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Those Alleging Judicial Capture Are Uneducated - Mnangagwa

1 year agoSun, 30 Jul 2023 06:04:19 GMT
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Those Alleging Judicial Capture Are Uneducated - Mnangagwa

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has scoffed at claims by the opposition and human rights advocates that the ZANU PF-led government had a hand in recent court rulings barring some opposition candidates from contesting in the 23 August general elections.

Speaking to the media on Saturday after his arrival from Russia, where he was attending the Second Summit of the Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum, Mnangagwa said those making such claims are uneducated. He said:

They should go and recover their school fees from where they went to school. I am nowhere near the court.

I have never taken anybody to court, so if they are making such allegations, it means they do not have much education.

Two aspiring presidential candidates, Saviour Kasukuwere and Linda Masarira were barred from contesting in this year’s elections and their court applications seeking to have their names on the ballot paper were thrown out by the courts.

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The courts also barred more than a dozen opposition parliamentary candidates from contesting the polls despite the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) maintaining that their nomination papers were filed in accordance with the law.

Reports suggest that the Government awarded US$400 000 “housing loans” to all judges in the country, two months before the 2023 elections.

The huge payout for judges followed similar payments to Central Intelligence Organisation directors (US$350 000), MPs (US$40 000) and cabinet ministers (US$500 000). 

More: Pindula News



taps · 1 year ago
toothless judges kungopiwa Mari dzekudzvinyirira nekumbunyikidzw vanhi imbwa idzo
xxx · 1 year ago
those wigs look terrible. They insult mablacks
Gudo · 1 year ago
Garwe tiri kutoshamusika kunzwa uchinzi Garwe wakadzidza kupi kwakaona degree
. · 1 year ago
Dambudzo akaenda ku University of Gonakudzingwa.
Dzingai N · 1 year ago
sure sure some people should go and get refunded @ schools they purportedly studied law
. · 1 year ago
Three fingers are pointing at himself for every one pointing at others.
@ᴋɢᴏsɪ ᴅᴇ_ʀɪᴄᴄʜ💖 · 1 year ago
Attention Attention Attention Cowdray Park Youth league Let's all attend to our Zanu Pf meeting this Morning @10.00hrs Venue D'& P zone (Esigayweni) Tell makhelwane to come and have funny with us
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
karinyodo utori nyodo zvako. saka uri kutofunga kuti pane ari kuuta go thru muraba raba iwoyo. indava kuzvi makisawo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tatopedza kuverenga isu, tatoconfirmer kuti it's a true list, paBindura nothing pana lawyer Kajokoto apoo, Mokoyi Musanhi
@Fugu Pfeeee · 1 year ago
Vamwe takaenda kuchikoro. Tinogona kuverenga, kwete zvako zvekugona kuverenga Kitoko chete
Osta-loss · 1 year ago
President vataura chokwadi. vanhu havatozive kutu maCourt Rules kana Civil Procedure chii? vazhinji havasati vamboverenga maJudgements kana maLaw Reports. Chavo kuudzwa zvekunyepa nemaLawyer vachitadza kuzviverengera vega kuti vave nekunzwisisa kwakakwana. Hanzi the Courts are captured when they lose a case after failure to correctly interpret the law.
@ᴋɢᴏsɪ ᴅᴇ_ʀɪᴄᴄʜ💖 · 1 year ago
Good Morning Cowdray Park Youth League Hope that you all enjoyed Yester's trip to Air-port in welcoming back His Excellence from RussiaAfricaSummit. His Excellence said that (Yesterday 18.00-18.08) "I have just arrived from Russia for Russia Africa Summit which was held in Rusdia and Zimbabwe was a part of it" i Comrade @Kgosi de_Ricch will like to urge all of you here to elect President ED Mnangagwa for a 2nd time in Presidential Office. Vote 4 ED #He's for People
. · 1 year ago
If you care for your future you will vote for CCC.
@ᴋɢᴏsɪ ᴅᴇ_ʀɪᴄᴄʜ💖 · 1 year ago
Only blessed Comrades will live to see His Excellence President of Zimbabwe face to face. Yesterday was a second chance for Bulawayo Zanu Pf league. ED is alive Seeing him shaking hands with Bulawayo people it realy shows that he is for people what more evidence these CCC coackroches may want. Viva Zanu Pf @Kgosi is for People
. · 1 year ago
Then why does he need 200 security guards even when visiting the loo?
Form 3 · 1 year ago
Pamberi ne Zanu pf.Ed pfeee pfeee pfee.."Misoro yana mbuya venyu,hamuna kudzidza vese vanoti Zanu pf yakabata the judicial system",vanodaro President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangwagwa..
Mdara Odza · 1 year ago
Is that female Judge bleaching her skin or she is not black? By the way, who is she?
SIr Zimbabwe · 1 year ago
She's not bbleaching
Child of hope · 1 year ago
she is just beautiful, she was one of the hot female judges in the Mugabe era nowadays i nolonger see her maybe she retired... she got a*s too

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