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Beer-drinking Spree At School Results In Sexual Abuse Of Form One Girl

1 year agoTue, 26 Sep 2023 17:21:40 GMT
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Beer-drinking Spree At School Results In Sexual Abuse Of Form One Girl

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has implored school authorities to monitor learners so that they do not consume alcohol during break time or lunch.

Posting on X, the ZRP said on Monday, that a Form One female learner was sexually abused by a drunk Form Two male learner at the school premises in Waterfalls Harare.

According to the Police, the assailant had been drinking beer with other learners at break time before he pounced on the victim. Police said:

The ZRP is concerned with reports of students who are drinking beer at school premises and urges school authorities to monitor the students even when they are on break or lunch at school grounds.

On 25/09/23 a Form One female student was sexually abused by a Form Two male student following a beer-drinking spree with other students during break time at the school grounds in Waterfalls, Harare.

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Reports suggest that drug and substance abuse is now rampant among juveniles as highly intoxicating illicit brews such as “kambwa” are now readily available and affordable.

There are also concerns among parents and guardians that teachers who are underpaid and demoralised no longer strictly monitor learners during school hours.

More: Pindula News



@Vhedza · 1 year ago
Teachers are contracted to teach academical issues behaviour kumba ndokwainobva.Ngatirongeke sevabereki kwete kungonyarara poor remuneration of teachers asi ndozvamaudzwa nemateachers acho kuti taurai kuti tikuwana mari shoma saka tichiregerera vana kuti vaite misikanzwa?
V11 · 1 year ago
Do not abuse children's rights by punishment of any form. Let them drink what they want and behave to their own satisfaction. Siyanai nematicha.
@V11. Zvautori ngomwa isina vana. Dai unavo you would understand. Uchazonzwisisa hako kana wane mhuri. Your daughter in grade 6 will be impregnated with triplets & you will have four mouths to feed. Keep believing in your perveted version of children's rights...
old age · 1 year ago
amaa 20k haana hunhu zvachose mazuva atakakura isu taiiziva kt bonde waiiriwana waroora . and unengee urii safe wakazvibata.. endai nema tests kits muchida kuvatarisa hoshaa muone kt avabde nemuhwindoo ktiza here.. mwari dai vatibatsira
Parachute · 1 year ago
You mean Parachute?
tawanda zorembera · 1 year ago
Guys , doro inonaka , and it pushes you to do things unimaginable. alcohol sellers know where to go and sell. let's not blame this or that. what about **** !!! Every kids nowadays has smartphone . they watch ****,they share **** videos . Do you guys know the impact of **** in mind and life? I m 53 years, I ve never seen my mom pants(underwear). what about you!
Polling station · 1 year ago
You are pitiful
maparamuro · 1 year ago
We are Zimbabweans not Europeans. The rod does not kill but disciplines a child. spare the rod spoil the child. vana Biti vakapembera kwazvo kuti hakuchina corporal punishment zvino nhasi muchati kudii, vana vaakubayana napanga vaakunwa doro pachikoro vaakuita rape pachikoro. Lunch time teacher anodawo kuzorora nekudya kwete kunge achiona kuti hapana vanhu varikuita misikanzwa here. Vakaisa mutemo nekuurwira should provide solutions. Musanetsa mateacher, they are overworked and underpayed
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
The is now becoming a problem in schools. School children now abuse alcohol and drugs during any free time they may get at breaks and during end of lessons. Teachers are urged to monitor laerners closely. Parents must constantly discuss these issues with their children at home. Government must come in with good pay packages for teachers. This story and I am sticking to it [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
bman · 1 year ago
well said @bhobhojani bhadhiza
👁️👁️ 👄 · 1 year ago
Those children have parents who should responsible to them.Do not load it on the poorly paid teachers Mr Zanu Republic Police.
aaaa · 1 year ago
thts true big dhra
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
🤔🤔🤔 Vabereki I understand kuti life in Zim is tough and muri kutsvaga mari asi pliz pliz don't forget to spend some time with your kids. Zivai zviri kuitika muhupenyu wevana venyu ndokuti musazoshamisika manzwa kuti mwana ari kunwa doro
@Big Dhara. This incident occured in Waterfalls. Many parents from Waterfalls, Mainway Meadows, Homelink Diaspora Housing Scheme are based abroad where they work like slaves to provide for their children. In the end, housemaids and old grandparents look after such children. One schoolkid from Mainway Meadows used to host big parties during the school holidays. His parents were both based in the UK and they would send him lots of money. He had all sorts of cars at his disposal and a big house to boot. Schoolgirls would come dressed like Strippers to attend the parties. Anyway, all I'm saying is parents are not to blame. These are evil times we live in. Nowadays children lack positive role models. Celebrities like Ginimbi, Pokello, Wicknell, Passion Java, Mai Titi, Madam Boss etc etc are misleading our children. Then you have Mwene Mutapa who degrades and humiliates our educators by underpaying them. Growing up, Children used to admire highly educated people. Nowadays one can be an empty skulled Gindagoriya and still become VP & Monster of Health. Drug dealers can become City Councillors like Darma and sell illicit drugs to school children. The immorality and socio-econonic morass increased exponentially since the coming in of the Coup-Dashians & their highly immoral & corrupt brood of Vipers.
sad emoji1
tawanda zorembera · 1 year ago
what can I say ???
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
😐😐😐 @Worzell this is bad. Ma maids mamwe anotofurira vana to misbehave
jonso · 1 year ago
Taura hako Big Dhara vabereki vazhinji kutsvaga mari at the expense of their children
corporal punishment · 1 year ago
let schoo or college heads institute corporal punishment to wayward students and learners to drive home some morals in them.

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