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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe 2023 Elections: ZANU PF Candidate Dismantles Community Borehole After Losing

1 year agoSat, 26 Aug 2023 06:20:08 GMT
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Zimbabwe 2023 Elections: ZANU PF Candidate Dismantles Community Borehole After Losing

After losing in the 23-24 August elections, ZANU PF MP candidate for Chinhoyi Constituency, Thomas Chidzomba, took the surprising step of dismantling the equipment for a borehole he had drilled for the community. Initially, he had locked the borehole, but later he made the decision to remove the equipment altogether.

We do not know how much Chidzomba used to drill the borehole in Chinhoyi. While the cost can vary depending on various factors such as the depth of the borehole, geological conditions, and the drilling company hired, generally, it ranges from approximately US$3,000 to US$10,000 or more. 

Chidzomba received criticism from community members who viewed his actions as a sign of his lack of dedication to the people. People expressed disappointment, suggesting that individuals like him should not hold leadership positions. Some even suggested charging him for vandalism and requiring him to restore the borehole through community service.

In contrast, other unsuccessful ZANU PF candidates, such as Pedzai Scot Sakupwanya and Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube, reportedly left the services intact. Sakupwanya even released a statement expressing his determination to fulfil the promises he made during the election campaign. He encouraged residents to reach out to his office for any assistance and pledged to support the winning opposition candidate in developing the constituency.

During election campaigns in Zimbabwe, politicians often undertake developmental projects to gain public support. These projects aim to address various societal needs and demonstrate the politicians’ commitment to improving people’s lives. Some examples include:

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  1. Infrastructure Development: Politicians may focus on building roads, schools, hospitals, bridges, and other public infrastructure. These projects aim to enhance connectivity and access to essential services.

  2. Water and Sanitation: Efforts may be made to provide clean drinking water, construct boreholes, install water pumps, and improve sanitation facilities in communities lacking these basic amenities.

  3. Agriculture and Rural Development: Politicians may support initiatives to boost agricultural productivity, such as providing farming inputs, irrigation systems, and training programs. The goal is to improve food security and income generation in rural areas. ZANU PF has been doing this for a very long time.

  4. Education and Skills Development: Projects may involve building or renovating schools, libraries, and vocational training centres. Scholarships, bursaries, and educational resources might also be provided to enhance access to quality education and skills training.

  5. Health and Social Welfare: Politicians may focus on improving healthcare facilities, supplying medical equipment, and ensuring the availability of essential medicines. In Mabvuku/Tafara, Sakupwanya is said to have brought doctors to treat residents of varying sicknesses free of charge. They may also support social welfare programs that address poverty alleviation and the needs of vulnerable groups.

Despite their efforts in implementing developmental initiatives, politicians can still face electoral defeat due to various factors. These include their personal history, the political party they represent, and the popularity of their opponents. Past controversies or perceived shortcomings can diminish voter trust, and corruption is a significant factor that drives voters to support alternative candidates. In the case of Sakupwanya, the Gold Mafia documentary by Al Jazeera, which implicated him in gold smuggling, may have impacted his electoral prospects negatively.

The reputation and standing of political parties can impact election results. Rural areas tend to support ZANU PF, while major cities lean towards opposition parties. This makes it challenging for opposition candidates in rural areas and ZANU PF candidates in cities, regardless of their qualifications.

Additionally, the charisma, popularity, and track record of opponents play a significant role. Winning elections requires a combination of effective policies, public perception, strategic campaigning, and the ability to connect with constituents.

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Inspector · 1 year ago
Tichange tine varwere nguva dziri dzose
srt · 1 year ago
so by removing the pump and tanks, did he also filled the drilled hole with cement? this kind of behaviour CA do anything. Selfish leadership never intenting to serve
munhu akangwara · 1 year ago
uyu atoratidza kuti anenge anonetsekana nekushandisa pfungwa
citizen · 1 year ago
uuu let peace keep on prevailing
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Mukarwadziwa hamupore CCC yafa Chamiswa CCC yave kudambuka Biti wakamunyudza,iye zvino Mahere,Skhala again usadaro cobra asi bottom line Waka mama
CCC · 1 year ago
@simba · 1 year ago
totonzwa newe munyasarande bcoz isu takatoenda kumusha kuno vhota on Wednesday tikadzoka on Thursday.
Sorry · 1 year ago
ZANU 126 seats CCC 76 seats So far
Rose Ruwa · 1 year ago
ko mapresidential akamira sei tipeiwo tinzwa
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
😚😚😚 Rose i told u kuti ndinokufarira shaaa how are you Smart Girl
Rose Ruwa · 1 year ago
kungosimbirira enational assembly today huru yadzo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Voting is transactiona;l/ You vote for someone who brings something to you. IIf the people in whatever ward his borehol was, didn't vote for him, they did not appreciate his effort. They think they are entitled to a free meal. It does not work like that.
Me · 1 year ago
Brain dzenyu dzakangofanana
Chief · 1 year ago
Pindula kanda news mhani,..... anyone ari kuziva kuti zvamira sei kuZEC ikok
Citizen · 1 year ago
President vagadzikwa jojo tank papicture apo 🤣🤣
Hombre · 1 year ago
Chidzomba must realise that the water underground is not his. He cannot tamper with that site and water. That very place must remain usable for the next borehole. Ndipo pakaonekwa kuti ndipo pane mvura ye area iyoyo. Kwete yaChidzomba.
Slay Queen · 1 year ago
kuChinhoyi tinorova mari dzemaCandidates eZanu akapusá. Chidzomba ngaabvunze Chiyangwa yatakamuita kuno. Akatenga magumbeze nemaPoto isu tikavhotera hedu CCC. CCC to di world 👆👆👆
Rose Ruwa · 1 year ago
kkkkkkk pwaaaaaaa
Bhomora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
🤔 Zanu is rigging in some parts of Matebeleland, it's bad guys, Matebeleland is a CCC strong hold
. · 1 year ago
Chamisa has respect for VP Chiwenga than for ED hope somethings would be talked over ku State House kwaari ikozvino Neku analyser outcome ye maresults Iye achizvionera ku rakashwa kwaaitwa but he's at the state house Pindula kanda ka news idzi kumhomwe
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The whole country need Deliverance starting from the current Zanu pf President all Zanu pf people. We can't have a cruel society like this. Mweya rudziko vanhu ve zanu pf. You are not God. A hateful society is doomed. This losing Zanu pf fools has destroyed public property because he handed over the borehole to the community. After all he used looted money from our taxpayers and country resources. ZRP arrest this criminal
🧐 · 1 year ago
Which companies tax, there are no tax revenues from informal traders or even Ana museyamwa Zimbabwe is still yet to recognise tax remittance so many companies have closed shop, and again, the issues to do with currency hits us big time He used his own resources to put up that establishment but he's failed the party, the amount of synergies to drill that borehole and that to destroy is none, he's un Zanu
JAA · 1 year ago
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😧😧😁 @JAA u aren't man enough u coward, u don't have balls🍒. Zanu failed to deliver, the Urban areas have people who know the truth. Haahah ED did a rally in Harare and claimed that people loved but HHEHEHEH the votes proved him wrong, even in Bulwayo he did a rally saying the numbers show kuti Zanu has support
s.class · 1 year ago
saka the reason yekuda kurova vanhu ndeyei.
Mrs bvu bvu bvumbururu ye ndege · 1 year ago
that behavior is uncalled for he doesn't have leadership skills about his supporters who campaigned for him and the ones who voted him at least vaifanira kuwanawo that borehole as a token of appreciation
Hwisiri · 1 year ago
🥒🥒 Ko hamudi kuita Mrs Hwisiri here
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
ED wangu handide naye. ZANU PF fambei. MDC mwawu
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣 Imi musazvinetsa na uyo @Chi baby che Zanu katori karoooombeee aka. Haachato zive kuti airtime inoiswa sei mu phone *121* hahaha. Anodzokodza the same Bra 👙👙👙 weekend yese. Akapedzisira kudya ma Corn flakes back in 2017, anzwa nekudya porridge ine dovi kumba kwavo. Anotoda CCC musikana uyo kuti achikwanisa kutenga airtime nekudya Weetbix
E Chamanga · 1 year ago
enda unomunyaradza ne blow job
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
@E Chamanga 🤣🤣 ndimupa Zvombo rangu musikana uyo anofaaa nekuti varume ve CCC havasi magwara, tisu varume chaivo vanotaura chokwadi kuti ED haagoni basa
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
ED wangu handide naye. ZANU PF fambei. MDC mwawu
kubhulani magodhi · 1 year ago
Zanu yakaenda na mugabe,chasara rangovazita risina chiremerera kkkk
s.class · 1 year ago
ichokwadi here kuti nhasi masikati mu Harare mucharowa vanhu.ndataurirwa nemumwe munhu kudaro.
Ehe · 1 year ago
hongu something big is going on
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Tsepete Tsepete pa masvingo. Tinoziva kuti kwayedza nekuti Jongwe rakukuridza. ZANU PF ndiro jongwe
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Imi musazvinetsa na uyo @Chi baby che Zanu katori karoooombeee aka. Haachato zive kuti airtime inoiswa sei mu phone *121* hahaha. Anodzokodza the same Bra 👙👙👙 weekend yese. Akapedzisira kudya ma Corn flakes back in 2017, anzwa nekudya porridge ine dovi kumba kwavo. Anotoda CCC musikana uyo kuti achikwanisa kutenga airtime nekudya Weetbix
thwabam · 1 year ago
ma zanu pf hambani liye kufa le **** zabantu CCC kuphela.......Ayesaba amagwala'''''chamisa hoye
thwabam · 1 year ago
you are sick that's why urikutambura penzi ''''chi baby che zanu ucha mama ma chicken inn uchamawona kupi tofo
thwabam · 1 year ago
ma zanu pf hambani liye kufa le **** zabantu CCC kuphela.......Ayesaba amagwala'''''chamisa hoye
thwabam · 1 year ago
ma zanu pf hambani liye kufa le **** zabantu CCC kuphela.......Ayesaba amagwala'''''chamisa hoye
thwabam · 1 year ago
ma zanu pf hambani liye kufa le **** zabantu CCC kuphela.......Ayesaba amagwala'''''chamisa hoye
kudzai · 1 year ago
nxaaa it's painful , that Mp should visit psychiatrist for examination. it's senseless to act like he did
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
T1 · 1 year ago
You're definitely brainwashed. Erohw.
KG · 1 year ago
@hollyman · 1 year ago
Saka wakabohoka bohoka brain dzirikubvinza nhai 😜
Fifi · 1 year ago
🤣 Aaah zvakaoma, saka vanhu vachaita sei in the meantime kana borehole rabviswa nhai? Is the New MP going buy one for the people, coz water is life.
Justsaying · 1 year ago
so Ed is achati ndipey machicken inn angu here
IGNORAMUS · 1 year ago
IGNORAMUS ,an utterly ignorant or **** person : a dunce
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
ZANU PF Chinhoyi constituency MP candidate committed chargeable crimes of Malicious Injury to Property or Theft if he removed some parts of the borehole away. At law if you give a gift, the ownership rights are transferred straightaway to the receiver. Chinhoyi community must report Chidzomba to Police. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
🛑 · 1 year ago
tangai kubata Java
Hollyman · 1 year ago
mukomana apinda hakee ma zanu ose tikukuzivai mukupinda mukati fast tikutoda nezvenyu zvamaiita zvose tinazvoo
thwabam · 1 year ago
he will kill himself.... ma yellow borne nyika yose ipapo
🧐 · 1 year ago
It's a disgrace to the party, If he wanted it back he could have put a charge for its use and maintenance or make a garden for people to grow veggies and get a return out of it I'm sure he would realise gains and would use those proceeds for future campaigns
Ghetto Prophet · 1 year ago
Ko nhai ma results ema MP akapera kuverengwa here or vachambo "verify"
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Picture iyo bhoooo here hahaha. Ndiye uya wekutanga at its lock borehole haha. Akarwadziwa mudhara uyo
Reaper · 1 year ago
KO vakadya ma chicken inn + Mari ne chingwa vachazodii?
Aj · 1 year ago
Vanotora kuma Blair Toilet🤣🤣
Mupfungwe chaiye · 1 year ago
kkkkkkkk vasara kurutsiswa chicken inn nemadrink avainwa
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 Hahahahaa I hope ma Slay Queen nema Small House madzidza kuti Mbinga dzakaita sanana Thomas hadziiti, dzinokutorera zvese ukadziramba 🍆🍑. Chinhoyi👏👏👏 well done makagona, ana Thomas never did anything for you until election season. CCC is the winning party countrywide on a fair election. #RESPECT!!!
wiloz · 1 year ago
l concur with u , bro Maparamuro, our ignorance dearly costs us .
doug · 1 year ago
How can such immature political fakes be expected to do anything further than what they did during campaigning? People are not that cheap.
just sayin · 1 year ago
This guy clearly shows that he only cares about the position not the community, clearly after he had been voted for he wouldn't do much for that community but try to recover his campaign funds with a profit.
sir kuda · 1 year ago
someone who cares about the people wouldn't do this! it's very embarrassing for zanu-pf.
me · 1 year ago
vanongoiwana kwavagara vachiiwana .we want a zim yekuti everyhomesteasd inoita borehole vachivhura mwura patap not zvecommunity end up vanhu vaakuisirana mushonga.
Mdala · 1 year ago
This **** must be charged one voter buying two vandalism.
Mdala · 1 year ago
This **** must be charged one voter buying two vandalism.
· 1 year ago
ndosaka vasina kukuvhotera uri rombe
Mambo · 1 year ago
Pindula makuzotipa news nhasi dzezvinhu zvakaitika 3 days ago sei murikumas**** kudai nxaa kana maresults makafita kutipa after 2 weeks imi
Mambo · 1 year ago
Pindula makuzotipa news nhasi dzezvinhu zvakaitika 3 days ago sei murikumas**** kudai nxaa kana maresults makafita kutipa after 2 weeks imi
whoever wrote this? · 1 year ago
“ Men who look upon themselves born to reign, and others to obey, soon grow insolent; selected from the rest of mankind their minds are early poisoned by importance; and the world they act in differs so materially from the world at large, that they have but little opportunity of knowing its true interests, and when they succeed to the government are frequently the most ignorant and unfit of any throughout the dominions.
me · 1 year ago
kkkkkk ndaseka zvangu
tk · 1 year ago
Kodza · 1 year ago
we want people vane focus kwete vanoitira zvnhu kuda kuonekwa
what a tw @ t · 1 year ago
childish spiteful behavior from this Thomas Chidzomba tw @t
@ · 1 year ago
Un Zanu, he's got to be probed for vandalism and he should be charged for demonising the President like that how can one use the Presidents campaign vehicle to commit such **** childish act a likened to Chamisa who still is cry baby at asterner age to walk into state House, WE know you are an advocate but defeat is clearly visible and you still arguing start 2028 now you will walk to the state House if you want
English · 1 year ago
Nyorai ne rurimi rwaamai apa hapana chamanyora
Rex Nhongo · 1 year ago
Wakadzungaira, ndosaka uchi supporter zanu... Ukanyora nechi shona unofa here dunderhead...basa reku uraya nyika nekubira MA elections.. Muchatinga Kuma ruzevha chete nxaaa

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