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"Disqualified CCC Candidates Submitted Nomination Papers Via A Police Officer, In Violation Of The Law"

1 year agoMon, 31 Jul 2023 07:14:40 GMT
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"Disqualified CCC Candidates Submitted Nomination Papers Via A Police Officer, In Violation Of The Law"

The 12 Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) parliamentary candidates in Bulawayo whose nomination was nullified by the High Court submitted their nomination papers through a police officer in violation of the Electoral Act, it has emerged.

CCC has argued that its candidates submitted their nomination papers on time, that is, before 4 PM when the Nomination Court sat on 21 June 2023.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) also said that the 12 disqualified candidates submitted their nomination papers on time. 

Posting on Twitter on Saturday, a senior member of CCC, David Coltart said that Rajeshkumari Modi, the ZANU PF candidate for Bulawayo South also only had his papers finalised by ZEC at 16.20 PM. Added Coltart:

Given the farcical judgment in the High Court, his nomination should be nullified too. I’m told there are numerous other ZANU PF candidates in the same predicament.

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However, it has emerged from the ruling delivered by Justice Nokuthula Moyo, on behalf of Justice Bongani Ndlovu, that the applicants in the matter submitted that the ZEC violated the law by collecting the nomination papers through a police officer.

The applicants argued that the law states that a candidate or his or her agent must be in court and ready to submit at 4 PM, and not the papers alone. Reads part of the judgement:

We now know that a Police Officer collected the nomination papers from the candidates. The Applicants’ case is that the Respondent (CCC candidates) violated the law.

I have also been moved by both sides of the bar, to give Section 46 (7) and (8) of the Act the golden rule of interpretation.

The Nomination Court closed at 4 pm. Once it closed it was no longer sitting in open court and by the time the respondents sat before him they were not doing so in open Court.

The separation of the papers from the Respondents through the medium of the Police Officer was unlawful.

The statute says the candidate or his/her agent must be in court and ready to submit at 4 pm.

It does not say that the candidate’s papers alone must be in the courtroom.

The 1st Respondent, therefore, violated the provisions of the Electoral Act in that regard as he also did close to midnight when he adjourned to 22 June 2022.

A ZEC official, Pretty Gadzikwa, also stated that just before 4 PM, a police officer manning the door was instructed to collect all nomination papers from the aspiring candidates who were outside the Courtroom as the room could only accommodate a maximum of 15 people. Said Gadzikwa in her affidavit:

1. On the 21st of June 2023 at 15:55 hrs the Nomination Officer, Mr. I. Ncube announced that the court was about to close at 16:00hours. He went on to instruct the police officer manning the door to collect all Nomination papers from the aspiring candidates who were outside the Courtroom. The Courtroom was very small and could only allow batches of fifteen (15) people at a given time.

2. After collecting all the Nomination forms outside, the police officer brought them before the Nomination officer’s desk. The nomination officer at 1600hrs announced that the court was now closed for new nomination papers to be submitted.

3. Processing all nomination papers on the nomination officer’s desk was done up to midnight when the results were announced. The times shown on the form written Submission Form were times when Individual forms were completely Processed.

CCC has since appealed to the Supreme Court and the case will be heard this week.

More: Pindula News



🧐🤨 · 1 year ago
Ma elections hadzisi economic kana General news columns, itori sport yakaitwa se World Cup once after time event, However, a kungo svetewa wo ku economics as some form of blackmail to masses pamwe pacho muto unodzokowana munyu wakawandisissa sekunge kunenge kwawira mudzimai walot Hazvidyike kusvipa Saka pan**** mutambo se world Cup Maplayers anotamba mutambo uyu are 11 extra time nowadays gets them to 16 muka user ma substitute enyu ese keeper aka kuvara you are allowed to use one player exchange kuti a vhare ghedhi So all this you d be playing according to re to get a definitive finish So the CCC submission erratum was wearily applied, they lead masses and would have been the first ones after Zanu mukusubmita Nyaya iyoy yekuti Idont have to be checked na ningi that what caused this, The ningis are fellow party members and the authorisation from Mukomana So mutemo was applied and disqualification in their case was inevitable
@Vhedza · 1 year ago
They were waiting instructions from their Boss who was in Harare at the time. Ask Ostalos he has all the info to why they submitted their papers through the police with instructions from the Zec official. True connivance! Zvino Hezvo zvoitwa sei zvino, ndoBhora Musango iyi.
Mutsa Washe · 1 year ago
hamuna nyaya. Ndicho chibharanzi ichi. isa mapapers pa table ndoisa mangwana woti hauna kundipa wakaisa pa table. hazvina sense. uncle bob vaigona rigging not izvi
Boss Dewa · 1 year ago
yaaa its plain clear.there better ways not this kkk
Jue saidi · 1 year ago
sewe fugu pfee tinyararire zvako ndiwe my CCC akakwana iwe usade kutinzva
uGatsheni boya beNyathi · 1 year ago
nomination court opened on the 10th of June aspiring candidates had more than 10 days to file. why wait till the last minute pamwewo Zanu tisu tiri kuiperekera win
Jojola · 1 year ago
hauna chaunoziva wangu gara pasi nomination court yakaitwa musi wa 21 june kubva nguva dza 1000hours kusvika 1600hours zva 10june zvawakutaura kwatova kuhumana
Mutsa Washe · 1 year ago
haiwawo **** zvinoitwa 1 day gara pasi kana dzisimo mumsoro
bhobhojani bhadhiza · 1 year ago
kubayana tingabayana hedu nemashoko,asi CCC inekagurembuka semazerere,pose pataiti sadza raibva vaivepi kuzoda kuungana kwasara makoko powoti ndinokore wowana goko rakatsva wotanga kupopotera mubiki.Nguva yose vaivepi? muchato wasvika ndipo pomoti sutu yangu ine chigamba.Zvimwe zvinhu rongekai
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Kombi inozara 22 kuzoti room 60 munonyepa vanhu strategic ambiguity kaurai
Jojola · 1 year ago
dare ndiro rakatokanganisa the CCC 12 can not be blamed for Zec's misdemenours !! mutemo wokut munopinda vanhu 15 at a time vakauwana kupi?its only that the courts are captured by Zanu pf.the CCC12 submitted under the instruction of zec so hapana hapana.
xyz · 1 year ago
was it not said that the room was too small to accommodate all and thats why zec instructed the officer to collect the papers.....not all of us are fools.there is no honour in lies....worse lies from thieves.
rms · 1 year ago
taura zvako inga zviripachena sa judge avo hhandiva pihwe mushe
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mahere ndiwe unozviti unoziva mutemo sterek, was it lawful and constitutional for the police officer to submit the papers on behalf of your candidates. Was the police officer their agent? Ivo vange vamboripiko nhai. Vange vakahwanda kusada kuonekwa as per their Ambiguity policy kkkkkkkkk.
NHUBU · 1 year ago
rms · 1 year ago
hhauna kunzwa here kuti room yaikwana15vanhu
@Anonymous · 1 year ago
dont act dump to understand not to argue!kunonzi mu court maipinda 15pipo at a time so they could not get inside while they were other pple inside
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
An unlawful instruction or procedure will never produce a lawful outcome. Evidence obtained unlawfully cannot be used in a court of law. The whole process became illegal when the nomination officer instructed the police officer to collect the forms. The judgment is simple, ZEC acted illegally therefore the submission was illegal, null and void. The judgment was against ZEC not CCC. CCC is collateral damage. It's ZEC that is supposed to appeal not CCC.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
So what happens to ZEC for failing to conduct the nomination court properly? I have not heard that part. These are civil servants. Do we expect disciplinary action? What does the law say?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The Police officer was instructed by Zec to collect the papers, so why are u disqualifying the candidates? So ridiculous. Rigging. Why not disqualifying Zanu pf candidates on the same basis?
unknown · 1 year ago
my question is why did the CCC candidates wait to submit their nomination papers on the last day when the nomination court started to receive their papers on the 10th of June,apa CCC yakaratidza kut hayina order

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