
Police Extend Operation "Tame the Traffic Jungle"

Police Extend Operation "Tame the Traffic Jungle"

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has extended the “Tame the Traffic Jungle” operation until further notice.

The special operation targets unregistered and unlicenced vehicles, operators offering public transport without proper licencing, and those breaching other traffic regulations.

In a statement released on Tuesday, ZRP spokesman Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi:

The operation is continuing until further notice because we have observed that vehicles without registration number plates are still being driven on the roads while both public service vehicles and private vehicles are still violating traffic rules and regulations.

On Tuesday, 26 September, Police said a total of 46 486 arrests have been effected since the operation was launched two weeks ago. Police said:

The ZRP reports that a total of 46 486 arrests have been effected during the ongoing operation, “Tame the Traffic Jungle”. 1 319 arrests have been made on vehicles without route permits while 15 268 arrests have been made on illegal pirate taxis (mushikashika).

345 motorists have been arrested for reckless driving, while 3 223 people have been arrested for touting. Meanwhile,1 114 vehicles have been impounded for moving on the roads with no registration plates.

The ZRP is conducting the operation in conjunction with the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe, the Vehicle Inspectorate Department, the Insurance Council of Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe National Roads Administration, the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority and local authorities.

More: Pindula News
