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Mthuli Ncube "Baffled" By Existence Of Forex Parallel Market, Says Zimbabwe Is "Doing So Well"

1 year agoFri, 15 Sep 2023 12:10:14 GMT
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Mthuli Ncube "Baffled" By Existence Of Forex Parallel Market, Says Zimbabwe Is "Doing So Well"

Finance and Investment Promotion Minister Mthuli Ncube has said it is baffling that a foreign currency parallel market still exists in Zimbabwe.

The official rate is ZWL$4 712 per US$1 but on the streets, the greenback exchanges hands at above ZWL$7 000.

Most goods and services, including diesel, petrol and liquified petroleum gas, are sold exclusively in foreign currency and this has driven the appetite for the elusive greenback resulting in a thriving parallel market.

But speaking to State media, Ncube, who was reappointed Treasury boss by President Emmerson Mnangagwa despite losing in Cowdray Park, said the country has strong economic fundamentals that discourage the existence of a parallel market. He said:

The existence of the parallel market in Zimbabwe is baffling. Our fundamentals are strong, we have a current account surplus, and we have had that for the last five years.

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I don’t remember that happening in Zimbabwe since 1980 and most countries will kill for that. Right now we are on a strong growth trajectory.

We grew at 8.5% in 2021, and 6.5% in 2022, and again we are due to see growth in GDP growth of close to 6% in 2023 and the story continues.

We have seen a balanced budget when other countries have been reeling in deficits, we have seen a balanced budget in Zimbabwe since basically 2019, the last five years. That is what we have done.

We have seen a tight monetary policy, and positive interest rates from the central bank, so all the fundamentals are in place making sure our currency is stable and strong.

We are dealing with liquidity as we should. The central bank is using non-negotiable certificates of deposit with the right tenure to lock away liquidity from those who may seek to use it on the parallel market.

So every piece of policy that is necessary for a stable currency has been put in place and has been instituted.

It is baffling that there is still a parallel market and there is still talk of a parallel market. It shouldn’t even exist, we are doing so well.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mthuli is a total flop both in politics and economics....
unknown · 1 year ago
the sooner he understands that the economy is the people on the ground able to buy and save using a currency that doesn't lose value every second the sooner he won't be baffled
SC · 1 year ago
iko ka word kekuti "surplus" anokafarira
eish its baffuling me eh · 1 year ago
at barbican i was baffled, then cowdray park i was more buffooled , andy now i am totally baffooled by forex market again eh , eish !!! i am too baffled to say any more ...
Gidza · 1 year ago
Muthuwi is running an economy that does not exist. Our Zim econony is baffling him
Gidza · 1 year ago
Muthuwi is running an economy that does not exist. Our Zim econony is baffling him.
cowdry park · 1 year ago
you don't have to open your mouth like a monkey, you are not the only one in your team who is baffled
😂 · 1 year ago
In other words he is admitting failure. He is baffled vy the problem .Itts beyond his capacity .Dont matter if he's part Scotch ,Swiss or Israeli .
b.u.m. c.l.o.w.n · 1 year ago
no wonder that this "baffled b.u.m." could not even run a bank called barbican !!!!
xyz · 1 year ago
dont be buffled,there are better economists out there on the streets than u,give them a week in your position and u will c that we have vibrant economy.Wabvuma kuti uri****.
he is a c.l.o.w.n · 1 year ago
he is a baffled b u f f o o n
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Is this guy a joker?
Tateguru · 1 year ago
abc · 1 year ago
don't worry mdara ivava ndo mabig sponsors e informal market ndokutoti mari dzose dzidzoke Ku formal market chavangatoite kukutengesera mari yawashanda asi with a small time zvopera
Jue saidi · 1 year ago
dzangova ngano idzoo asi musoro unongogara uchikwenywa une zvindakwenya
Z · 1 year ago
abc · 1 year ago
don't be baffled just dedollarize and remove it black market completely but manje marovha number anowedzera
abc · 1 year ago
yes like what was done in the year 09
abc · 1 year ago
don't be baffled just dedollarize and remove it black market completely but manje marovha number anowedzera
Mdara Odza · 1 year ago
Remittances are the country's third largest foreign currency earner after gold and tobacco, and the retail market in the country is largely informal owing to the high unemployment levels we have. This combination makes it impossible to dedollarise effectively; as long as people have the greenbacks in their homes they will always trade in them in the informal market.
Zuze · 1 year ago
@Mdara Odza, what's driving the black market is government which pays salaries and service providers in MararaTGS which the market is refusing accept. So logically these people/companies offload the MararaTGS on the market, 1). today rent, shop etc, and 2.) to preserve value because one cannot keep MararaTGS and sleep soundly because one can wake up having lost all one's savings.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby che ZANU 🌊 · 1 year ago
Yes Mr Minister Sir. Most countries in the world would kill for our fundamentals
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kkkkk There goes the parrot called Chi huhu che Zanu Pretending to comprehend and agree with the nonsense from the confused 'Chancellor of the exchequer'
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Asi anobva kumwedzi here uyu bhururu vako Muturi Nzube? Kuri kumuchesa home dzake izvozvi unofunga angave ne bond note kana ye 5$ zvayo?

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