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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Supreme Court To Hear Appeal By 12 CCC Parliamentary Candidates On 02 August

1 year agoMon, 31 Jul 2023 12:34:09 GMT
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Supreme Court To Hear Appeal By 12 CCC Parliamentary Candidates On 02 August

The Supreme Court will on Wednesday, 02 August, hear an appeal by a dozen CCC candidates for the National Assembly who were barred from running in the 23 August 2023 general elections.

The date was fixed by the apex court following a case management meeting on Monday.

A lawyer for the candidates, Welshman Ncube, said the appeal has been set down for 2 PM on Wednesday.

Twelve voters allegedly linked to ZANU PF, each from Bulawayo’s 12 constituencies, filed simultaneous applications at the High Court to have the CCC candidates and five others disqualified from contesting in the upcoming general elections.

The applicants argued that the candidates filed their nomination papers after the 4 PM deadline on 21 June.

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In an appeal filed at the Supreme Court on 28 July, the 12 CCC candidates raised nine grounds of appeal, citing Justice Bongani Ndlovu for granting an application that they say was based on “objectively established falsehoods.”

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) and the CCC candidates all opposed the applications which were consolidated into one because of similar facts.

ZEC argued that all candidates who were accepted had filed their papers by 4 PM.

The applicants relied on an internal ZEC document which has time stamps next to the names of candidates, arguing that the indicated times, all after 4 PM on 21 June, showed when CCC candidates filed their nomination papers.

ZEC, however, said the indicated times only showed when a candidate’s details were captured on their computer.

If the Supreme Court upholds the ruling by the High Court, it means that CCC cannot have any senators from Bulawayo or MPs under the youth and women’s quota.

This will be the case because the youth and women’s quotas are determined by the number of votes secured by National Assembly candidates.

More: Pindula News



Badman · 1 year ago
kwasara vaya 56 ve zanu
Ma_3Elvi · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Avo vanoti Nero haana kumboita mention Sikala parally mapofu,ino inguva yekuita campaign ,plus kutaura Sikala parally hakushande Iyo judiciary yakadzipwa ne 400k USDollars
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Elections are not about outsmarting others ,they are about choosing/electing who you want.Uku hakusi kuvasikana kwaunosvikoti Mari yakazara muboot,otherwise tirikutuka vakaita nominate vanhu Iva of kuti vavamirire
.... · 1 year ago
chero zanu pf zvatoi accfetor ciz mps avo ose their a papers were processed after 4 wacho
Form 3 · 1 year ago
Ma courts ndee Zanu pf, Saka muchaita see?
Form 3 · 1 year ago
Kuvukura kwembwa hakutadzise Nzou kufamba.Viva Zanu Pf.Pamberi ne Zanu pf..Musangano une ma strategies manyama ekugara pahutongi..
Reign · 1 year ago
@ Jah Tsvarie kubva pawakauya paPindula nhasi wazotaurawo dama rakazangana neshaya dama ayewa D.a.k.o ndohombe
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@no name, Pindula haisi yemahare. Try to access it usina wifi uone kuti unodziverenga here news. By the way, iwewe ndiwe wajaira propaganda nema empty promises amunoudzwa na NERO kuma rally.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@INTERESTED ONLOOKER, do not lie dude, the law is the law. You can even ask Chamisa himself when he defended the ZUVA case. When NELSON was asked about that judgement he defended, he said a lawyer cannot be said bad simply because the lawyer has interpreted the law as it is. So in the case of the 12 CCC candidates, it the law at play dude.
@anonymous first and foremost Im not your dude . The is the law but if gifts/bribes are given before a certain event they will certainly influence the outcome.
Gunvosta · 1 year ago
The ZEC offices break in,the computer stolen,aaah something is fish here
Its a foregone conclusion the judges know where their bread is buttered, $400k plus a house is not a small gift it blinds the reciepient.
cid · 1 year ago
Even if they win On 2 August,it means vanenge vane 3 weeks dzeku campaigner imagine,,,Am I missing something wen was the last time Chamisa mention Job Skala 😏He is even complaining on behalf of Kasukuwere and Jonathan Moyo but no mention of Skala
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
2 august court sits to hear not to give judgement
@Cid · 1 year ago
its not your problem.pindula is your only source of news.
cid · 1 year ago
@no name if I could access pindula which means ndoziva everything chemahara zvich can access me to internet. I was following ma rally achamisa pa u tube, if Yu check paakasvika ku Masvingo ari mu gd 6 ye white paakasvika akato****va ma dance before addressing , the other one akauya arimu Range rover ye Grey to mention but a few which rally yakataura nezva Skala . Also lemme remind Yu Pindula haingoendwi mahara kune things like Wi-fi dzepamabasa
Form 3 · 1 year ago
@no name..usafung kuti wese aripano apinda mahara.. Only econet lines ndodzinopinda mahara
Hoyoo · 1 year ago
wakapusa ndosaka uchihurirwa nemukadzi

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