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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

ZEC Extends Voting Hours At Some Polling Stations

1 year agoWed, 23 Aug 2023 14:41:32 GMT
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ZEC Extends Voting Hours At Some Polling Stations

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has announced that voting hours will be extended at some polling stations due to delays in the opening of polls particularly in Harare and Bulawayo provinces.

In a statement released on Wednesday morning, ZEC said the main reason behind the delay in the opening of polling stations was the delay in the printing of the ballot paper arising from numerous Court challenges. ZEC said:

The public is advised that all polling stations that opened late for reasons beyond the control of the presiding officer will remain open to cater for the period of the delay, keeping in mind that the polling station must remain open for a continuous period of at least 12 hours on polling day.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission takes this opportunity to thank the people of Zimbabwe for the political tolerance and maturity that has been exhibited thus far.

We urge all voters at polling stations where delays are being experienced to remain patient as we work tirelessly to ensure delivery of the required material so that they exercise their right to vote.

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ZEC said that in Masvingo, Matabeleland North, and Matabeleland South provinces, 100% of polling stations opened at 7 AM.

In Midlands and Mashonaland West provinces, 99% of polling stations reportedly opened at 7 AM, while in Mashonaland Central and Mashonaland East provinces, 95% of polling stations opened at 7 AM.

ZEC said 85% of polling stations opened at 7 AM in Manicaland, while in Bulawayo, 75% of polling stations opened at 8:15 AM.

More: Pindula News



Hombre · 1 year ago
ZEC speaks as if the ballots were being printed today. What did they use during the rigged postal vote? Vana veshanduko, kana mapedza kuvhota rarai mupolling station to avoid muggings. Assistant Commissioner Nyati was worried about people voluntarily moving at night during Chamisa's rallies. What are you now saying to those exposed to danger now by ZEC Pf? Can you deny that you're also part of the rigging scheme as ZRPf?
and · 1 year ago
true that.they consider the safety of the voter
mtumwa · 1 year ago
musmusajayire vanhu
srt · 1 year ago
these delays only meant to frustrate the electorate. it was deliberate in that it only happened in towns and what zec was doing all along saying they are prepared for the election. The credibility issue is still at stake here since many would have left after spending several hours without being given the opportunity to vote.
doug · 1 year ago
23 August ends at midnight, and 23 August cannot be extended. So, some polling stations will vote for two days!
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
doug verenga futi. delayed hours will be added continuously. if voting starts at 5pm it will end at 5 am
Anonymous spectator · 1 year ago
Ehhh guys didn't ZEC announce just a few days ago that it had printed ballots n in excess too....saka what's the story with delays in printing....Zim maOne😓
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 Apa the observers are watching and broadcasting world wide haahahha. ZEC yanyadzisaaaa
Dougie Mwos · 1 year ago
guys be patient...... Ed knows kuty this election akadyiwa.... akutoda zve rerun. he wants you to discredit this election and declarea rerun. 2 October but guys. panorohwa munhu sebenzi
Think outside the box · 1 year ago
Delaying strategy to rig the election As we talk most of the people were frustrated and return back home without exercising their voting rights.
Shanduko · 1 year ago
Let's be patient,,,,I one day pa 5 years,,, guys,, ngatimirirrei nguva yakwana
Tea Inonaka · 1 year ago
Chamisa ahwina
· 1 year ago
I'm seeing Chaos Someone refusing to leave statehouse
e · 1 year ago
------ inodyiwa chimukomana pfee
Freedom · 1 year ago
ZEC is very corrupt! Shame on them. Varikuda kutobirira.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
240 million plus iri pabasa
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 During the night it's risky for both men and women to vote, there are thieves out there. Phones will be stolen and anything can happen to anyone. What a disgusting tactic by ZEC, musadaro, people have been waiting for this day since January. #RESPECT!!!
commentator · 1 year ago
haaaa this time Nero ahwina ukaona zanu pf it's now in six's and sevens
cid · 1 year ago
ko anti rigging machine asi yafa😂😂
and · 1 year ago
zec u have failed the election
...... · 1 year ago
ZANUPF didnt want this election coz they knew they were not markatable
The voters have been frustrated and the majority have left. Its rigging at its best.
Mutsa Washe · 1 year ago
why frustrated isu tazongovhota now hapana kana munhu kungosvikopinda. let us not loose hope

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