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HomeCrime and Courts

Former Deputy Minister, Barbara Rwodzi, Assaulted

1 year agoMon, 28 Aug 2023 04:37:55 GMT
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Former Deputy Minister, Barbara Rwodzi, Assaulted

Former Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry Deputy Minister, Barbara Rwodzi, was allegedly assaulted by CCC members following a road traffic accident on a dusty road in Chirumhanzu on 24 August.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the assault occurred after Rwodzi’s car, which was being driven by her son, collided with a car owned by losing CCC Chirumhanzu Patrick Cheza.

It is alleged that Cheza and some CCC activists assaulted Rwodzi after she had travelled to the accident scene following a distress call from her son. Said Assist Comm Nyathi:

The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms a road traffic accident involving a vehicle driven by George Chengetai Rwodzi, son to Honourable Barbara Rwodzi and another vehicle driven by John Bata, along Chaka-Charandura dust road, Chirumhanzu on 24th August 2023 at 1245 hours.

The collision occurred as both vehicles approached Njiva curve in the Gonawapotera area. Coincidentally, the vehicles are owned by Member of Parliament for Chirumhanzu Constituency, Honourable Barbara Rwodzi and losing Citizen Coalition for Change candidate, Patrick Cheza.

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As a result, Honourable Rwodzi drove to the scene after receiving a distress call from her son, while Patrick Cheza also drove to the scene in the company of Citizen Coalition for Change members.

A dispute ensued resulting in Citizen Coalition for Change activists led by Patrick Cheza assaulting Honourable Rwodzi.

Patrick Cheza later made a report on the accident to the police while Honourable Barbara Rwodzi made an assault report to the police.

Patrick Cheza handed himself to the police in the company of his lawyer, Esau Mandipa on 27th August 2023.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police assures the public that the road traffic accident and the assault case will be handled in line with the country’s laws.

More: Pindula News



Hollyman · 1 year ago
haaaa vakomana ummm sei vanhu avo vasingagoni kurova vaifanira kumudeleter pasi pezuva mhani Toda kudeleter chimukono che Zanu nezvimbwanana zvacho
uGatsheni boya beNyathi · 1 year ago
am not at all nezvakaitwa ne CCC kurova Barbara vomusiya ari mupenyu they should have killed her. who cares guys this world has no space for hooligans lyk her
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
🤔🤔🤔 Aaah kozvakune manhepo kumhuri yekwa Rwodzi. Barbara lost her husband in a accident last month read below. 👇👇👇 """Barbara Rwodzi, who is the Chirumanzu South MP (ZANU PF), lost her husband, Christopher Mutonhori Rwodzi, about weeks ago. He was an independent candidate for the Gutu West constituency. Rwodzi’s vehicle overturned at a bridge along Chivhu-Harare Highway and he died on the spot. He was set to contest as an “Independent Candidate 4 ED” after he was prevented from running in the ZANU PF primaries that were held in March this year."""
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
daivakamu**** ku**** mukadzi uyoo
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
vanhu vatoziwa kuti hausiwe fugu pfeee the pfeerorist. morning zuze and saidi. pamberi nezanu pf
maparamuro · 1 year ago
she deserves worse , what she got is not worth reporting to police, they should have cut out her tongue, she is an evil person, the devil in flesh and blood
@Freedom · 1 year ago
option B iyo inoda ana Michael Scofield wangu are you that brilliant????
Dread · 1 year ago
hazvidi kana brilliance izvi mukuru. passport yako chte. wakaenda
Freedom · 1 year ago
My prison sentence has been extended by five more years. I have three options: A. Continue with life as normal. B. Break out of the prison. C. Kill myself. I choose B.
Black Adam ⚡ · 1 year ago
🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ No please don't kill yourself becoz of ED. Your life is important plus, u don't know the opportunities that wait for you in the future. U will be surprised kuti a relative can just call you for a business opportunity. ED is not God. Keep praying by the leading of the Holy Spirit, read your bible. You don't need the government to control your life. You are special, keep the faith in God not in human beings
Sun rays · 1 year ago
In my opinion no one is above the law the election season is past us so going forward let's abide by the laws of the nation or else you find yourself behind bars.election season yataive immune to prosecution yakatopfuura fellow zanu pf comrades going forward let's be law abiding once again.
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 ED is above the law in Zim that's the Gold Mafia nana Sakupwanya are walking free and enjoying their dirty wealth. The courts will never judge against ED vanotomukwata. It shouldn't be like that but Zanu Pf structured itself to be above the Law
tsoko🐿️ · 1 year ago
The Zimbabwe Republic Police assures the public that the road traffic accident and the assault case will be handled in line with the country’s laws. pabatei zvakanaka apo kurova minister zvakangofanana nekurova idhi munangagwa it's treason,pachamam-a munhu apo
zanu imbavha · 1 year ago
former deputy minister munonzwa chirungu here
matsa · 1 year ago
Barbra ndiyewekutuka policeman zvinoanoreporterei aixvitianemasimba
· 1 year ago
Rohwa tiende
KH · 1 year ago
Dhara · 1 year ago
Ribvungu · 1 year ago
these cases shall be handled along political lines

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