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President Mnangagwa Has Defended The Reappointment Of Minister Kirsty Coventry

1 year agoTue, 12 Sep 2023 10:04:50 GMT
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President Mnangagwa Has Defended The Reappointment Of Minister Kirsty Coventry

President Emmerson Mnangagwa defended his decision to reappoint Minister Kirsty Coventry, stating that he was satisfied with her performance during her previous term.

When asked why he chose to keep her as Minister of Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture, the President emphasised that Coventry had done a commendable job in her previous role. Addressing a press conference at State House immediately after announcing his Cabinet yesterday, the President said:

When a Minister is appointed, they report to the appointer. It is me who gets satisfied whether a Minister is doing well or not. The fact that I’ve reappointed her means I’m satisfied.

During her first term as Minister of Youth, Sport, Arts, and Recreation, Kirsty Coventry, a former Olympic gold medalist and IOC member, faced criticism for various issues. One major concern was Zimbabwe’s ban from international football due to government interference in the affairs of the Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA). FIFA suspended Zimbabwe’s membership in 2022, and there have been calls for the reinstatement of the suspended Felton Kamambo-led board as demanded by FIFA.

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Another issue was the bad state of Zimbabwe’s stadiums, resulting in a ban on hosting international matches. Several deficiencies were highlighted, including poor maintenance, poor playing surfaces, insufficient perimeter support structures, poor drainage systems, lack of proper ablution facilities and dressing rooms, absence of facilities for the physically challenged, absence of bucket seats, direction signs, standard doping rooms, medical facilities, press rooms, television camera points, and modern electronic turnstiles.

These shortcomings collectively contributed to Zimbabwe’s stadiums failing to meet the expected standards required for hosting international matches. The lack of proper infrastructure and facilities negatively impacted the country’s ability to participate in and successfully host international sporting events, further highlighting the need for improvement in this area. Coventry was allegedly among the Ministers whose performances were below standard in the previous term.

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zakanaka · 1 year ago
Coventry. The token white. Not only white but a woman, she ticks political correctness boxes for ZANU as they look to integrate into the commonwealth...may that word needs changing to ingratiate.
Big Brother · 1 year ago
VaMnangagwa vanotonga nedemo.
Cde hondo · 1 year ago
She isn't alone.... From ed himself all are incompetent
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
Kirsty hana mhosva
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Citizens must question the appointments of David Kudakwashe Mnangagwa and Tongai Mnangagwa and not Kirsty Coventry who is camouflaging the cabinet. After all, Kirsty Coventry can not be blamed for the suspension of ZImbabwe from all football activities because that was a cabinet decision. Citizens should not lose focus on the appointments of President Mnangagwa's sons by President Mnangagwa himself !!!!! PROVERBS 27:11 says [ BE WISE MY SON AND MAKE MY HEART REJOICE SO THAT I CAN MAKE A REPLY TO HIM WHO TAUNTS ME ].Jehovah wants us to make wise decisions to please him so that he makes a response to Satan who taunts him. I do not think Jehovah rejoiced with President Mnangagwa's decision to appoint his 2 sons because he can not make a response to Satan who taunts him. In other words President made a poor decision which doesn't please Jehovah. ED PFEE. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Zuze · 1 year ago
This lame drake President is going to spend the next 5 years justifying his appointments. That's a full time job he has created for himself.
cid · 1 year ago
Ayas 😂😂 Hanzy "it's only me who have to be satisfied, and am satisfied" zvakaoma
Zuze · 1 year ago
... after having said, "musoro waambuya vako" 😇😇😇 Nyika inovakwa nevana vangu shuwa.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I mean mnangagwa useless murderer he is rotten corrupt womenizer
Anonymous · 1 year ago
He is useless just corruption in his mind l wonder if he has law degree
VZ · 1 year ago
Kirsty Coventry haana kana problem. She can't use her own money for development of her ministry. This gvnmt is rotten from the head. blame this clown 🤡
NATO · 1 year ago
ndevekudhigidha ava kwete zvebhora
xyz · 1 year ago
that man needs urgent psychiatric attention,hakuna president anotaura mashoko akadaro.
xyz · 1 year ago
Thats our "listening", president.For a nation with people who think straight & sober ,those words are an insult to the whole nation.
xyz · 1 year ago
Zimboz,get the message clear,its for his satisfaction,no matter how the whole nation may perceive issues, his cabinet is solely for his personal gratification as the appointer. period.Chimwe chii chamu chada....
no · 1 year ago
musazvinetse mdara anorwara uyu,🤔🤔🤔
Sun rays · 1 year ago
mudhara iwewe waibvunzwa nevanhu ve herald chete then. bcoz dai yaive independent media pane mibvunzo yakati wandei yaida kuitwa pose before you for example: Mr President besides your son being your son can you tell us why you saw it fit to appoint him as a deputy minister in your cabinet??? What track record do Tongai possess that necessitated his appointment??? For real Mr President you appoint Mavetera in the ICT ministry to do what exactly??? Mr President you appointed Barbra Rwodzi into the cabinet is there something fishy which happened that resulted in her husband's untimely demise?why I ask this your Excellency it's because Barbra called a police officer a dog because he was doing his job without fear or favor and I don't think you would want to be associated with people like her if you're for real. Izvo zvaana Coventry izvo hapana kana nyaya apa.
Ini Zvangu · 1 year ago
He is satisfied with Barbra & Kirsty's performances. What performance is another issue
isaidso · 1 year ago
the only ministry that performed above its target is the ministry of corruption
oh yes · 1 year ago
these departments contributed immensely to the success of the ministry: zimra, cvr, zrp, źna zdf
Boss Boss · 1 year ago
🐃Ko ana Mthuli Ncube and also why did he appoint his own son and nephew too? Ko ana Tatenda Mavetera sei akamuisa ku ICT or maybe he slept with her and he was satisfied akati chitora ICT
PARAFFIN · 1 year ago
Kirsty Mudhigidhi mukuru. As for Angie aive akanaka ari mudiki. Madhara ese aitonakirwa especially ava vekunyenga vana. Pamwe akatotanga kubvumburudzwa ari kuma form1 ikoki. Manyenga harambirwe
🐊 Kutonga Kwaro · 1 year ago
Akutongera kuyenda, chitsotsi chake chapachena. Zvazvofumuka manje. Muchaita sei?
Fifi · 1 year ago
🤣🤣 @Paraffin lol warasika, Tatenda Mavetera acted as Tendai Jari ayidanana naKenge uya wekumuitisa nhumbu, do u remember now. Angie is Rebecca Mpfofu she was the younger sister
PARAFFIN · 1 year ago
Ok ok ndarangarira wena. Ndandati ka Angie mmm... Ndikati dhara rakanyanya

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