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ZANU PF Praises BRICS For Supporting Zimbabwe In Overcoming Long-Standing "Illegal Sanctions"

1 year agoSun, 20 Aug 2023 07:21:48 GMT
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ZANU PF Praises BRICS For Supporting Zimbabwe In Overcoming Long-Standing "Illegal Sanctions"

ZANU PF spokesperson, Ambassador Christopher Mutsvangwa, has praised the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) bloc for its diplomatic and political support, which he said enabled Zimbabwe to overcome long-standing “illegal sanctions”.

Mutsvangwa emphasised the significant economic benefits that BRICS brings to Africa, particularly in terms of affordable markets, capital sources, and cutting-edge technologies that promote information and financial inclusivity globally.

According to Mutsvangwa, the BRICS alliance has played a pivotal role in rescuing Zimbabwe from the fate suffered by other nations, such as Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan. He credited BRICS nations for their critical 2008 United Nations Security Council veto against comprehensive sanctions on Zimbabwe.

Highlighting Zimbabwe’s potential as Africa’s fastest-growing economy, Mutsvangwa noted the influx of investments from BRICS entrepreneurs into the country’s resource-rich sectors. He made the remarks at the BRICS Media Forum, hosted by Xinhua News Agency with the support of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC). The forum preceded the BRICS Summit, which is scheduled for August 22-24. The forum aimed to strengthen media dialogue for a shared and unbiased future, under the theme “BRICS and Africa.” He said:

Africa, a continent with a youthful and growing population of 1.2 billion is suddenly in the glowing limelight of international attention. Africa has to render gratitude to the economic resurgence of the BRICS and other emergent economies. The BRICS fraternity is increasingly offering new and exciting and affordable markets for goods and services, new sources of capital doing away with regimented imperialist dictates to economic development and advanced and even leapfrogging technologies that promote information and financial inclusivity in a global village.

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As we speak, Zimbabwe is poised to become Africa’s fastest growing economy. We have an influx of world-class entrepreneurs from the BRICS fraternity pouring investment into our resource-rich nation. Our well-educated and easily skill-able labour force is ever keen and ready to turn invested capital to profits. 

BRICS saved us from the fate that befell Sadam’s Iraq, Gaddafi’s Libya, and Afghanistan among others. I salute Pretoria, Tshwane, Moscow and Beijing for the 2008 United Nations Security Council veto on comprehensive sanctions against Zimbabwe.

Both me and my wife are candidates for the Senate seats. By the way, our marriage goes back to our wartime comradeship. We are a liberation struggle foot-soldier couple. Our bond is entangled in the political soul of Africa’s liberation. We are committed to anything that spells a redemptive course to the continent’s enduring aspirations. Me and Monica are surrogates of the Soweto and Samora Machel revolutionary spirit. 

We are here even as we are in the final lap of our elections. All because we put premium to the work of the mirror as the image of BRICS at work. We owe our imminent electoral good fortunes to the BRICS.

There are huge lithium processing plants for New Energy Electric Vehicles. More work is witnessed in requisite energy generation and transmission. Water storage, pipe systems, building of a new port in nearby Beira, the second city of Mozambique, railway, road and accompanying logistics are the hallmark of the beckoning transformation for Zimbabwe.

He also praised Zimbabwe’s educated and adaptable workforce, ready to convert invested capital into profits.

Furthermore, Mutsvangwa urged BRICS nations to dispatch reporters to Zimbabwe to document the mouth-watering multi-billion-dollar investments, including projects related to steel blast furnaces, lithium processing plants, energy generation, water storage, transportation infrastructure, and more.

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Mayer T · 1 year ago
ndaneta nezanu zwinhu ngazwichinje msambo
Ndaba · 1 year ago
help please,🙏 I subscribed my DSTV yesterday and Zimbabwean channels like 3ktv ,ZTN ,nrtv display No signal notification. How can I put Signal into these channels? I hv never watched these channels be4 . Share to me ,Ngiyacela🙏
god · 1 year ago
pull the card out and insert it in your mouth . pull your pants down and slam your cock on the decoder 3 times . once for each channel , then insert the card and wallah , you see a man with a rainbow coloured Snake around his Neck with his Eyes bulging out as he Lies thru his teeth in this fifth and last year of his term as President
...... · 1 year ago
kkkk ayaas when your son asks for a fish would you give them a stone instead
mbare mi seh · 1 year ago
kkkkk haaa zvinhu zvakaoma Russia pachayo ikuchema masanctions ayakapiwa yet irikusimbisao Zimba kkkkk .... kupa ED zvi helicopter ndokupedza masanctions here....
Native · 1 year ago
Zanu pf ndiyo MaSanctions anofanira. kubviswa kuti zvinhu zviendeke for the majority Vote them out Wednesday they cry too much kuita. sechana chidiki vachiti MaSanctions vanoita sevasina basa ne the west kune Shanduko chaiyo. not the East yana China kungolooter basi basi chodeveloper to benefit the majority hapana
Lionel Macharika · 1 year ago
let's pray and work hard ... somepple here day by day are talking about politics.. downsizing our economy.. bt others not few even the economy get right they will remain constant I'm telling u ..
Zan · 1 year ago
Wtf u trynna say?
Tea Inonaka · 1 year ago
@Chamunorwa Kangara you have said it all.
Zuze · 1 year ago
Taakuda tea hobvu ine Cream yeYellow.
rms · 1 year ago
zanu inongoita se hoto kWaenda mhepo ndokwavanga vachida kuenda mazuvaapera vainamata kuda kuwirirana ne EU nhasi kwavekupembedzwa bicks
Chamunorwa Kangara · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe has got no sanctions the government in power is too corrupt, we still hve children learning under the trees this time,the elderly are not being taken care of,no safe water to drink ,no roads potholes everywhere, the sanctions that we have is Zanupf when removed Zimbabweans will be free.
smeki · 1 year ago
👏👏👏 well said
🧐 · 1 year ago
As it is said, its brick by brick Stone upon stone Nyika inongovakwawo nevene vayo wani
Rex Nhongo · 1 year ago
@Chamu you're right on point. The current Zim gvt is corrupt and rotten to the core. It's not about BRICS, EU etc... It's about Zimbabwe 1st. Once we adhere to the basic principles of governence, rule of law, zero tolerance to corruption, true patriotism as opposed to cult politics n selfishness... In no time we as Zim can be another southern Africa best economy like southafrica, if not better like before.

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