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Disqualification Of CCC Candidates A Coup On The Ballot - Chamisa

1 year agoMon, 31 Jul 2023 05:10:35 GMT
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Disqualification Of CCC Candidates A Coup On The Ballot - Chamisa

CCC leader Nelson Chamisa on Sunday said President Emmerson Mnangagwa has effectively nullified the 23 August 2023 election by allegedly masterminding the disqualification of 12 CCC parliamentary candidates in Bulawayo, reported NewsDay.

The High Court nullified the nomination of the CCC candidates on the grounds that they filed their papers after the 4 PM deadline on 21 June this year.

CCC has, however, appealed to the Supreme Court and the case will be heard this week.

Addressing thousands of CCC supporters at a rally at Rudhaka Stadium in Marondera, Chamisa said he was angry with the disqualification of CCC candidates and said Mnangagwa was taking the opposition for granted. Said Chamisa:

After feeling the heat, Mnangagwa has turned to the courts. In Bulawayo, he has barred our candidates.

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You can be the ruler, but you cannot be the leader, you can’t do what you want. This country belongs to God.

If you bar the 12 candidates from contesting, therefore, you have nullified the election.

If you have nullified the election, it means you are no longer the President. The seat is now vacant. A transitional government should be in place.

If you bar the 12 candidates, it means there is no election. It is a coup on the ballot.

It is a vote of no confidence on the elections, a vote of no confidence on ZEC.

Mnangagwa anodherera (takes people for granted). He doesn’t know how angry we are.

On Saturday, Mnangagwa scoffed at claims by CCC that he had a hand in recent court rulings barring some opposition candidates from contesting in the 23 August general elections.

Speaking to the media after his arrival from Russia, where he was attending the Second Summit of the Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum, Mnangagwa said those making such claims are uneducated.

More: Pindula News



ginye · 1 year ago
toda peace chte
R'G · 1 year ago
We want PEACE
zozo · 1 year ago
zanu pf pa fair inorohwa asiwo ccc plays into zanu pf hands you make a lot of mistakes which zanu pf is taking advantage of .if filling papers at the last moment was a strategy then its now backfirering. leaders should lead not dictate citizens will should prevail not the other way round.
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 Zanu iri kuziva kuti pa fair haina chance against CCC, vese vari muZanu hapana achapinda denga unless vakatendeuka.
· 1 year ago
disorder iyoyo ndiyo itori order kuCCC,hapana wamunobata this time cz munenge mutori neconfusion.madates achitokwana paye ekuvhota
@ · 1 year ago
seems you are your ass to think, from what we know now is ZANU pf yadorova whitewash kuBYO madates ekuvhota achidokwana
· 1 year ago
pamuchaona kuti Ambiguity iya inoshanda ndipo pamuchazorora henyu.manga majaira tsvangirai wamairova kunge nyika yapinda mumba.kudai nguva uno tsvangirai anzwa nekurohwa nemazimhondi aya
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Iwewe Nero ndiwe wakakonzeresa. Now be prepared for bhora musango bcse you are hand picking your close friends to represent the CCC party leaving those who were selected by the citizens. Bulawayo iri kuchema newe NERO.
@ᴋɢᴏsɪ ᴅᴇ_ʀɪᴄᴄʜ💖 · 1 year ago
Good Morning Cowdray Park Zanu Pf Youth league Let's all come in large numbers @Holy Trinity Catholic Church (Roma) Let's all be there izalomakhelwane wakho isikhathi @10.00 a.m In preparition of @Cowdray Park (Bulawayo) Zanu Pf Rally Zanu Pf Youth Woyeeeee Only few artists were attending our meetings. Igala yango lwesithathu sisazobona Cowdray Park Artists mina ngiyalazi bafowethu emhlanganweni belingabuyi kodwa ku rally yango lwesithathu libuye ngobunengi siza sebenzisa iregister
uGatsheni boya beNyathi · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
CCC, ndimi munoti mune ma lawyer ne ma advocates mu party menyu vamwe vanozviti vana fulcrum, sei vasingakuudzei kuti mutemo hauna ari pamusoro pawo uye unofanirwa kutevedzerwa. The case of the 12 candidates is a done deal. The law cannot be bended just to favour CCC. Pasi ne Strategic Ambiguity. Munosvoda ma CCC.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
beware of lawyers, chavo kuda mari chete. pane mhosva ndopane mari. sometime back I was approached na lawyer wangu achiti mari yangu yawandisa ku company yake saka ndaifanira kumbopara kamhosva kuti ishande.
. · 1 year ago
No free and fair credible election this time around.
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
While it may surprise some citizens why CCC Bulawayo candidates waited until it was 4 pm to visit the Nomination Court, it still does not rub off the suspicion that the magistrates who are handling these cases are captured. [ DO NOT VOTE FOR GOLD MAFIA CRIMINALS AND MONEY LAUNDERERS]. Advocate Nelson Chamisa is right that this act may lead to some Political Parties rejecting the results of this election. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ]
@CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
am shocked by your analysis Mr, seems chaunongogona is typing in English, do you know when the nomination court opened for the submission of nomination papers? the courts were open from 10 June to 21st of June, why's it that they waited to submit at the last minute
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ccc yakange usati yapedza selection process yayo. chamisa is to blame
· 1 year ago
munamato wangu mazuva ose ndewe kuti Mwari tipeiwo shanduko munyika yedu yezimbabwe.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
mwari wacho haasi kuzo kunzwa, tinaye kunobku zanu pf. ndewedu mwariwo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tambai nezvimwe changamire, mwari haatambwe naye, mwari haagare muma**** eZPF ayo
...... · 1 year ago
blaz vanonzi @fugu kutaurisa kwenyu kunoratidza lack of something maybe understanding, education or both vakanyarara munoti vanopenga here, dai waizotaura zvinoratidza kudzidza, chimwe chibhambi hachidi kungoti fugu pfee paruzhinji
T D · 1 year ago
kudzidza kwamunako ko kutibhira lets go tione enough is enough
🙈🙈 · 1 year ago
Look my friend do not think that we are all ****s like you . ndichibva kuhondo takawana nyika yakanga yakavakwa zvakanaka.Isu tisu takauraya nyika.Vana vembwa havasvinure musi munwe chete.
,,,,,,dott · 1 year ago
uneducated ccc why muchiita zvisiri pamutemo muchitemba kuzochema chema kuma western ne america #vote E.d # vote wise
🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 · 1 year ago
What people do not know is that courts are there to fix problems by giving judgements that are clear and sound. This is what lacks in Zimbabwe as the system deliberately passes unsound judgements that are partisan. The electrote should know what is required to avoid the situation from being detected by what is happening every time people go to an election. We lack strong democratic institutions that are not manipulated by strong individuals.All institutions in the country are captured by Zanu pf and acct on the whim of the Mnangagwa. What he says at a rally instantly become a law which does not need to be passed by Parliament.
....... · 1 year ago
True, our courts are a disgrace.
@Vhedza · 1 year ago
Call the courts disgrace and police officer who was ordered to collect the nomination paper through the Zec official deserve bonus of tax payers' money?
Tikatya Hatisvike · 1 year ago
Team inogona hairambidze mamwe ma teams ZANU its not a good team
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
munhu arumwa zvake nechekuchera ega akunyebera zanu pf. zanu ndoyakati munonoke nema papers enyu here. thise disqualified candidates iam sure vagara vari ve zanu pf 😂😂😂 vakatogona basa

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