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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Namibian Observer Mission Head Says Criticism On Zimbabwe's Elections Plot To Unseat Former Liberation Movements

1 year agoWed, 30 Aug 2023 07:51:47 GMT
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Namibian Observer Mission Head Says Criticism On Zimbabwe's Elections Plot To Unseat Former Liberation Movements

Mr. Ndali Che Kamati, the Namibian Observer Mission Head of Delegation, has criticised certain Election Observer Missions in Zimbabwe for making statements that he sees as part of a plot to unseat Former Liberation Movements, governments, and systems. He suggested that some Western countries aim to remove Liberation Movements from power, which explains the critical pronouncements made.

Kamati emphasized that despite such claims, they continue to invite observers because of their commitment to transparency, freedom, and fair elections. However, he expressed disapproval of such pronouncements, stating that they are not appreciated. He told reporters in Harare:

We are former Liberation Movements – ZANU PF, SWAPO, PLA, ANC, FRELIMO – and some African countries, in the West especially Europe, want to unseat Liberation Movements and that is why you hear these pronouncements like you heard this week here (Zimbabwe). There is an agenda.

He stated that the pronouncements constitute a direct assault on former Liberation Movements, governments, and systems, and noted that this situation is not unique to Zimbabwe but also applies to Namibia and South Africa. He added:

We keep on inviting them because we are not hiding anything, we are transparent, and we are free and we want fair Elections but we do not appreciate such pronouncements.

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His comments were made in response to the criticism expressed by other observer missions that monitored Zimbabwe’s harmonized elections held on August 23-24. These missions condemned the elections due to various irregularities. They stated that the elections did not meet the requirements outlined in Zimbabwe’s Constitution, the Electoral Act, and the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (2021). The observer missions raised concerns about the lack of transparency, independence, fairness, and credibility in the electoral processes. They also highlighted instances of voter intimidation and the disenfranchisement of candidates, particularly women. Furthermore, the missions noted that there were undue restrictions on the rights to freedom of assembly, association, and expression, rights that are protected by Zimbabwe’s Constitution and regional guidelines.

In response to these irregularities, the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has called for new elections. The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) declared President Emmerson Mnangagwa as the winner of the presidential election, with Nelson Chamisa of the CCC as the runner-up. The ZANU PF party secured the majority of National Assembly seats. 

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Remedio Fernandes · 1 year ago
Mr Kamati, are you suggesting that in any African country, the ruling must always be a Liberation Movement? Can a country not move beyond where worthwhile parties arise with positive and progressive ideals? We all admit to the contributions of Libreation Movements but surely this does not give them the right to govern for eternity.
jj · 1 year ago
imbwa inogara yakasungirirwa musi waino kurura tambo sekuru...siyanai nazvo izvi ma Zambian aka chinja Gvmt vakafa here now makumhanyira kuzambia kunotsvaka mabasa siyai mbavha dziyende idzi ..situation ikupiwa ma Zimbabweans ne ZanuPf ndoichaita kuti vanhu varwe chete
@anonymous · 1 year ago
have you ever wondered why these liberation movements are supported by the majority not the minority as the case is in Zim????
Anonymous · 1 year ago
This is the crux of the issue with these so called liberation movements, after having emancipated the masses, for which we are grateful I must point out, there is a tendency to cling to power even to the detriment of the very population that they sought to liberate in the first place. Let's face facts folks, it has everything to do with power and absolutely nothing to do with liberation. Africa is being left behind not because of a lack of education or sanctions, afterall we have no shortage of some of the world's most valuable resources as a continent at large, nor because there is some sinister plot to relegate these liberation parties to the history books, no, rather it is because of poor leadership period! Now we have a so called group of elders who are part and parcel of the very same cohort of liberation movements bent on retaining power at any cost been asked to mediate the situation, what a gong show. After having posted this comment I will be called all kind of names and yet that won't change the fact that our current batch of politicians, especially from the ruling party in particular but not exclusively, will continue living lavishly, they will continue to drive their fancy cars and dine like kings and queens while you will continue to wallow in poverty and suffering. One might have had to be living on another planet to come to the conclusion that the recent elections were free and fair as generally accepted, even if you were living under a rock you'd be hard pressed to have missed the glaring flaws. How was the election rigged you ask, it's so simple to the point of being elementary, this is why sadc has got a hive of nyosi on its hands. Voters were openly and in broad daylight, or lack thereof as has been established in some cases, denied their constitutional right to vote in a timeous manner through what may or may not be the deliberate disenfranchisement of the masses by none other than the very institution charged with mandating the process. Absolutely scandalous. We all have a deep love for our country and want nothing more than for its people to be prosperous, safe and secure . The only ones who will suffer at the end of the day will be ourselves if this brazen incompetence is allowed to stand. God bless Africa.
mbare · 1 year ago
M H A T A yako observer
Anonymous · 1 year ago
They are a gang of thugs. Only good for terrorising the people to "win" power. No good at governing properly
Anonymous · 1 year ago
yes liberation movement had their time and have to go, like yesteday
Ghetto Prophet · 1 year ago
Liberators who are now oppressing its people,, Kana zvange zvakanaka why topple Mugabe.. We nw want economic freedom
Me · 1 year ago
CCC is also a liberation movement of the moment.
ticha · 1 year ago
For Mumbai and company just note kuti " zvakabaiwa 'depo' for five years. Even kana mukagomera hapana chinoitika.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
It's time to liberate ourselves from liberation movements. Taneta nehuwori. Mumba our AFRICAN HERO
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Muvhanyarara zvenyu. Nyika ino haitongwe nema puppets of the west. Pasi ne SRC politics dzana Chamisa nevapfanha vake
Jinn · 1 year ago
To hell with all liberation movements,we need change
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Nyika ino haitongwe na Chamisa edzai zvimwe
@Apes · 1 year ago
chimbotangai maita complete evolution mukuru kubva pahu ape apo kuzoona masvika pa homo sapien haa pachine nyaya kana mazosvikapo ndpo muchatanga kunzwisisa kut Africa is for Africans and we do our things the African way we don't need to copy what Europe is doing on everything bcoz we're not Europeans waona.Afri can do it!!!!!
xyz · 1 year ago
if not properly handled zim has the potential of plunging southern african countries into chaos,we are a time bomb only awaiting explosion & the time is ticking real fast
Apes · 1 year ago
African politics hadzina direction
xyz · 1 year ago
this nation is doomed to everlasting condemnation, the general population will never know anything else beside grinding poverty.5 yrs will pass & there won't be anything to show from our rulers,it will be the same old song excuses after excuses.all of us are finished
CCC · 1 year ago
see no evil, hear no evil
Kuna I · 1 year ago
KuNamibia zvirikuuya fut, majaira Kuba, mbavha dzevanhu
nxaa · 1 year ago
this Namibian guy were his eyes blind folded during everything, one guy who was filled by the spirit of Nicodemus. Even cats and dogs saw everything.
Mashesha · 1 year ago
Each and every individual's remarks are solely based on their perspective, beliefs and affiliations. In other words bonke baright ebuwrongwini babo. I just hope Zimbabweans mantain peace. May the efforts of those who are genuinely persuing interests of the general masses not go in vain.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
To hell with liberation movements,they are bringing shame to Africa,all African leaders are filthy rich but the most poor are their doesn't mean anything to be a liberation movement with nations dying and deep rooted poverty.pple were much better b4 u were brought into power.u are put on positions to save the majority but u tend to save your own interests.thats why we are seeing a lot of coups in Africa bcz of greedy,and greeting to power against the will of the means nothing to save a liberation movement which does not take of us the poor,we don't eat your liberation leaders not rulers.****.
@anonymous · 1 year ago
you must be smoking some kind of new crack to say all that nonsense.kungoti I'm not surprised maybe tikadzika dzika tinoona kut your father was a selous scout.
Black Adam⚡ · 1 year ago
👎👎👎 Mr Ndali shame on you, hanzi to unseat Liberation movements ivo chaita corruption and murdering human rights activists. Right now mhuri dzakawanda muZimbabwe hadzitotina mari dze school fees for the third school term ye vana vechikoro. Imagine ma civil servants kuti vachabhadhara sei? Ndali haasi kuziva or rather he also a corrupt person. Chete kuti wicked people will cheer for other wicked people.
. · 1 year ago
It's better that geering the Gaytons, Galz, LBGTQI etc
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
vivaaa zanu pf. zvakaendwa izvi.
mk · 1 year ago
division mu sadc
cid · 1 year ago
By the way X(twitter) account yamaishamisira nayo muchiti Mumba arikuti rerun kuuya yavhariswa ne tweeter, after vaona kuti ifake account it's not Mumba's account 😂
😁@cid · 1 year ago
Haa ndiZuze uyo
Sun rays · 1 year ago
Mr Ndali the only sane person in this year's election observer missions.That Nevers thing is hostile to liberation movements as he's an agent of the Americans so he couldn't veer off from the narrative written for him by his masters.Election season is way past us as zanu pf won resoundingly securing a majority in parliament.The funny thing is CCC mps who won certain constituencies are saying the election was free and fair whilst their leader is stating the opposite.see you in 2028 losers.
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 · 1 year ago
Haunzwe kundzvi Nevers zvichireva kuti anoramba zvekubika zviye nepariright pese, whereas Nero Chamisa: meaning he is a common hindrance, any how anyway would come to stopping, even a 99%progress can be halted

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