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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Chamisa Promises To Introduce A New Currency

1 year agoSun, 30 Jul 2023 13:20:53 GMT
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Chamisa Promises To Introduce A New Currency

CCC leader Nelson Chamisa said that if his party gets into government, he will, “for a short period” of time, maintain the multi-currency system with the US dollar as the dominant currency.

Chamisa said the multi-currency regime will be a stop-gap measure as the economy transition to a new local currency.

The former ICT Minister said Zimbabwe’s currency will be stronger than the British pound as his government will restore confidence in the economy, which he said is a pre-requisite for a stable currency.

He was addressing party supporters at Muchakata Business Centre in Masvingo Central Constituency. TellZim News quoted Chamisa as saying:

When we get into power, we need to fix the economy, but to do that we need to address the issue of currency.

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We will use a basket of currency but mainly USD but that will be for a short period.

We will then introduce our currency which is stronger than the Pound, Deutsche M9ark, Yen and Yuan.

It’s possible and what makes the currency stronger is the type of leadership.

Chamisa also pledged to ensure that the Continuous Assessment Learning Activities (CALA) is scrapped and a new education curriculum that captures the views of stakeholders is adopted.

He said under a CCC government, parents and guardians will not pay schools for their children from ECD to Grade 7, and at Advanced Level, while ZIMSEC examinations fees will be scrapped for Grade 7, O’ Level and A’ Level.

More: Pindula News



Humba · 1 year ago
i think munhu anoziva paachavhotera musanetsaana zvenyu, between 23 and 28 August nenge tava na new president
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Why make school fees free for all bar forms 1, 2, 3 and 4. That is unfair to them and their parents.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Deutschmark? Hasn't been the currency of Germany since 2002.
Passion Java · 1 year ago
Tswibi... Twabam... Ngeeeeeei
Child of hope · 1 year ago
mukazomupawo mukana muchatoona zvichinaka
Lion · 1 year ago
varipo vacho vari kuitei.this guy is very strong .akatorerwa party akatanga a new thing from scratch.At his age ,he is trying his best kudarika vakuru.He has the acumen to take this country to a better level than the current disorderly leadership
. · 1 year ago
He should just know that promises that he cannot keep will be his downfall.
vandem · 1 year ago
musanyengera zvisina basa from 25 August muchazviona 🛩️🛩️🛩️🛩️🛩️🛩️🛩️✈️ zvikopokopo zvichiita semakondo mudenga hakuna ano demonstrater nyere panyama kkkk seka zvako maZimbà hatisati tatsvukira nenhamo
cadza · 1 year ago
ngezi 4- Highlanders3
Bhodlinja Moyo · 1 year ago
Ngezi ne Highalanders dzatamba sei?
cadza · 1 year ago
zii · 1 year ago
Chamisa woyeeeeeeee gore rino hazvikone imbwa dzezanu dzichahukura dzikaneta Chamisa chete chete
. · 1 year ago
ma promise akuzomawanzawo mukomana wenyu uyo
mhofela · 1 year ago
atleast ane vision for the nation,given time he will deliver,look at how Kagame has transformed Rwanda within a short space of time, It's possible in Zim under vibrant leadership
@mhofela · 1 year ago
when did kagame became president of Rwanda???
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Yagara nyoka inonyengera siyanai naye Cobra,pound wangu bika tumbwa uti zii,haulume state house inoyera chikomana usatinyepere handisi size yako iwe , strategic ambiguity we munhu
Ngatihurei Tife tikunde miyedzo yepano panyika · 1 year ago
yeah sure CZ umm anhu techoma ma Kani
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺 kuvukura
· 1 year ago
Exactly. That's what you are doing
prigozhin1 · 1 year ago
izvi zvinotoitika regai hake mfana apinde
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Mukomana is right pakuti confidence in leadership is crucial for a stable currency, problem now is he has done everything to destroy the confidence we had in him. He has systematically shown he is not different from Idhi by the way he has made himself the Supreme leader. He is the law in CCC, he is the structures, he is the manifesto, he is everything. If by a misfortune he drops dead today there will be no CCC. It's chamisa chete chete, no chamisa no party. That's the hallmark of a dictator
1 by 1 · 1 year ago
we just need new Zim
Kusata kunenge garo rakakwenywa · 1 year ago
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
I see some grown man getting angry on behalf on another grown man and a public figure for that matter and worst of all a politician 😂🤣😅😂🤣😅 shallow minds indeed. Dictator's are not born, they are created by people who idolize them and think they can protect them from criticism. So sad. In this day and age you find it necessary to insult another person just because they criticised your political idol, I feel pity for you and for this country. The type of citizenry we have determines the type of leadership we get. Idol worshippers get idol leaders who should never be questioned but only worshipped. Sei vanhu vasingadziidze nhai Jah. A politician is a servant of the people not their god. Munonamata vafudzi vemombe pedzezvo mofuma mochema kuti mombe dzangu hadzisikuwanda sei, dzirikutopera pane kuhwanda. Dzinowanda sei iwe usingagone kuudza mufudzi kuti mombe dzinoda Mafuro ma**** kwete kuswera dziri paruware. Mwari ivai nenyasha nevana venyu vav****iwo pfungwa vagone kuona nekunzwisisa zvematongerwo enyika vana venyu ava. Nemuzita rajesu
· 1 year ago
@maparamuro vanhu tinoziva munhu watinoda kut atitungamirire pakafa Tsvangirai kune vakada kuzvipinza panzvimbo yake zvikaramba nhasi Chamisa ndiye anechimut , Chamisa akafa nhasi Tendai Biti ndiye anopinda , Biti akafa Job skala ndiye anopinda . Saka kana tichit Chamisa chete chete hazvirevi kut akafa party inobva yaparara
famba Nero · 1 year ago
just because the dunderheads have failed it does not mean that it's not achievable
mwenewazvo · 1 year ago
imi siyai tinyeperwe imi,nhema nyowani dzonakidza pane kuramba uchingonyeperwa pasina chiri kuitika
Führer · 1 year ago
wema spaghetti road atanga kuukura zvakare🤣🤣🤣🤣
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Magariro ndosaka vasimgamuvhoteri akadhakwa nekachasu .
Dark 🌑 Retribution Dark 🌑 · 1 year ago
Mmm...Itai tione...Hatitendi zvatisati taona

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