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GRAPHIC Content: 20-year-old Serial Killer Who Targeted Street Kids

1 year agoTue, 05 Sep 2023 19:17:34 GMT
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GRAPHIC Content: 20-year-old Serial Killer Who Targeted Street Kids

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has arrested a 20-year-old serial killer named Thandolwenkosi Ndlovu, also known as Sauro who was targeting street kids. Ndlovu is suspected of being involved in five murder cases that took place in the Harare Central Business District between August 28, 2023, and September 4th, 2023. In a statement seen by Pindula News, the police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, reported that the suspect targeted “street kids” who were asleep, using empty broken bottles to open their stomachs and remove their genitals and other body parts. He would then proceed to boil or barbecue the human remains over an open fire and consume them in the Harare CBD. Read the statement:


The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms the arrest of Thandolwenkosi Ndlovu (20), alias Sauro, in connection with five cases of murder which occurred in Harare Central Business District between 28th August 2023 and 4th September 2023.

The suspect who is believed to be living in the streets would target “street kids” who will be fast asleep and crush them and open the victims’ stomach to remove genitals and other body parts using empty broken bottles. The suspect would then boil or braai the human parts on any open fire place and consume them while in the Harare Central Business District.

On 4th September 2023, police detectives tracked the suspect along Rotten Row Road, Harare after he allegedly tried to attack a “street kid” who did not bother to make a police report.

On being arrested, the suspect was positively linked to five murder cases which occurred on 28th August 2023 at the corner of George Silundika Avenue and Simon Muzenda Street, Harare, 01st September 2023 at the corner of Inez Terrace Road and Robert Mugabe Road, Harare, 03rd September 2023 at the corner of Nelson Mandela Avenue and 7th Street, Harare and on 04th September 2023 at the corner of Cripps Road and Remembrance Road, Harare.

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The suspect has been linked to three murder cases committed in Bulawayo in 2020 where he crushed a victim’s head in Bellevue Suburb using a brick after he found him drunk and asleep in his yard, in January 2020.

In December 2020, he crushed a victim’s head in Makokoba Suburb after finding him asleep by the road side. He again crushed another victim’s head using stones at Sekhusile Shopping Centre, Nkulumane after finding him sleeping in a pavement. He then fled to Harare.

The suspect is also facing a charge of attempted murder and has a warrant of arrest for a robbery case which occurred in Milton Park, Harare in June 2021.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police has not found any evidence to link the recent murder cases committed by the suspect to ritual killings.

The police assures the public that enquiries are still being conducted to find out the real motive behind the suspect’s conduct and if he acted alone or not.

Nyathi said police will reveal more details in due course.

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Yes 9 · 1 year ago
Reminiscing the BOOK titled TAMBAOGA MWANANGU rinozosvika parinoti anoita hupenyu hwebanga anofa nebanga.. Fellow Zimbabweans nyaya yakazvitonga yega iyi... There is no reason for failer.. Mistake is once, for the second time it's a decision... He is killing people just for the fun of it but this is real life its not a movie.. This is not Jippers crippers... Postmortem haimutse munhu hama, kuseri kweguva hakuna munamato... Pasina kupedza nguva munhu uyu ngaakohwe zvaakarima
PARAFFIN · 1 year ago
Pane ari kuchekeresa. Mwana hana mhosva uyo
BUOY · 1 year ago
are they certain kuti aigocha zvinhu izvi .....something is not adding up
. · 1 year ago
havasevenzi vapfanha no jobs they become addicts, mental illness now serial killers vhurai ma industries vana vawane zvekuita we don't have capable leaders we are cursed
Sun rays · 1 year ago
hoo nhai anopengawo saMuvevi ngavamuise kumapenzi nhai? I don't agree with you fellow zimbabwean bcoz this horrible being killed in Bulawayo fled to Harare and continued killing innocent people.if it were up to me I would order death by stoning. and when the stoning start and you keep on smiling and laughing after some minutes then we're convinced of your insanity for sure.
pvc · 1 year ago
anopengawo saMuvevi ngavamuise kumapenzi
PARAFFIN · 1 year ago
Ari kunyeperwa. Akauraya achabuda pachena zvake. Ngozi yebenzi zvamunoziva kuti ndi chandagwinyira wani
Ba Dee · 1 year ago
Zanu ine ngozi saka nyika ichideurwa ropa
cid · 1 year ago
@VZ zvekuti pfee zvopinda papi pamunhu aigocha vanhu nhaiwe nyamanza
PARAFFIN · 1 year ago
Arikunyeperwa mkomana uyo. Pakasungwa MUVHEVHI they tried to ti clear all murder cases by tying them to him asi asiri. Pane ari kuchekeresa apo. High profile
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
This is horrible Cannibalism ne hannibalism yaa Zvochisa izvo Ndivo bathwakazi ka avo
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
takambonzwa nezvevzidys vanhu mugomo, now kwaita zidya vanhu mud****bha. pasi ne ccc
Polling station · 1 year ago
@fugu pfee you are a true maniac, you politicised me and said I am a CCC supporter when I never said so, now again you are politicising murders and criminals. I bet your family is suffering undernourishment if you are a father.
Texas Ranger · 1 year ago
Haaa Zim ndaitadza INI, every new day its a new sad story
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
This is one of those cases where magistrates are forced to refer the accused to be examined by two Doctors to establish his mental stability. I also suspect that he is not normal "upstairs". In this case he was a street kid who was feeding on other street kids. This is very disgusting. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
RenosNuggets · 1 year ago
*Four Rules For Success In Business and Life* *Rule 1: Never promise what you can deliver.* Promise slightly less. And don’t deliver what you promised. Deliver slightly more. If you follow this principle, I guarantee you that success will follow you. *Rule 2: Learn to accept rejection without feeling rejected.* Don’t take no for an answer. Please take it as meaning Next Opportunity. And keep taking NO as Next Opportunity until you get a yes. And YES just means You Eventually Succeeded! And if plan A fails, don't worry. The alphabet has 25 other letters. *Rule 3: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes* because the only people who do not make any mistakes are those who do not make anything. Mistakes mean you are learning. And learning means you will soon be earning. *Rule 4: Know how to market yourself well without lying.* Instead of lying, be creative. What is the difference between a tailor and a fashion designer? It is just the fact that one knows how to market himself better than the other. Because when all is said and done, a tailor is the same as a fashion designer. *Written by Reno Omokri* *Facebook: Reno Omokri* *#RenosNuggets*
Anonymous · 1 year ago
This is much appreciated NuggetoReno. I've learnt something of great value & grown as an individual. It's nothing like the propaganda & infodemic being spewED by that Kgosi guy seeking relevance. P.S If this occurred in America, there'll prolly be a movie about it. Even the shenanigans by that Muvevi guy who shot all those people. Sick bastards
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ma ccc ane stress dzekudyiwa ma elections. vana saidi na polling station vaigocha na Sauro.
Me · 1 year ago
Pfungwa dzako dzakadakwa nepolitics,pese pese nhai
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ndini politics wacho😂😂😂
Polling station · 1 year ago
@fugu pfee you are a true maniac, you politicised me and said I am a CCC supporter when I never said soo. I bet your family is suffering undernourishment if you are a father.
🦢 · 1 year ago
Ahhh this is horrific,a 20 years old,the guy is possessed by evil spirits.
· 1 year ago
Killing 5 people just to braii their private parts 😢 Haaaaaa surrend 5 life sentences for him. No need to evaluate their mental fitness
Polling station · 1 year ago
@Anonymous you are fit to be a judge. You don't have to go to school to become a good judge. You naturally have all that it takes to become a judge. The sentences you suggested are just right or a little bit softer for the crime is too great
. · 1 year ago
Under zanupf people are suffering.
· 1 year ago
iiiii zvochisa izviiiii
Serial Killer · 1 year ago
This is the stuff for Holywood horror movies. Hope someone writes a movie script based on this story. Tichanzwa kuti chii chaimutuma kana kuti ndiyani aimutuma kuita humhobdi hwakadai? Ndofunga yaive Satanism chete. Mental illness aside. The serial killer was very clever & his muders were calculated and intelligently executed. The murderer was fleeing & hiding, indicating that he knew that what he was doing was wrong and illegal. He had a guilty mind and malice aforethought. Execution on the electric chair would be the proper sentence.
tambaoga · 1 year ago
so is Jaison.he ran away after killing
. · 1 year ago
That's typical of Children sired by the Gugurahundists most of them are outcasts vagabond as martenal parents reject for anti social tendencies and other social vices.

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