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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Extending Voting Hours May Not Be Necessary, Says Mnangagwa's Spokesperson

1 year agoWed, 23 Aug 2023 16:12:48 GMT
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Extending Voting Hours May Not Be Necessary, Says Mnangagwa's Spokesperson

Presidential spokesperson George Charamba has said extending voting hours beyond the stipulated time, that is 7 PM this Wednesday, may not be necessary.

Posting on X using one of his handles, @Tinoedzazvimwe1, Charamba claimed that the majority of polling stations that opened late eventually received ballot papers and by afternoon, very few voters had yet to cast their ballots.

Charamba’s claims are contrary to multiple reports indicating that some polling stations were yet to open by 4 PM in Harare while some had run out of ballot papers. Wrote Charamba:

ZIMBABWEANS MUST LEARN TO HAVE THE DISCIPLINE TO DESCRIBE PROBLEMS WITHIN SCALE, WITHOUT GRATUITOUS WHINING: I have just done rounds around suburbs of Harare, paying particular focus on polling stations affected by delayed opening.

The clear picture emerging is that voters have reduced to a trickle at those stations. Ironically heavy polling is showing in high densities where polling largely started on time.

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As matters stand, even extending voting times in Harare might not be necessary. Clearly, ZEC’s approach of setting different voting stations [by alphabet] is as efficient as it is convenient.

This means all the unnecessary whining we had in the morning, while understandably triggered by ballot paper delays, largely owed to angst in some political quarters without sufficient support on the ground and guilty of a quixotic campaign strategy driven by big, impotent egos.

We should be disciplined and balanced thinkers and complainants respectively. Not this strange delight in unmerited confusion!!!!!!

Above all, we must learn to distinguish between NATIONAL PROCESSES which are sacrosanct, versus partisan gripes which are personal and impulsive.

And to avoid stoking outsiders with false grievances as if they will ever become arbiters to our NATIONAL PROCESSES!!!!!

ZEC earlier on Wednesday announced that voting hours will be extended at some polling stations due to delays in the opening of polls particularly in Harare and Bulawayo provinces.

ZEC said that in Masvingo, Matabeleland North, and Matabeleland South provinces, 100% of polling stations opened at 7 AM.

In Midlands and Mashonaland West provinces, 99% of polling stations reportedly opened at 7 AM, while in Mashonaland Central and Mashonaland East provinces, 95% of polling stations opened at 7 AM.

ZEC said 85% of polling stations opened at 7 AM in Manicaland, while in Bulawayo, 75% of polling stations opened at 8:15 AM.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
George Charamba is in serious need of medical therapy, especially the brains....
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
@doug mwos wakazotenga Tv here
t · 1 year ago
kwedu 08:10
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Charamba is mentally sick he killed his wife. Its on records.
voter · 1 year ago
mdara uyo ndewekupi we won't tolerate such .... ZEC delayed us so they should extent the voting hours asifuni bumbulu la. many were suppose to go to work after votes to change others but u delayed it's our right to vote so hours should be extended.
Masendeke and Chidhumo · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe m**** nemarobberies kana zanu ikahwina
Pipiro · 1 year ago
In glennorah vanhu havasati vavoter now
....... · 1 year ago
Kuda inyaya ye violence Iye its has not been resolved I think 🤔
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Wats the scenario yacho ye avo vano register kuCBD kuvota paDen
MELO HAYES · 1 year ago
kunoku polling station haisati yawana ma ballot papers and voting is yet to commence. But what I'm liking is that people have brought their blankets and we're not going to give up
Dougie Mwos · 1 year ago
ndekupi uku
Lipper · 1 year ago
ma1 ndekp
MELO HAYES · 1 year ago
kuwarren park d
@melo hayes · 1 year ago
Enda unotambira panze That's just a very hot lie🤥
MELO HAYES · 1 year ago
unogarepikoiwewe ukuziva zvirikuitika here
Rumbidzai · 1 year ago
ZANU PF ndadichida kuyi votera but vakasiya mhamha vangu kumsangano. apa vasina mari yekunzokera kumba. apa hakufambiki ne tsoka
Lipper · 1 year ago
mama vakazodii pakudzoka kumba
Billionaire Younger · 1 year ago
Haaaa mujama avo chramba ngavanyarare tichavati chamba manje becoz vakadhakwa
maparamuro · 1 year ago
Charamba imboko mbishi. He is not a member of ZEC so should not be making those comments.
Jue saidi · 1 year ago
thanks JESUS of Nazareth matipinza muCANNAN
🧐 · 1 year ago
Blasphemous remarks, Charamba is on point The Alphabetic system is indeed faster and kuna letter M uko kune majority zvekuti kunogonha kuita 2 to3 ma queues and can be cleared in no time Ndaiwona patakawana mbeu they definitely know how to deal with masses in no time If you been to a Zanu Rally you'd see kuti zvakarongeka as everyone had had regalia, mbeu, chicken Inn, chips drink, water, muriwo wekudyara, that was a practice of managing big crowds within minutes Hats off, Salute! #Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo zvakangodaro
Dougie Mwos · 1 year ago
sad will those trinkets you were given pama rally sustain you for the next five years? muka mwana wevhu. nhaka yako ihombe kudarika chicken inn inouya kamwe in 5 years
@dougie mwos · 1 year ago
Aiwa ka those are just toppings, icing to the whole cake of his Administration, how many tonnes of bread have you mauled in your life and are you even weighing a tonne pauri ipapo So that treatment shows hunhu a welcome gesture and openness for business #Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo Ukama igasva hozadziswa nekudya shamwari That openness is on point Not only that Mbeu is being given that on a good cropping season you follow his pfumnvudza intwasa you get very far not worrying about what Biden promises that will never set footing as he's had too much of Putin and Ukraine and China mesmerising their Economy
Yellow Is The Colour · 1 year ago
ZANU PF is feeling the heat! Varikuziva kutihavahwinhe. Zviripachena ivzvi.
....... · 1 year ago
Have you become the spokesperson for ZEC........ Zvimwe nyaraiwo
Shanduko · 1 year ago
Goodbye zanu, pamakatyisavanhu, pakakwana,,,, iwe charamba,, basa rakaisvopera kare
Black Adam ⚡ · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣 George will never see heaven. He is going to die a very painful death. Queues are short coz voters have gone home out of disappointment. Harare is the capital for God's sake why all the delays. Ayas
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
dashuu......dashuuu. dashuuuu. zanu pf huchi, chiororo
😾 😾 😾 · 1 year ago
Only the good die young. For example Tsvangirai, Learnmore Jongwe etc etc. People like Charamba will die peacefully at an advanced age, just like Mugabe. Who knows, maybe Charamba will repent at the last minute and enter heaven - iwe uchitosara.
anon · 1 year ago
aaah vakomana hayas

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