of the problem but zec definately played a roll in the illegallity
Stop 🛑 · 1 year ago
Ma theatrics ekutapa nhau pano akusemesa manje, Aiwa ka judge vaka ruler, hapana chi draconian apa, while did they resort to file even few seconds before 1600 hrs apa when they had 10 days to get order and the whole karma 1600 hrs to hand in their trash Kungoda ku seek world interference apa when everything was done according to law presided over by our constitution so Why messing up and All these court challenges Appeals makes you distant from justice delivery Coz you are undermining the rule of law, You know better and this is no nearer to experimental student activism anymore It's high time grains get separated from chaffs and Comrade Chamisa, Sir Imbokurai wo, Inga muri pastor wani, And Mu Bible we are told to seek consult
Tkt · 1 year ago
@Maparamuro can you outline the illegality of what you just said? besides, it wasn't only the 12 who should have cast their papers that days zvekuti ungati where were you the whole day= there were thousands bra!
Stop 🛑 · 1 year ago
@Maparamuro Why did you have to wait till they got to a thousand before you are served yet you know pretty well that you control masses or rather you represent masses They were either, shy kuti vasaonekwe, good news , nemedia or security issues, orChi Voodooism, Jonso once did that came on a donkey cart, Zps truck right at the stroke of 1600 hrs I'm sure many jostle for that few seconds from 16th hr, but, it not worthy when you have been out of order, could be monies or TheASAID AUTHORISATION THAT TOO WAS ASTOUNDED COZ INITIAL there had been a caption that The MRP was at helms to contest, so these guys must have thought that the MRPs would suck them into abrieved state Republic in a dream cast movie These are tell tales why we discard CCC in all veins, There likelihood that they vent open a passage of a seccenists to pounce It's indeed one desperate tender one would try last and to them its advantages Impetu ingena ngenxeba bayatsho abadala
Tkt · 1 year ago
@STOP🛑 there was nothing sinister zvauri kutsvaga apo papers were there on time & after perusal some anomalies were noted which had to be corrected outside, to allow others put theirs after finishing corrections, the docs were returned but it was the 11th hour. hence ZEC is saying Papers came on Time!
.. · 1 year ago

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