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CCC Activist Abducted, Tortured And Dumped

1 year agoTue, 29 Aug 2023 17:05:52 GMT
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CCC Activist Abducted, Tortured And Dumped

Amnesty International has urged the Zimbabwean government to investigate the enforced disappearance and torture of Nelson Mukwenha, a CCC political activist.

Mukwenha was allegedly abducted by suspected State security agents on 26 August.

Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for Southern Africa, Khanyo Farisè, said those responsible for Mukwenha’s disappearance and torture should be brought to justice. Said Farisè:

Amnesty International strongly condemns the enforced disappearance and torture of Nelson Mukwenha, allegedly at the hands of Zimbabwe’s security forces.

Authorities must conduct a prompt, thorough, impartial, independent, effective, and transparent investigation into Mukwenha’s disappearance and torture.

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The findings of any investigation must be made public and those suspected to be responsible must be brought to justice in fair trials.

Everyone, regardless of their political outlook, should be able to freely express themselves and participate in peaceful activism without the fear of abduction or harm.

The Zimbabwean authorities must respect, protect, promote and fulfill the right of everyone to physical security and safety.

The Zimbabwean authorities must ensure that enforced disappearances and abductions are treated as extremely serious crimes, and ensure justice and accountability.

Amnesty International said on 26 August 2023, Mukwenha was part of a crowd of people that prevented suspected security officials from abducting Promise Mkwananzi, spokesperson of the CCC, during a press conference in Harare.

Later that evening, Mukwenha was reportedly picked up by suspected security officials at his home in Highfields, Harare.

Mukwenha was then tortured and dumped in a forest in Mapinga, Mashonaland West Province.

More: Pindula News



then what · 1 year ago
their kids can go and learn russian and chinese kkkkkk
📚📚 Shining Star ⭐ · 1 year ago
4rm my point of view l see WW3 coming look at the tension between countries all over the world division of countries into grps has already begun, different views, political n economic instability in Africa, Ukraine invasion by Russia hiding under the fact of freeing russian people in Ukraine whilst main aim is to exploit its resources, Israel -palestine war going on and other conflicts going on.the West[Americans] wants to implement their laws n will to us Africans to rule us depriving us of our independence in the name of democracy and equality busy trying to spread LGBTQ to us devouring our social culture why not leave us to live under our own will,rules/laws n culture instead of forcing us to be like them if we don't stay strong we will lose our sovereignty and the East [China /Russia] wants to suck us dry of our natural resources by exploiting them gaining nothing in return example in Zim we have lithium but what have we benefited from it nothing at all everything just goes abroad how many tonnes of gold has been exported over the years and look where we are suffering we are being looted in daylight guys as Africans we need to wake up can't we see what's going we are being used as ponies in this game we are just collateral damage to them
Anonymous · 1 year ago
All abductions/killings carried out in Zimbabwe are christened/ordained by ZANUPF...simple and straight forward
simba · 1 year ago
Anopapinda chete namwari zvinoita.Satan haana simba rinokunda ramwari
Mayer T · 1 year ago
politics is a gud thing wangu tirikuda kuyisa chamisa pachigaro
Gemma · 1 year ago
Politics is not a good thing, eish guys that's a traumatic experience he encountered.
Mbolis · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe is being ruled by terrorist for real
.... · 1 year ago
Politics idzi usade kuita kunge, unoddzigona kupfuura vamwe, just be a politician by voting not activist, unofira mahara vanhu vakasara vachidya havo sadza, parufu rwako rotoddyiwa, kana uine mhuri yotambura, hauna kana hero status yawawanna, chamisa kari kumba kwako kagere iwe ukutovewa. Nyaya ekuda kunzi wakapenga inokuvadzisa, maelections aunoti akabbirirwa ndeako, ndiwe unechido nenyika kupinda vamwe here. Dzungu Dzungu hakusi kungwara
koi · 1 year ago
let's try to love ZANUPF vakomana nyangwe musingaide
original ndebele · 1 year ago
nyika yafa nekuda kwe****
Ghetto Prophet · 1 year ago
There shld be a third hand in these events, bent on further tarnish the image of ED.. They want to prove that he is no longer in control, to justify another coup- watch the space.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
So guys, a party presidential candidate who withdrew from an election and advised the whole nation that he is not participating in the election gets to get 28 883 votes. TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND!!!. People are not that naïve Twenty eight thousand people cant queue for hours to vote for someone who has made it very clear that he is not participating, Mwonzora is right by accusing ZE of allocating him a figure.
Zoombie 23 · 1 year ago
Don't forget kuti some people live in very remote areas kunoenda bhazi one for example places like Bhegedhe, Benzi, Sengwe to mention but a few their source of info is radio Zimbabwe yavanotonzwa here and there and Dougie was campaigning pa radio all along.Remember information inosvika after a long time kunzvimbo dzakadai.Dougie akabuda murace a few days before election zvekuti they didn't know it plus some didn't understand difference ye MDC ne CCC especially those in far remote areas
calm down · 1 year ago
Eishh kubi phandle laaa ku rough sibe safe yooo asiphephanga May God protect us from all evil deeds
Mayer T · 1 year ago
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk aaaaaaaaah chamisa for real
CHRISPEN NYONI · 1 year ago
Our Judiciary system is captured why can't they arrest all those implicated in the Gold Mafia scandal.... SCOTT Sakupwanya, Bogus Prophet Eubert Angel etc
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
😂😂😂😂@ Anonymous zvese zvawataura back to sender 7 fold. Uchafa uri rombe usina chawaita accomplish in life becoz u and your family you are all failures and non achievers. Mai vako vaya vanonhuhwa zai rakawora, that is why your silly father cheats on her with different women. Hapana chichafamba kumba kwenyu mhuri yese you are cursed with the spirit of poverty, munenge mungori vanhu vano kwereta mari for the rest of your lives. Zvatotanga soooo. Mai na Baba vako vachafa in a terrrible car accident votsviiira imomo then iwewe wofa ne cancer. Zvatotanga so rufu mumhuri yenyu.
Aj · 1 year ago
🤣🤘🤘 Akomana hey lol
Wuto · 1 year ago
WTF matsamweyi ko nhayi baba
Fifi · 1 year ago
@Wuto lol check article rakanzi Gayton ndipo pazvatangira
thwabam · 1 year ago
toenda futi kuma elections whether you like it or not bantue be zanu pff
.. · 1 year ago
Kuma elections kudii🙄nekuti Zanu yaramba kutongwa ne GAYTONaz matripples c maizviiteriko dzoserai mari DZEVECHIDEARSIRMADAME ava rudzi urwu harudiwi chero ani MuZimba we azere Vanhu vano paka ku ma nyuwa it's a big disappointment to the nation for real
The Truth · 1 year ago
I wish Mnangagwa was Saddam.or Gaddafi.or Mobutu.
. · 1 year ago
He can't and never will be He's simply a peace soldier, was recommended by the BBC for his effort to steer the nation to prosperity come 2030
Bhomora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
@Truth haaa apo ED ayita mudiki🤣🤣🤣. Ana Sadam and Mobuto were the personification of Devils haha
viva · 1 year ago
Ed pfeeee pfeeee pfeeee pfeeee
@amnesty international · 1 year ago
zve zimbabwe tek tek nazvo ko what's your take on the continued occupation of Palestine by Jews from Israel???
cid · 1 year ago
@maparamuromo,,, kutaura zva Tongogara ko CCC yakasiya Skala mujeri yet all of them claim to be advocates,,,I remember pakasungwa mfana Makomborero they intiated a #free Mako program pavaipfeka black every Friday just to show kuti they were in Solidarity with him😏Ko pana Sikhala nothing
.☝️☝️☝️☝️ichooooo. · 1 year ago
ndaingonzwa kut ku CCC ndko kune ngito dzese nhai.
Vladimir Putin · 1 year ago
ini ndiri ready to kill Chamisa mukandi bvumira.
Führer · 1 year ago
Ukatora Banga uka kachekacheka ukatora waya uka kajunga junga uka tora demo uka tema tema🤣🤣🤣🤣
...... · 1 year ago
dai zvaitaurwa kudai kwenyu hapasi pamunoti patriotism ñoñseñse
@hostile elements · 1 year ago
godo kuvenga nekuvenga zanu pf ndachema godo here kuvenga nekuvenga zanu pf ma CCC ko nzira yedu mukuisirei mafeso?hatichaziva kana pekubata nhai Mwari makatipirei Hama dzinonzi CCC supporters idzi?ko Seiko makatipa Hama dzine godo kudai nhai Mwari?ihondo ihondo ihondo..............
Sun rays · 1 year ago
unotoona rimwe richiita believe this nonsense wotoona kut ma CCC are dummies drama makaita copy and paste panana mamombe ka zvave easy kungoita emulate.hatinei nayo propaganda iyo kwatakabva mutunhu vana vevazukuru.
Yeke 🍌 · 1 year ago
udza mom's vako kuti ndrikuuya manheru kna baba vako vaenda kubasa
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
These are some of the things which make these Elections not free, fair and credible. These incidents must be reported to Police for investigations. This is done for procedure only as Police is captured. Citizens are referred to a recent case where in Glen Norah, a CCC activist was murdered by suspected ZANU PF thugs. A few days later Police Commissioner General appeared on television saying the victim was killed in a road accident. How can people feel free to report cases to such Police Organisation ? This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
coni · 1 year ago
ferere ferere zanu haizvigone it end up abduct pple for no reason anyway imboitai zvichapera chisingapere chinoshura ngaapinde hake MKOMANA
Führer · 1 year ago
anopinda Pai iye akarakashwa Kasi ukureva apinde mu toiret🧻🧻🚽🚽🚽
Mabhuruku · 1 year ago
Kusa nyara ma activities e FAZ Pama polling stations, kuvhundutsira ndiko kwaunoti ku kuhwina ma elections?, u are too shallow minded and uncivilised.
viva · 1 year ago
saka muchaita sei
Führer · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣 dai kari ka Chamisa
263 · 1 year ago
You're a witch.
Führer · 1 year ago
Thank you very much I take that as a compliment.
cid · 1 year ago
akavingwa ne mface wavaitora ma video vamubata vachitaurisa musi uya kkk mozviyedza security apa musina kana rhekeni paden hezvo wakwaturirwa mahara🤣I doubt Nero anokurapisa".Case closed" kkk ukataurisa vanokudzokorora😂
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 Haupinde denga iwe, une moyo wakashata
. · 1 year ago
Ukati urimuno munyika iyewe Kana mongo Pindula mumwena kana Jozi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Selajwayela ukubulala abantu manje thina aMandebele safa kudala vele asisabi lokho
cid · 1 year ago
@annoymus usati "thina"a**** zvimirire wega 🤣kana usingatyi like wat u say why use the name annoymous
viva · 1 year ago
anoitira imi mabonga munozomuvhinga ed pfeee pfeeee pfeee pfeeee pfeeeeeeeeeee evryday na 3am pfeeeeeeeeeee
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Those same guys vanaGwari who wanted to abduct Prosper are obviously the ones who abducted this guy bcz he restrained them
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
😑😑 Oh my God iiiiii no this is just wrong. Will the justice system and the police do their job? I wonder, we have wicked people in this country.
viva kutonga · 1 year ago
saka muchaitasei
aaaa · 1 year ago
🙆🙆 zvinorwadza izvi
Gogo · 1 year ago
Mukwenha anofarira kuvhima. Haana abduction anga aenda kunovhima

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