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ZNCC Urges Mnangagwa To Appoint Fresh Set Of Permanent Secretaries

1 year agoThu, 14 Sep 2023 07:08:07 GMT
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ZNCC Urges Mnangagwa To Appoint Fresh Set Of Permanent Secretaries

Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) CEO, Chris Mugaga, has said President Emmerson Mnangagwa should appoint a fresh set of permanent secretaries with the requisite skills to lead the ministries.

Mnangagwa on Monday appointed a new 26-member cabinet following his re-election for a second and final term last month.

Speaking to ZBC, Mugaga said there should be deeper changes in the civil service and those who fail to deliver should be fired. He said:

What is much more of a concern is not necessarily the personalities who comprise the Cabinet, but rather the institutional framework on deliverables.

The culture of delivery must be in place. Those who fail to deliver should be shown the exit door.

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It’s also vital to appreciate that Cabinet (ministers) work with permanent secretaries.

We want to believe that, going forward, there will also be a review of the calibre of skills leading different ministries in the form of permanent secretaries.

If that’s done, then we can analyse the impact these Cabinet ministers will have.

Ministers provide policy direction in government, with Permanent Secretaries responsible for running the Ministries.

Permanent Secretaries, who act as the CEOs of Ministries, are supported by directors of various units.

In 2021, Mnangagwa introduced performance-based contracts for Cabinet Ministers, Permanent Secretaries and heads of parastatals.

Meanwhile, Mnangagwa retained several individuals from the previous cabinet, among them Mthuli Ncube (Finance and Investment Promotion), Kazembe Kazembe (Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage), Ziyambi Ziyambi (Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs) Anxious Masuka (Lands and Agriculture), Amon Murwira (Higher and Tertiary Education) Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri (Defence and Security), and Frederick Shava (Foreign Affairs and International Trade).

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xyz · 1 year ago
the minister,deputy minister & permanent secretary ,its all duplication,it should be the minister and his ancillary staff then the public services providers.
king · 1 year ago
Most Comments are True. To Brief it, Permanent Secs are the Owner or the Ministries. You can Appoint a Minister from Grade5 going school kid, and never blame the Minister. All are done by the PS . The Minister just Sign . (Know your Country, Know the System) PS are Apolitical, but can still go to Heroes Acre by Merits.
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 @Bvumbururu wagona siyanana nechipe.nzi icho usatombomupindure. Haashandi musikana uyo anongoswera pa pindula achiwawata nekuti haana zvekuita. Akanyepera vanhu pano ne fantasy dzake dzekuti anochengeta huku kkkkk, they are all lies apa kkkk huku dzake dziri mumusoro. Irombe, even dai CCC yakaita win ma elections then mabasa ovhurirwa ma youths, uyo Chi baby ayitongoramba achida kugara pamba 🤣🤣🤣. Usapedza nguva yako uchipindura be.nzi iro rakapa humhandara hwake kumadhara eZanu over a pizza. Siya isusu tisina mabasa tiite deal naye patinopedza kutamba ma games pa phone takuzorora.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Iii lol
horror · 1 year ago
chibaby seems to have learnt kubase rekuchimoio or nyadzonya her understanding is shallow.She argues with facts.She dismises theories with feelings.Apa anoti she ****s nemaboses while using an itel.Come an get an iphone.
🏃🏾‍♀️Chi baby che ZANU · 1 year ago
zncc must understand that permanent secretaries have contracts and cannot be fired willy nilly because there is say a change in government These permanent secretaries are individuals that have a skillset and competencies that are relevant to their ministries and cannot be fired because of political capriciousness They are different from ministers and girlfriends who serve at the pleasure of the appointing political authorities In future ZNCC must learn what is envisaged by the performance contracts of those perm secs
🧐 🤔 🤨 · 1 year ago
PSes are architectures of a ministry and they work with CEOs and touring Directors of different affiliates kuti zvibude and so that alone determines the strength a ministry can hold on if it fails rebranding and or merging or demerging that portfolio, Asi Minister is simply a mouthpiece to some like Ana Mthuli, Murwira Ana Mona some Engineers are good to decipher given all implementations But some are merely scholars and mouth pieces
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 I doubt that ED will listen to that. Just by judging the ministers he chose heeheh haasi kuzvozviita. Ipapa ED is busy sleeping with one of his girlfriends achisekerera zvake. #RESPECT!!!
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 Ndofunga bhebhi racho rigere hey, rapihwa benze here? Hanzi vanopihwa motor and a stand futi. #RESPECT!!!
@Bvu bvu · 1 year ago
rinogara ku knowe kuno ndiko kunogara mbinga.way back mnangarwa akamboda kurohwa nemwana wa Tongogara nenhau yebabe iroro haa way back achiri minister of Justice.
@Bvu bvu · 1 year ago
tinovaziva maface aya vamwe vacho up close and personal.vanoda **** kutokukunda ne braaing.havadye beef yedu kaiyi vanenge vachirova game meat chete chete ana n**** nyati.
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
Hamusi mavekudziwanza here, iwandzai riribepa kwete mashizha, And what's is wrong having a girlfriend, he's a man with balls and it's allowed, so zvoku bata papi iyewe wa Nero ne GAYTONaz movements
Stop It · 1 year ago
@BvuBvuBvumbururuyeNdege Do you have to be always vulgar. You have a dirty mind.
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 Wow wow zvimadhara zve Zanu ndosaka zvichida kuraba zviri panyanga heeeyaaa. All becoz of mabhebhi and money at the cost of people's lives. Vacharangwa zvavo. #RESPECT!!!
@Bvu bvu · 1 year ago
haa uyu aripanyanga right now uyu power hungry yake goes hand in hand with pusi hungry take.remember paya paakamboda kurohwa kuma avenues akazosiiswa brif case rainge rizere USD$ cash.
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 Hahaha i remember a bit about that story. The one ichiri fresh in my mind ndeye kuti anonzi ane STi risinga rapike raaka zadza ma waitress eku Monomotapa Hotel. Zvinonzi ayiti to the waitresses hamurambi kurara naShefu paanoku sheedzai kumusoro uko kuti ayite zvemadiro hahahahaha🤣🤣🤣. #RESPECT!!!
@Bvu bvu · 1 year ago
that's y Mutami Susan of the chinhu cha daddy fame paaka taura nyaya yake ndisina kuda kumhanya kumushora nekuti crocodile rinosanganisa.Ana Augustine Chihuri vese vaya aive ma sniper panhau dze womanising.
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 Hahahahaha Susan is a legend chinhu cha daddy yakanetsa. Ooooh yaaa Chihuri uya anotorwara manje, i remember he once even collapsed during Police assembly. Ipapa anga apera simba pamusana pekuti anga anyatso pompaaaaa rough🥒🥒🎶🎶🎷🎷. Manje ana Major general Moyo vakafa ne seeex vaya yanga isiri covid. #RESPECT!!!
@Bvu bvu · 1 year ago
major generari vakadonha ne sekisi sekutamba I'm surprised with people vanoda kuita sekunge vasingade zviro asi ivo vachida havo zviro.Chihuri ainge afizuka paya ko imarathon zve ne age manje unofizuka fast.Zvakatanga naiye Mugabe ka you remember kuti Sally achiri mupenyu ndipo pakarohwa Grace Goreraza chinhu mu office apo ari mukadzi wa Stanley Goreraza?
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 Hahahahaah🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ini handina kushamisika coz it was about time. Chiwenga is next nekuti Minie mukadzi wake uye looks like the type inoda ma marathon wataura uye. Manje ana Chiwenga havasisina kusimba musana even ari former genarari. Aaah aaah uyo wawataura Mugabe 👏👏👏 vaya ndovakuru manje. At 93 Grace Mugabe akanga achiri kuti he is my husband hahaha. Kugadzirwa kwa Bona mu office iya haaa Bob akashanda nekuti zvimwe ne zvimwe ayiva bhebhi and that smile yake iya. Bob akanakirwa ne yellowbone coz Sally (with due respect) she was from Ghana so a black ghanian woman versus yellowbone remu Zim hhaha we both know who wins. First time Bob paakapinza tsvimbo yake akanzwa kuti Grace is more delicious, it was his first time to sleep with a yellowbone. MUGABE AYIDA KUITA COMPARE SALLY NA GRACE #RESPECT!!!
@Bvu bvu · 1 year ago
Grace is a legend zve you remember kuti shefu Mugabe vakakwira jet faster faster gore riya vakananga ku South Africa pavakanzwa kuti Gire aitorovesa yeke yeke na James Makamba ikoko vachinyepera kuti we're in a business meeting?Gire paakarohwa round kick na Mugabe uyu Makamba akatiza asina kupfeka abva anzi mupfanha usadzoke.
@Vhedza · 1 year ago
In addition they make sure that their principal directives have been implemented. If the minister is said to be incompetent, it is his/her secretary who has failed him/her. Secretaries do ALL the work after he/she receives directives from his/her principal who in turn has received from the Chief Sec of OCP.
doug · 1 year ago
Permanent secretaries are the power behind the ministry. For efficient and effective operation of a ministry, the minister must listen to the PS. The Permanent Secretary is the one who is hands onn, the technocrat and the minister is there to give political direction. The egos of the PM and minister should not clash, otherwise the ministry becomes compromised.
Zuze · 1 year ago
Wishful dreaming. If the man can recycle dead ministerial wood, how can you expect him to fire non- performing George Charamba and Ndabamaningi Mangwana? Let alone his personal banker George Guvamatanga?
... · 1 year ago
hapana chavanoita kunze kwekudya mari.ko hanty they're appointed by the president meaning ma political appointees zve so kuva permanent secretary isn't based on merit.
Pindula Bot · 1 year ago
"Permanent Secretaries, who act as the CEOs of Ministries, are supported by directors of various units."
Cool Guy 😎 · 1 year ago
@PindulaBot Thanks. 😎
Cool Guy 😎 · 1 year ago
What do permanent secretaries actually do? 😎

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