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HomeCrime and Courts

Woman Homeless After Selling Her House To Join Walter Magaya's Housing Project

1 year agoTue, 19 Sep 2023 17:48:10 GMT
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Woman Homeless After Selling Her House To Join Walter Magaya's Housing Project

A 61-year-old woman from Bulawayo, Thembelani Ncube, is homeless after selling her house to invest in the Planet Africa housing project, initiated by Walter Magaya, the founder of Prophetic, Healing and Deliverance Ministries.

Ncube, who is also a member of the ministry, was enticed to sell her eight-roomed house in Nkulumane 5 in 2017, with the hope of residing in the promised estate house in Douglas Dale. According to Ncube, Magaya introduced the housing scheme to the church members in 2016. She shared her unfortunate situation in an interview with CITE. Ncube said:

I was a member at Walter Magaya’s Ministries for 10 years, he introduced a scheme where he was going to build houses and those who wanted to be part of the scheme were supposed to pay US$4 000, a fee towards the construction of a house, then when you are a resident in the estate, you will be paying a certain amount until your debt is finished.

Ncube revealed that she had also been involved in various investment projects introduced by the prophet. These included ventures in potato and onion farming, beekeeping, and solar drying of fruits and vegetables. However, when it came time to collect the profits from the farming projects, they were instructed to switch their focus to mining instead. Furthermore, as part of the housing project, they were shown a housing estate with around 1,500 houses and presented with images of the envisioned ideal homes. She said:

All I want is my house or my money which I will use to buy a house because this is time wasted, from 2017 to now the money has depreciated in value, and I have no place to stay.

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I have reported the issue to the police but they tell me, ‘anosunga Magaya ndiani’, they are not taking my issue serious and they are telling me to group with other people but I don’t know anyone involved as I was doing most of the things alone.

The police went to Umguza Rural District Council and they said they were told that there is no such housing scheme. They further referred the police to Mhlahlandlela. The police also told me that the company is in Harare. All I want is my money, I don’t even want to go to Harare.

I believed this person and didn’t think he would do me like this hence I sold my house alone, when I left my house, I told my neighbours that I was going to stay at Douglas Dale, I didn’t even send my goodbyes to other neighbours and sold all my property.

Ncube said that her relationship with her two children has been strained since she sold their house. She expressed her frustration at the difficulty in reaching out to Magaya due to protocol, noting that his relatives working in the Bulawayo branch of the church no longer send her greetings after she started demanding her money. Additionally, she mentioned that the church officials in Bulawayo claim to be addressing the issue of title deeds, despite the fact that they had already paid the legal fees. Ncube also expressed concern about her investments in other projects, specifically mentioning that the bees died without any communication from the church, despite the leader’s claim of transparency. Adding to her troubles, she revealed that she is a member of the IR (Investor Relations) department.

A senior church official in Bulawayo clarified that residential stands in Douglas Dale are available but not fully developed due to insufficient funds. They denied compelling anyone to sell their property, emphasizing that the stands were unserviced. Financial constraints arose after the 1:1 dollarization. She said:

The ministry never asked anyone to sell nor did the prophet, the stands are still there but the servicing is not done because of financial constraints as most of the people didn’t finish paying their instalments.

The official confirmed that once the houses are completed, Ncube and others will benefit, as they are actively seeking an investor. They mentioned that there are 910 stands available, with around 700 people already involved and an additional 200 available. They expressed the intention to find an investor to facilitate progress in the project.

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Jo bho · 1 year ago
.........of fake prophets ......... pyramid scheme kkkkk
org · 1 year ago
Kutoenda kwaMwazha kurinani
ever · 1 year ago
ana papa
Ukangoona chete project yapinda politics dzenyika ibva waziva kuti zvadhakwa uye ukangoona futi kuti church yakuita zvepolitics ibva waziva kuti zvadhakwa uye ukangoona church yakuita zvefootball ibva waziva kuti zvadhakwa let the church be the church church haiite zvema building society
GINDA GORILLA · 1 year ago
Been told, been warned but brethren do not listen. Mxgxyx is a businessman
Freegodo · 1 year ago
Freeman the HKD Doctor vakaimba vakaty wega munhu rizina 🙃
Simplaz · 1 year ago
when she sold the house in 2017 where has she been staying? Vakanamata munhu wenyama vachisiya Musiki wavo. Kana varipachokwadi ngavaende vanogara kuchurch PHD Ministries nemhuri yavo kusvika vapihwa pamwe pekugara
Hope · 1 year ago
It's all her fault! Don't feel sorry for her! 🤣
Evangelist · 1 year ago
I feel for you mother Ncube. The truth is that the Prophet's hands are tied. He started business and housing projects for his followers in good faith. Some people from government offices realised the viability of these projects. Some asked for kickbacks in order to give the church business licences to export their mining products and medicinal honey. Others wanted to be incorporated into the project which was exclusively for church members, without paying a cent. These exports were going to finance the housing projects and help the needy Doma people of Mbire. The Prophet resisted this armtwisting and the projects stalled. He even openly asked in the church why a simple paper like an export license which could be sold in the open street was being made so difficult to obtain. He lamented how a government so desperate for forex would sit on such a licence. The project had tens of millions of US$ orders overseas, but corruption in high places stopped all that. I want to believe that thousands of tonnes of polished stone tiles ready for export are still piled up at the church factory. Investors were invited and always free to visit their mining factory. Some of us even reinvested our the first profit of mining from local sales. The Prophet himself was even encouraging us not to reinvest that first payment, but to enjoy it with our families. Prophet Magaya can not say all this openly unless he wants more rape charges against him, or risk the closure of his ministry. I also invested in mining and beekeeping hoping to reinvest the profits in housing, but I thank God that I know that what happened was beyond the Prophet. God bless you Prophet Walter Magaya. You wanted to prove that you could materially change the lives of God's people.
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 iwe mwana, saka uri kuti Magaya akatadza kuona kuti project iyi ichapindirwa ne government here? hahaha saka haasi prophet waMwari uyo hahaha imbavha iyo.
· 1 year ago
Project iyi yanga ine vanhu ve G40 saka pavaka mhanyiswa naManyengavana zvese zvakabva zvapinda musango
@04 · 1 year ago
kkkk hayaa ,come out come out 😂
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
magaya creator😂😂😂
cde · 1 year ago
maiti ndokunamata here kusakwana makapusiswa nemaannointing oil muchati eke zvenyu nemaporofita enhema aya
cde · 1 year ago
vakangwara havana nhamo, mafuza tinenhamo kusina Mai hakuendwi akaimba Wani Macheso
Kkk · 1 year ago your eyes in his heart and in closed doors no one knows
Cde hondo · 1 year ago
Ndicho chimuprofita chekunyepa kuti chawana mushonga we Aids hanzi aguma, chakaurayisa vanhu vakawanda chichivafurira kusiya ma Arv
Cde hondo · 1 year ago
Imbavha idzi imbavha zvima fake prophets izvi
Pipiro · 1 year ago
Yes papa people are fooled everyday wake up Zimbos
Tk · 1 year ago
AnaMagaya ndivo veZanu ava, Chamisa akapinda anofira muJere
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣Mmmmmmmhahahahahaa kkkkkk I wonder kuti sei kunana Poland and Ireland kusina hype about ma Prophets... I only see this happening in nations with bad economies and corrupt governments were people are desperate. The Japanese don't even seed kunana Papa, the Dutch don't seed kunana papa, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo never seeded kunana Papa. Michael Jordan never seeded kunana Papa, Elon Musk doesn't even believe in God, Bill Gates doesn't believe in God. Saka mu Africa ndimo munoda kuti munhu ayite seeding kuti aburire nhai kkkk. Ko Tinashe Mutarisi anoenda ku church yipi nhai?
Bhomora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
Kkkk🤣🤣 nhai zvako, apa varungu vacho vagere ikoko ku Europe havaite izvi, they just work hard kumabasa avo
. · 1 year ago
dzungu redu vatema kuudzwa history yeIsrael neratinoti bhaibheril totora tichiita yedu, hanzi baba vedu ndi Abraham, kutaura zvemudzimu hanzi mademon kokuvharana uku toti chii manje, ndiwo mablessings acho here????
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby che ZANU 🌊 · 1 year ago
Yet you claim kuti Cham cham will liberate you ne bible
g40 · 1 year ago
uyo we Aguma hayaaas
Tk · 1 year ago
😂😂😂😂😂😂Akatenga BMW 7 series, Pindula Maita ndiseke nhac
..... · 1 year ago
Prophets pray on the gullible's to enrich themselves. Disgraceful people
@..... · 1 year ago
they prey on they don't pray on....
, · 1 year ago
ilifa lezithutha lidliwa ngabahlakaniphileyo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Takakuudzai kudhara kuti ma false prophets aya ari kukusvetai mari dzenyu. Vakapùsa Mai avo and also vese vanoenda kuma church ayo. Takakuudzai kuti ana Uebert Angel imbavha hamuterere even ana Makandiwa vanotoseka kumba dzavo kuti Zimbabwe ine vanhu vakapata. Use your money on your family
@Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
wasirira Ezekiel Guti.yaive mbavha hombe iyoyiya ndine evidence izvezvi so ndnogona kungozvi taura.
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 But sei Guti wacho akararama a perfect 100 years though
@Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
Chero mbavha inogona kungorarama 100 years.
WUTO · 1 year ago
good news indeed keep em comin
Tateguru · 1 year ago
How can a house owner sell a house to buy a house intended for the homeless?
@Tateguru · 1 year ago
only the mentally sick home owner.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The house which she sold was for her late husband, so she wanted to buy her own where relatives of the late husband would not have any say. She is not the only one,many women chirikadzi have been punished by God for that. Anzwa butter
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Look at the age of this old woman. She was conned.
Simplaz · 1 year ago
Buttercup butter
Anonymous · 1 year ago
butter cup
· 1 year ago
Anonymous wataura chokwadi Mai avo itsotsi ndo type dzinouraya varume kut dzisare neimba manje vaka jamba weti vachitsika ****iii , vakazvikanga nemafuta avo senguruve
Mistubish Pajero · 1 year ago
Mrs Ncube you have to wait until stand's fully service
pipilo · 1 year ago
David Kitalu · 1 year ago
kkkkkk yes papa

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