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High Court Rules That A Married Spouse Without Title Deeds Can't Evict Their Spouse's Lover

1 year agoSat, 19 Aug 2023 17:45:03 GMT
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High Court Rules That A Married Spouse Without Title Deeds Can't Evict Their Spouse's Lover

In a recent ruling by the High Court in Masvingo, it was determined that a married spouse without title deeds does not have the authority to evict their spouse’s lover from the matrimonial home.

Justices Garainesu Mawadze and Sunsley Zisengwe granted the appeal, with Justice Zisengwe delivering the judgment. He stated that a spouse without legal ownership can only seek damages and lacks the legal standing to evict their spouse’s lover. Justice Zisengwe expressed dissatisfaction with the current law, as it undermines women’s rights and contradicts the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), which Zimbabwe has ratified. Zisengwe said:

I find the proposition that a husband is at liberty to bring live-in girlfriends into the matrimonial home with impunity is inimical to the principle of equality between the sexes and appears to be providing a right carte-blanche to men to bring into the matrimonial home live-in mistresses.

Not only does that offend the express provisions of the Constitution as aforesaid, but also runs contrary to the ideal spouse in the CEDAW which Zimbabwe has ratified. A married woman should not be placed in the invidious and inequitable position where she is compelled to choose between continuing with the marriage and endure this kind of severe emotional abuse or simply get a divorce.

Alongside a claim for adultery damages against a paramour and an action for divorce against the husband, a married woman should also have recourse by way of eviction against a woman who literally hops into the matrimonial bed with her husband. Regrettably respondent’s claim for an order interdicting the 1st appellant from continuing with her adulterous relationship with the 2nd appellant somehow fell by the wayside and ultimately was not an issue for determination in this appeal.

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He emphasized that women in monogamous marriages should have the right to initiate eviction proceedings against their spouse’s lovers to protect the sanctity of their marriages.

Some context:

In 2021, Jane Musindo (42) was granted an appeal after being evicted from the Kereke homestead by Mbuya Leocadia Kereke nee Muroiwa (74). Leocadia and her boyfriend, Sekuru Augustine Tongai Kereke (83), were the appellants in the appeal. Sekuru Kereke claimed that Musindo is his second wife and cares for him more than his wife of 56 years. The ruling confirmed their open adulterous relationship, with Justice Zisengwe referring to Leocadia as Sekuru Kereke’s mistress. The High Court ruled that Mbuya Kereke does not own the homestead, so she lacks the legal authority to evict Leocadia, despite their marriage under the Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11] in 1966. Mbuya Kereke can only seek damages.

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Zo Mo · 1 year ago
Wake up and rise up women of the great land of our ancestors.Our culture is under threat.Your rights are being eroded by these wrong judgments. Tsika deducted dzaparadzwa.Vakadzi. muripiko muchirega madununu aya achiporonga upenyu hwenyu. Svinurai vanhukadzi.Munobirwa makasvinura se matemba.Chenjerai kumwa nechekuchera judge.Futi ndimi mune ma small house hobo neruda kwe basa renyu. Vakadzi nyengai magweta aya mupinde mu good living chopas. Nyoka hurt inozviruma
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Guys nyengai vakadzi vema judges and claim equal rights to wealth yakashandirwa nana mutongi Gava ava vapinde beans.Futi havagoni nyala dzepabonde sema hwindi nema vendor.Ndo kuti ma judge asvinure
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Use law to uphold and promote people and their culture for cohesion. Don't use law to decimate a society.Use your head and not your bottom judge.What is nice in Fiji is not necessarily nice everywhere else
Zo Mo · 1 year ago
Judgement iyi yakadhakwa iyi.Law must be in tandem with cultural rights, values and practices of the people it serves.Stop antagonising people and their culture.Stop imposing other foreign cultures on society. It causes social stress and a breakdown of those tenets that define that culture and society. It brings strife.It renders a culture useless and valueless. What they practice in Fiji does not apply everywhere else.The judge needs his mind examined.Use law to uphold your values and not decimate it. Uri kurasika papi shasha.
nxaaaa · 1 year ago
kunguuya pamurume wangu handhangari because mutemo hauchavarsiri nxiii ndokumeresa chinhu kuzasi kana kukuendesa kuperiod gore rose to fighter spiritually because physicaly yonetsa
Zo Mo · 1 year ago
What will happen if the same man or husband goes further on to bring more ladies in his life.Zvichafamba sei kana murume uyu akatora vakadzi 3 or more. Will all of them have equal rights to this property? Zvimwe zvinhu zvatinoita in the name of kudzidza zvoshoresa.This judgement needs further examination. You cannot rob Paul to pay Peter.
s class · 1 year ago
pasi ne Kgosi Dr ricch .gafa zvakare
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zvinoitawo here kuti munhu ave nema shares pachinhu chasina kushandira.This judgement will cause a lot of problems.You must work for it to earn it.Kusveta simba revamwe kwakaipa.Due consideration must be given to the first wife for the sacrifice she made to bring the property in question to existence.Saka Mumbai umu muchagara vakadzi 2 under the same roof sei.Try and imagine magariro achoo in a situation where 2 ladies have equal rights over a property that was brought to being by one of the 2.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Stupidity is in a high court judgement that fails to take into account kuti imba iyi yakavepo small house isati yavepo. This awkward judgement is biased towards and favouring small house and at the same time shredding to pieces the rights of the first wife who sacrificed a lot to bring the property into existence.
FMD Enterprises · 1 year ago
the courts basically pitting men against each other. watch the murders between boyfriends and husbands that will follow.
Black Adam ⚡ · 1 year ago
🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ THIS is bad the Courts have been empowering Small houses and Side chicks. Zvino vacharamba vachirara nevarume vevamwe coz they now know the law will protect them, chii chavanenge vakutya pakadai. Nhamo iri muZimbabwe yakuita kuti ma mistress atsvake all means to survive
pindura · 1 year ago
masatanist zim is hell the devil is ruling our zim
shegedee · 1 year ago
chasara kunzwaa kuti mrume aaktenderwa kuroora varume vaanoda .. nevatongii vedu avaa andione sevane mhuri iniii
Anonymous · 1 year ago
These corrupt judges
ruru · 1 year ago
ndopakati mazuva ekupedzisira anotaurwa mubhaibheri kuti roorano ichava chinhu chisingakosheswe aa mahumbwe ayo
amai · 1 year ago
very true vakubvumidza kuparadzwa kwedzimba iyo age difference yacho kurwira imba yausina kuvaka muridzi ari mupenyu kana kusatya mmmm
Hwisiri · 1 year ago
🥒🥒 ndiri kuda kukukwiiiirai mese muri 2 huuuyai kuno mabhebhi
Capitann · 1 year ago
that's the kind of sh!t that gets people killed.. Follew that precedent and u book a shelf at Nyaradzo's coldroom
laugh emoji1
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
uri kuti kudii apa. ma benefits edu zvikomba akutyisa zvekuda kuuraya munhu
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
isu zvikoma zvakatinakira
Hommie · 1 year ago
Justice Mawadze is very progressive and his interpretation of the law is always accurate & generous. Problem ndeyekuti vanhu vasina kumbodzidza muteno ndivo vanonyanya kuda kuwutsanangudza asi vachitaura zvavasingazive uye zvavasina kuendera kuchikoro...

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