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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Chamisa Abandons Court Challenge | Report

1 year agoSun, 03 Sep 2023 05:31:43 GMT
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Chamisa Abandons Court Challenge | Report

The opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party has reportedly abandoned plans to challenge President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s declared election win in court.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) declared Mnangagwa the winner of the 23 August 2023 presidential election with 52.6% of the vote against CCC’s Nelson Chamisa’s 44%.

Chamisa rejected the results alleging rigging, and his party has demanded a fresh election.

ZimLive reported that a CCC legal team led by Jeremiah Bamu and David Coltart drafted papers for the Constitutional Court and had planned to file online at midday on Saturday.

The report added that after intense internal discussions, strategists decided that going to court would give Mnangagwa the “court endorsement he craves.”

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Bulawayo-based lawyer Dumisani Dube told The Standard that Chamisa has up to Monday, 04 September to file a petition at the ConCourt. He said:

There is still up to Monday for them to file the court application challenging the election outcome.

Once the application has been filed, the Chief Justice cannot proceed with the swearing-in of the president-elect until the matter has been finalised.

The Government late on Saturday announced that Mnangagwa’s inauguration is set to take place on Monday, 04 September at the National Sports Stadium.

More: Pindula News



mwanawevhu · 1 year ago
kupupa kweyadimburwa musoro inongotaurwa manhenga zvakadero its over for makuruwani . Tamba chidembo muswe takabata
Dhodha Ramwakajaira · 1 year ago
ukarota nyika ino ichitongwa neparty isiri Zanu Pf muka ubike doro ......... Ed and Co havangatorere RGM chitanda kuti vape Nero haibo
Rudo💅 · 1 year ago
chamisa wakamisa zvinhu 😂
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
I believe Chamisa would have won the election if he accepted defeat, that alone would have turned the tide to his favour even to the masses, and who knows, ED would have appointed him to be a Vice president and that is when he would steer the ship to his own shores which would be appreciated even by the executive and a smooth change down would be recognised
Biti · 1 year ago
If wishes were horses bergers would ride together with Trippo Sviira
Mike · 1 year ago
ma bond notes pfeee, monday
· 1 year ago
Three stages of existence in Zimbabwe 1. Birth 2. Yoweeeee 3. Death.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Basing arguements on preliminary reports is it really leadership or zimbabwe is luck be given a good opportunity to see jokers around us, chamisa said it in tront of hstv that any results apart from his win are fake results, he should leave our country to struggle with the sanctions he said at whitecity stadium are essential to him, with hard work and good planning we will develop at our own pace, can phone Biden go live peacefully in usa, we will eat mashonja, madora, macimbi and mbeva dzedu
Chamisa kutya kudyiwa ku Court obva anzi with cost · 1 year ago
Mari ye bullet proof car yobva yadyiwa paya zvoyendwa
· 1 year ago
What if no one donated anything. Did they tell you how much proceeds were collected. Some made 3 billion for command agriculture dissappear and 25 billion proceeds from diamonds and millions are stolen daily but you're all concerned about donation done to an individual whilst the big daras are enjoying our taxes just like that. We question things not for our business whilst living what we should really question. Nyika ino so we're **** sometimes
· 1 year ago
Go read laws about donations or tax laws about donations. No court is eligible to ask him about bullet proof car donation
maparamuro · 1 year ago
He never intended, mari yaakapiwa na Idhi to participate in what he knew was a flawed process yakawandisa. Zvavarana, the party should consider leadership renewal and this time do away with the pastor. The bible is not going to liberate this country, it has never liberated any, what it actually does is to oppress
Tintin · 1 year ago
bitterness should not lead us to blasphemy 🤔🤔🤔
, · 1 year ago
Those that rely on God are losers for God will disappoint you.
nc · 1 year ago
machembere akato guma kutarisira zvitsva kupenga kunyerere chaiko
V11 · 1 year ago
Old Coltart akazovaudza kuti boyz dzangu, hatina kana evidence inoita justify court challenge bcz maV11 enyika yose hatina.
Tateguru · 1 year ago
Good decision
Anon · 1 year ago
Panga pasina nyaya. Vakadyiwa zvema shuwa
Secretary - General · 1 year ago
Nyika hayo vaitadza varume ava. Manje manje Mukoma arikupinda zvisinei nekubiridzira kwavakaita haaa tinopinda now now
The Curator · 1 year ago
The biggest mistake ever. Whoever is advising him, is definitely leading him astray. Pinning his hope on SADC, AU, EU and the US government will never change anything. And 7 days after the presidential election results, Chamisa has failed to do anything to mount any pressure. He loves talking, and he's good at talking, but lacks action.
xyz · 1 year ago
chimbomirai kutaura zvekuvaka nyika,coz fo 40+yrs hapana chisvinu chabuda,lets be honest &realchirikungoitika the next 5 yrs is extreme resource plundering, heightened corruption, degradation of infrastructure, more poverty &the decay of our social fiber. We could have started building right now but alas we will start after the coming 5 yrs.
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
I am ine of those who are advising Advocate Nelson Chamisa not to mount the results challenge at the Constitutional Court because he will not get a fair result at court. He may legitimize the ZANU PF regime He should consider other alternatives like insisting on for a rerun. A rerun to be accepted may be unachievable. He may choose to join ZANU PF in government under protest. The advantage of joining ZANU PF in government are many. He will draw closer to the President-elect. He will use his 73 Members of Parliament to block any bill which amends the Constitution. He will fight for electoral reforms from within. In the last term CCC tried to engage the President on one on one. The President would always say Chamisa should come through the POLAD Platform. CCC got nothing by using that confrontational approach. Therefore, CCC must change the strategy. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ndiwe wato rova mutoriro chaiwo unofinga kungangonzi rerun pasina evidence. Ndosaka uchimusapota makadhakwa mese nomutoriro.
Secretary-General · 1 year ago
kusvika December nyika inenge yagara pasi iyi hapana chinosimuka
Jue saidi · 1 year ago
vekwangu musavhunduke Zanu pf ahina kwairikuenda.soon mukomana arikupinda.mirai muone ruoko rwamwari
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
mashoko enyaradzo panhamo, kkkkk asi mufi haamuke
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
area 8 complez yakatsva yese madeko. ma ccc munodarireiko
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
chamisa ngangotarura kuti haana ma v11 chete
Rose Ruwa · 1 year ago
chero ainawo tongai imi makahwina kuenda kucourt zvakangofanana nekureportera muroyi Kuna satani
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mwana anonyeba iyeyu, vanhu varikurasiswa nenhema chete chete. Ivo vanomuteera havazvioni, ndiko kuora kwe vanhu ikoko
ED · 1 year ago
hpna kwandinosvika idzungu randiri kuita iri very soon ndrikubviswa
mculi nthube · 1 year ago
Ko Mari yezvinhu zvandakaisa kuCowdray Park muchandidzorera here makuruwani

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