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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

FULL TEXT: ZEC Speaks On Delays In Voting

1 year agoWed, 23 Aug 2023 09:07:49 GMT
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FULL TEXT: ZEC Speaks On Delays In Voting

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has announced that voting has started for the 2023 harmonised elections although some polling stations did not open on time due to the late deployment of election material. In a statement seen by Pindula News, the commission said delays in the opening have largely been caused by delays in printing of the ballot paper arising from numerous Court challenges. This has been the case with Harare and Bulawayo provinces. We present the statement below:


The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) wishes to announce that, polling has commenced for the Harmonised Elections. However, some polling stations did not open on time due to the late deployment of election material. Below is a summary of the current state on opening of polling stations per province:

  • Masvingo: 100% of polling stations opened at 7am
  • Midlands: 99% of polling stations opened at 7am
  • Matabeleland North: 100% of polling stations opened at 7am
  • Matabeleland South: 100% of polling stations opened at 7am
  • Mashonaland Central: 95% of polling stations opened at 7am
  • Mashonaland East: 95% of polling stations opened at 7am
  • Mashonaland West: 99% of polling stations opened at 7am
  • Manicaland: 85% of polling stations opened at 7am
  • Bulawayo: 75% of polling stations opened at 8:15am (representing 21 out of 29 wards)
  • Harare: 23% of polling stations opened at 7am (representing 18 out of 77 wards)

Delays in the opening have largely been caused by delays in printing of the ballot paper arising from numerous Court challenges. This has been the case with Harare and Bulawayo provinces.

The public is advised that all polling stations that opened late for reasons beyond the control of the presiding officer will remain open to cater for the period of the delay, keeping in mind that the polling station must remain open for a continuous period of at least 12 hours on polling day.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission takes this opportunity to thank the people of Zimbabwe for the political tolerance and maturity that has been exhibited thus far. We urge all voters at polling stations where delays are being experienced to remain patient as we work tirelessly to ensure delivery of the required material so that they exercise their right to vote.

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ZEC implores on all citizens of all political persuasions to continue to exercise tolerance and respect for each other so that we can collectively deliver a free, fair and credible election.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Delays were/are being caused by ZEC-ZANUPF efforts in rigging the plebiscite...........
tnono · 1 year ago
"kangene u haha ,kangene"
Mai Sandra · 1 year ago
Isu tasvika na6:00AM. Tanzwa nenzara veduwe. Saka maCHICKEN INN ari kuuya nguvai ?
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
😊 Mai Sandra muri kupi????
tikiti · 1 year ago
I, Justice Chigumba Priscilla, by the powers vested upon me, I being the Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission; Do hereby Declare, DAMBUDZO EMERSON MNANGANGWA, COMRADE of the ZIMBABWE AFRICA NATIONAL UNITY - PEOPLE'S FRONT, The Lawfully, Legally & Democratically ELECTED, PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE this TWENTY FIFTH Day of August, in the year TWO THOUSAND & TWENTY-THREE
· 1 year ago
Zviroto, Zviroto...
jk · 1 year ago
Ed huchi guys mirai moone just wasting yo tym Zimbabwe z 4 Ed so just cool n manage yo words,there z no colonial party that z going to be incharge never!
DTM · 1 year ago
ED ndamuvhotera nevana vake
Jjj · 1 year ago
CHAMISA ndamuvhotera Nevana vake
Joza · 1 year ago
All this because of your rigging. We know you very well ZEC. People have the right to take your corruption based incompetence to court, even if there is no justice. How did you exclude Kasukuwere's name from the ballot before finalisation of his court challenge if you care about outcome of court cases? Now you have planned to open polls late and close at normal time where CCC has greater support. All because you know that people will protest and get gased in the process. During the commotion you stuff ballot papers easily under cover of darkness.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
vavengi varipo ita game changer
ndavakuhumwa manje · 1 year ago
ndapedza kupinza mukomana yellow yellow
voter · 1 year ago
magona mukuru. Ini vazosara vovhura ndavepo. Hana haidzikame kusvika wapinza mukomana kkk
ndavakuhumwa manje · 1 year ago
ndapedza kupinza mukomana yellow yellow
ZEC · 1 year ago
Pane mkuru adzingwa ku polling station wanga une mazino e yellow 🟡 zvikanzi ne ZEC official takati zvemusangano hazvidiwe ibvayi pano baba
voter · 1 year ago
yaaa chero pant re yellow havadi kkk
cid · 1 year ago
kushandisa mighty marker pazvigunwe 🤣makuseni ndavhota ndonda kudzokera masikati ndozonopedzisa manheru
Reaper · 1 year ago
Pa number 2 ipapo
voter · 1 year ago
yaaa pa #2 ndipo pane chingwa 🍞 chevana. Usatatise kumwe kwese unorasika kkk
🧐 · 1 year ago
Haasi ese a ema number 2,kumwe kwacho I number 7, vakasiyanisa musavhiringidze vanhu it was cleverly done to actually pickup munhu waunoda
Gudo · 1 year ago
Unogarepiko Yoyoyo wanna see you unenge unonaka iwe
Gudo · 1 year ago
Chamisa haazofe akahwinha and haazombofe akatonga Zimbabwe never never never kungombeya kune dzimwe nyika achiisra ED sanctions bt haatonge Zim
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 Ndiwe uchatanga kuita bootlick CCC when it starts to rule
. · 1 year ago
@Yoyoyo Unenge urimhondi chaiyo. Hunhu hwako hwakaipa kwazo. Unongotuka vanhu chete. Amai vako i****.
Gudo · 1 year ago
organisation that monitors cybersecurity and the governance of the internet, has confirmed that Zimbabwe’s internet has been downgraded. In a post on X on Tuesday evening, NetBlocks said the throttling of internet services in Zimbabwe impacts online platforms on NetOne, Econet, TelOne and Liquid, potentially affecting citizens’ ability to stay informed. It said: Confirmed: Metrics indicate that internet service has been degraded in #Zimbabwe on the eve of elections; the incident impacts online platforms on NetOne, Econet, TelOne and Liquid, potentially affecting citizens’ ability to stay informed.
yellowstone · 1 year ago
atipere power chamisa anopinda this tym avarume
· 1 year ago
So laye opening should mean late closing. We want polling stations to allow all voters registered on yhose stations to vote. We want clear results if its ZANU its ZANU if its CCC its CCC if its PPPZ its PPPZ etc we want results which will satisfy everyone
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Since Justice Pricilla Chigumba started heading ZEC, it has never been run smoothly. Some Stations have always opened late. Why have Bulawayo and Harare been the worst yet their Poling Stations are close to each Other ? I recommend that Justice Chigumba be transferred back to the Bench where she came from. I wish my Political Party is going to win the Presidential race. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Black Adam⚡ · 1 year ago
😎😎😎😎😎 Chamisa akawunganirwa kuKuwadzana he hasnt put his vote, the crowd is surrounding him, vari kumudaa. Check on social media Chamisa is surrounded by the people in Kuwadzana
ZEC · 1 year ago
vana fugu ndeeee kuma ruzevha uko network hakuna vakadzikama CCC iri kuku takashayi nhasi munovata neshangu
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
garai pasi vakomana ve ccc. rigging machine yakafa here sei isina kuzviona zanu pf yakapinda kare.
Fifi · 1 year ago
👏👏 #2 CCC Chamisa Chete Chete
Zimbabwean · 1 year ago
pa Number 1 ipapo
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 HARARE HAHAHHA 23% usadherere kuno ED knows kuti 95% percent is CCC pasina kana nhai. Manje u can never rigg Harare hehehe. Even Bulawayo futi. Zanu is attempting to frustrate Harare but hazvishande #RESPECT!!!
ZEC in cahoots with the powets that be is is trying to frustrate the urban voters where CCC has a strong showing. Its a deliberate move to push people to extremeties. This is a sham election by any standards.
Tea Inonaka · 1 year ago
Chamisa Apinda MuOffice
I · 1 year ago
ZEC is at it again . Thus thus your as.s

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