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HomeCrime and Courts

Operation Tame The Traffic Jungle: Over 1000 Touts Arrested

1 year agoMon, 18 Sep 2023 16:25:39 GMT
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Operation Tame The Traffic Jungle: Over 1000 Touts Arrested

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has arrested over 1000 touts (mahwindi) nationwide as part of the ongoing Operation Tame the Traffic Jungle. According to a police statement seen by Pindula News, 530 vehicles have also been seized for operating without registration plates on the roads. Read the statement:

The ZRP reports that a total of 19,039 arrests have been effected during the ongoing operation, “Tame the Traffic Jungle. 509 arrests have been made on vehicles without route permits while 7 890 arrests have been made on illegal pirate taxis (mushikashika). 257 motorists have been arrested for reckless driving, while 1 164 people have been arrested for touting. Meanwhile, 530 vehicles have been impounded for moving on the roads with no registration plates.

Police launched the operation across all provinces of the country starting on September 12, 2023. The operation aims to address the widespread disregard for traffic laws, particularly in major cities and towns.

In an earlier statement, police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi stated that instances such as driving against traffic flow, running red lights, and reckless lane violations have contributed to chaos and congestion.

Some analysts, however, attribute traffic congestion in Zimbabwean cities like Harare to insufficient infrastructure, poor traffic management, inefficient public transportation, inadequate parking facilities, and rapid urbanisation. They say these factors result in increased reliance on private vehicles, inadequate road capacity, and traffic flow disruptions.

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The public transport system in Zimbabwe collapsed in the early 2000s due to a combination of economic challenges and poor governance. Factors such as hyperinflation, fuel shortages, lack of infrastructure maintenance, and overall economic decline contributed to the collapse. This led to a decline in the quality and availability of public transportation services, impacting the mobility and accessibility of the population. The collapse resulted in a reliance on informal and often unsafe modes of transportation, exacerbating the transportation challenges faced by Zimbabweans.

Therefore, addressing mshika-shika and touts alone won’t solve Zimbabwe’s transportation challenges. Comprehensive solutions require infrastructure development, improved public transportation, regulations, economic stability, and job creation.

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cid · 1 year ago
This is just a normal operation inopera next week no need to politicise everything,,,mota dzikungosungwa irrespective of party.. Yu think Zanu pf is foolish enough to punish everyone under one umbrella & u shouldn't act as if Zanu yaiva ne zero votes in Harare &Bulawayo after all who is running the municipalities..those are the ones giving orders
@Gafa · 1 year ago
garazviya musharukwa mune vangani ma youth under your employ? tangoti tibvunze ka mhinduro yenyu ndiyo inoti taridza kuti dzirimo dzese here kana kuti hamuna kana imwe zvayo. nekut kana muchiti hazvidi kutsvaga mabasa tozoona kut imi hamutorina anyone under your employ zvnongoreva pachena kut muurozvi hwenyu muzere.... utununu nehupenzi hunodarika utununu nehupenzi hwose.
· 1 year ago
Gafa · 1 year ago
Ngazvisungwe hazvidi kutsvaga mabasa kuswera zvichiti Ira pamarank
change · 1 year ago
ndirikutsvagao ka basa boss
s.class · 1 year ago
ikozvino dzimwe nzwimbo ma combi anga aiita$1 avekuita $ 2 pa peak hour $1.5 off peak.wozonzwa @ chibby che zanu chichiti makavhotera CCC .is this thing called chibby che zanu is just a critic .to hell with you mwana sikana
@s.class · 1 year ago
in life there comes a point in time when you realise that inorder to avoid noise you must ignore fools and engage with intelligent people. zvekunzi makavhotera CCC itori sign yekuti muridzi wemashoko iwayo thinking capacity is near zero.
change · 1 year ago
mishika shika yese irikusungwa iyi mahwindi akashaya mabasa vachaenda paroad kuponda vanhu vachivabira. vachamira pamarobbots vachipwanya mawindow emota vokutorerai zvinhu husiku. so all those of you who are in support of this operation one day you will become a victim yekubirwa. coz kunze hakuna mabasa saka vanhu ivavo vakadzingwa muroad chii chichaitika. zanu pf is trying to recover mari dzemachicken inn dzavaicampaigner nadzo thats why varikuita ma operation aya. ngavatanga vapa vanhu mabasa vozoita havo zvavarikuita
T1 · 1 year ago
Guys varume awa hasakutarisa fase kut urwezanu kna CCC mota dzese mkati ska msatukana zvenyu
Kongaring Kongara · 1 year ago
Jungle chaiyo mud****bha umu,njiri driving ndooirikuitwa evryday,taakufamba uchitotarisa every direction nekuti unogona ku dhumwa nemota irikutiza police,pakaipa. Solution hameno kuti ichawanikwa riini,pamwe ndenge ndafa.Paakutoda network ye ma roads senge yeku Japan nedzimwe nyika dzakabudirira dzine ma roads,railway dzinofamba ne underground ne mudenga,otherwise ticharamba tichingotamba yatirikutamba iyoyi iyi nhasi.
s.class · 1 year ago
this operation ichakonzera kuti mbavha dziwande muma location especially ku ghetto.kumusha it's nani coz vanetarisiro yekuti fodya ichava bhadhara.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby che ZANU 🌊 · 1 year ago
Birwai. Maizviita matsotsi muchivhotera ka CCC. Mhanyai munoreva ku SADC. Pindai mu street ka muite ma demonstrations and get your heads on sticks(kurembedzwa kunge mbeva)
kwegu · 1 year ago
ndo chii ichochi gadzirisai zvinhu kwete kudzinga wariiutswaga Mari yekuraramisa mhuri dzawo
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Operation "Tame The Traffic Jungle" has been received with mixed reactions. Some members of the public are welcoming it , while others are complaining about it. Those complaining about it are saying it is delaying them to arrive at work places from home and vice versa. Some combis are taking them halfway meaning that they are forced to fork out another dollar to reach town. This operation is noble because it is intended to get rid of congestion on the roads, get rid of touts from the roads and to get rid of criminals from the roads. However, our roads are congested today because they are now small and they no longer fit to carry the current volume of traffic. They are full of potholes which need time to negotiate.. It would have sounded better if Police gave the public information such as of the arrested people how many have been convicted in our courts. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
... · 1 year ago
ahaadaa okongo the villager nhau ye taxation without representation iyo hatidi kutomboinzwa! ndiyo inonzi parasitic relationship iyoyo btwn the people and the government. even wave kunyikadzimu death tax inheritance tax blah blah blah ah haikona mhani. The wise men evade tax.
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Hanzi Road construction and rehabilitation. Wedzerai ma roads kuti traffic iyite shoma. Ma Spaghetti roads makaseka Chamisa and now honai vanhu vari kusungwa sungwa. ED achabva zvake he is not invincible. We don't roads that match the amount cars that we now have in 2023
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby che ZANU 🌊 · 1 year ago
Can road construction tame reckless driving? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 Get your facts right! We can't justify varume vano rapper tichiti vari kunyimwa bonde kudzimba dzavo. A crime is a crime. Pamberi ne ZANU and good morning
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Road construction @Chi huhu che Zanu can't tame reckless driving and that goes without saying but good roads make make travelling much safer and I'm not sure why you are missing that You are the one who should actually get your facts right
ZERO · 1 year ago
inenge yambowanda sei spaghetti kusvika yogadzirisa migwagwa
Okongo The Villager · 1 year ago
This is the only way to go if sanity is to return to our country, there has been a lot of unregistered vehicles, a lot of unroadworth vehicles on our roads, and for these touts these youngsters should be rounded for sure and be removed from the ranks, find them something productive to do, it's manpower being misused, they should be productive and earn a decent living, for our country to be able to middle income, all these affiliates are not contributing any thing towards economic development, they are not paying any taxes to the government. So let's put a proper system in place if the country is to move forward, zvenjake - njake ngazvipere.
Lovejoy chinya · 1 year ago
mune mabasa acho ekuvapa hre elder
· 1 year ago
Ndiro dambudziko ratinaro muno munyka munhu kana asina nzara haatarisi vamwe kut vagere sei , Mashoko ako ayo ndemunhu akaguta asina hanya nevamwe. Kunze hakuna mabasa vazhinji varikurarama nekutengesa vamwewo ndovarikuita zvechihwindi . Saka iwewe nezidzoro rako rinonhuhwa weti ukati ngazvivharwe unenge uchiti vamwe vanhu ngavafe nenzara
. · 1 year ago
mukapedza batai pastors 4 ed futi bloody mbavha kkkkk
Musiyadxasukwa · 1 year ago
mahwindi 4ED batai mavendor for ED futi
JA · 1 year ago
KH · 1 year ago
Vinshie · 1 year ago
ndozvazvinoita mukasimbisana ne dzenga pane anonyura chete
Tateguru · 1 year ago
Shandu kuminyu!!
Mamelodi · 1 year ago
SC · 1 year ago
Picture iro boys😂😂😂
Sun rays · 1 year ago
improved public transportation. sure that's a way to go. anyway aricey makumbo kune ma slay queen ese nema gentleman anga achiburukira makombi ku coca cola uko moita henyu mutimbanepasi makapinda makapinda mu CBD????
chikura · 1 year ago
ngazvirambe zvakadaro changamukai vana vevhu
Motion · 1 year ago
Keep up 👆
cid · 1 year ago
ko mahwindi amukusunga ndivo traffic here coz Yu call yo operation "tame TRAFFIC"
Aviel · 1 year ago
Mahwindi for ED kkkk
samboy · 1 year ago
spare mahwindi 4ed

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