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PICTURES: Renovated Rufaro Stadium

1 year agoWed, 09 Aug 2023 11:39:01 GMT
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PICTURES: Renovated Rufaro Stadium

Pictures of Rufaro Stadium have generated controversy on social media with critics suggesting that the Harare City Council (HCC) has made insufficient progress in renovating the facility. The local government authority initiated the renovation project approximately seven months ago but has encountered multiple delays, failing to meet several previously set deadlines. The stadium was initially scheduled to reopen before the start of the season in March but was delayed on several occasions. Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume disclosed that corruption within the council hindered progress. 

Rufaro Stadium was condemned multiple times due to lack of maintenance with local stadium inspectors, including members from PSL and ZIFA, making extensive recommendations for the stadium to meet CAF and FIFA standards. These include improving the playing surface, perimeter support structures, drainage systems, ablution facilities, dressing rooms, and facilities for the physically challenged. They also recommended installing bucket seats, direction signs, standard doping rooms, a medical facility, press rooms, television camera points, and modern electronic turnstiles.

In May, Mafume expressed satisfaction with the progress made on Rufaro Stadium, saying that they had conducted soil tests and installed new soil to improve the playing surface, which will have a pop-up irrigation system. The city fathers had also painted the seats and numbered them, allowing teams to sell season, half-season, and quarter-season tickets.

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He said the changing rooms had also been expanded, and each would have 15 to 18 showers, with individual lockers for players. Mafume added that a B-Arena will be constructed outside with the same turf as the main pitch, which will be used for practice sessions and will contain small-to-medium shops, creating a multi-purpose facility.

The VIP section now has samples of the bucket seats that were recommended.

Harare City Council has come under fire for failing to meet the deadlines, particularly after rejecting to partner Sakunda Holdings owned by Kuda Tagwirei. The ruling ZANU PF commented on the latest pictures circulating on social media:

Jacob Mafume chibaba. After 7 months, here is what he delivered at Rufaro stadium: Car park lines. Sample VIP bucket seats. CCC is against soccer development. They refused Cde Tagwirei’s offer for this rubbish. 

The Harare City Council (HCC) faced criticism last year for terminating a lease agreement with Sakunda Holdings. It has come to light that Tagwirei had intended to enhance the stadium’s appearance as depicted in the design below.


Sakunda Holdings accused the Council of displaying a toxic attitude and lacking the necessary political will to execute the project, which led to their withdrawal from the partnership. During that period, Sakunda pledged to donate all project designs and plans to the Council for the benefit of the public interest.

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Mujunge · 1 year ago
Ministry of Sports should chip in, or ministry of yeinfrastructure should monitor everything bcz they have the power, manje dzitori mbavha, ukaona wese arikuti vote Zanu PF asina kupiwa Farm kana mota, bata hana yako katatu woti ndiri dununu
MAMBO · 1 year ago
Pangondinakidza ndepekuti hanzi "there was corruption" and hapana akasungwa about that saka zvoreva kuti muZimbabwe corruption haipere ka iyi 😂😂😂😂😂
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
This is what CCC can do if resources are available
Gazza · 1 year ago
Smith built Rufaro for blacks a d Zanu Pf did what?
Shame on you · 1 year ago
@ Zigo this is not a platform yekutukana asi kuonesana# respect
Hallmark · 1 year ago
Council is doing a great job, if Sakunda is serious about stadium business why can't they build their own stadium
dddd · 1 year ago
tiratidzeyi mukati munotambirwa bhora kwete panze apo
kokoko · 1 year ago
Ndozvakaipira public office wotongomwaukawo kutaura nekuti uri kuhora mari
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Rufaro stadium is a good example to show that CCC led council is not competent. VOTE ED for development.
kkkk · 1 year ago
kkkkk which development when yo Zanu failed to maintain smith's infrastracture in 43 yrs. I think you need to be mentally examined.
👁️👁️ · 1 year ago
@Anonymous Your political ingnorancy is profound, Zanu and your Mugabe destroyed councils. @Ini Zvangu is 💯%correct. Councils remit 70💯 of their income to government so how do you expect them to operate with just 30 percent .? Only those with 💩 for brain still support Zvanu pf.
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Mafume is a loud mouth. Hapana chozivikanwa paye
kokoko · 1 year ago
VIP yakangogara ine mabucket seats
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@ini zvangu, you are so obsessed with change for the worse. CCC led council is mis using council funds. Even Mafume acknowledged that corruption is rife in council. CCC led council have all the signatures to transect council funds. Government yapinda papi apa. VOTE CCC led council out together with their leader NERO.
ini zvangu · 1 year ago
Rufaro stadium was built in the 70s under the Smith's rule. Most of the money came from selling Rufaro beer(Doro remasese) in the municipal bars. Now the 1st and second Republics can't even maintain this very important recreational facility. We need change like yesterday.
Führer · 1 year ago
Who disbanded the municipal bars???🤣🤣🤣🤣
Zuze · 1 year ago
@Fuhrer, it was ZANU Executive Mayor Solomon Tawengwa.
Führer · 1 year ago
Zuze haunyare kunyepa ziva zvekwakwo kwamupinyi wasvotoka kuchidodo.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
povo ndoyakaita kuti ma council bar aparare, vanhu vapera kutendeukira kuma church asungabvumidzi doro
Führer · 1 year ago
Classic example of a ccc led government utter incompitence. If there was corruption why not report it to the relevant authority unless you are part and parcel of the corrupt syndicate. Ndiyo same council yekuti sunshine status Kasi nanhasi Harare now even looks like a growthpoint.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Better than Zanu pf led gvt, Tagwirei aida kuba achishandisa lease agreement
haha · 1 year ago
ko why uchifunga kubirwa everytime
hf · 1 year ago
anyone anoziva parufaro right now arisi current pic iro
blistic · 1 year ago
ndiro bba patodarika inini ndogara pama new line
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
If His Worship Jacob Mafume knows that there is corruption golng at Rufaro Stadium why does he report them to Police ? Report them to the Police. Rufaro Stadium should have been completed yesterday. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ]
zigo · 1 year ago
satinyorere rubbish hapana chaunoziva iwe
zigo · 1 year ago
zvekuti zigo usatombozvitsvage kt zvorevei unenge uchitotambisa nguva yako
Zigo Dofo · 1 year ago
Tea Inonaka · 1 year ago
Vapei Mari Vapedze

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