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42 Trapped In Bayhorse Mine Collapse In Chakari, Chegutu

1 year agoSat, 30 Sep 2023 05:16:06 GMT
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42 Trapped In Bayhorse Mine Collapse In Chakari, Chegutu

The Zimbabwe Miners Federation has confirmed the collapse of the Bayhorse Mine in Chakari, Chegutu, where approximately 42 people are believed to be trapped. So far, five individuals have been rescued.

The ZMF has dispatched its Secretary General and the Chairman of the Chegutu Miners Association to assess the situation and provide updates on the ongoing rescue operations. In a statement seen by Pindula News, the association said:

Name of mine: Bayhorse

Location: Chakari Chegutu

Affiliate: ZMF Chegutu Miners Association Mine

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Owner: Sigauke T


There has been a collapse of a mine shaft at one of our ZMF members’ mine.

It is believed that about 42 people are still trapped underground and 5 have been rescued so far. We have since tasked our ZMF Secretary General and Chegutu Miners Association Chairman to go and establish the true facts on the ground and we shall keep you appraised of the rescue operations by the relevant teams.

Let us be patient and wait for all official communication to come from ZRP, Ministry of Mines and other Government arms.

There have been reports that up to 30 people may have lost their lives in the collapse. The community in Chakari has criticised mine guards for obstructing rescue efforts by artisanal miners, stating that more lives could have been saved. Community members told journalist Owen Matava that rescue efforts were still to be conducted as of 8 p.m. on Friday.

According to Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Development, Polite Kambamura, a government team assessed the situation and confirmed that a mine collapse occurred at around 10 a.m. The team also established that 34 miners were trapped underground, with 13 managing to escape. Unfortunately, there are concerns that the remaining 21 individuals may have lost their lives.

According to iHarare, six bodies had been recovered as of Friday evening, and rescue operations were ongoing to save the remaining 15 trapped miners.

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never · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mining should be regularised. This greedy business by politicians of using poor people in dangerous situations for their benefit need to stop. For how long shall Zimbabwe needlessly be loosing lives. A t****ugh investigation must be carried out & if mining safety standards were violated then the owner must be arrested & the mine closed until proper mining safety standards are instituted
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Safety should be a priority
gora · 1 year ago
that's sad story rest in eternal peace makarwa kurwa kwakanaka mukwi akatendeka saishe Jesu
ED · 1 year ago
madii vanangu ndakunzwa kuda kumbokwapaidza munhu pano sezvandakaita bhobho
Senzeni · 1 year ago
Oook kash,,,, ko vasiya vakadzi, varishirikadzi nhaimi?????
ma1 · 1 year ago
bayhorse ichegutu iyo
cheg · 1 year ago
Sandringham area Norton its Chegutu RDC
BADBILL · 1 year ago
Sigauke T usada kuchekeresa iwe tokuvinga vanhu vakafa ivawo
Nelson Chamisa · 1 year ago
BELIEVE TO SEE LIFE…Fellow Citizens, eternal life is everything. The book of wisdom teaches, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. Whoever rejects the Son will not see life. Instead, the wrath of God remains on him.” John 3:36 Blessed Sabbath. #Godisinit
Jinn · 1 year ago
Amen 🙏 my President.
. · 1 year ago
What a load of nonsense. Mindless dribble.
Tateguru · 1 year ago
Things are very negative these days. Breathing space is becoming narrow and narrow in most things. We hope God will help us. Kufirwa mazuva ano mutoro chaiwo
cid · 1 year ago
very sad I pray that those still trapped be rescued
🌹 NETSAI 🌹 · 1 year ago
shem ,,,sad story,,,Mwari tariraiwo vana venyu,
s.class · 1 year ago
mwari pindirai
Gombakomba · 1 year ago
My prayers to the miners trapped in the closet. God will save you!
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
It is unfortunate that citizens recieve this type of news from time to time. It is my hope that those 15 still outstanding are going to be rescued alive. May the souls of those who have passed away rest in eternal peace. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Atheist · 1 year ago
God does not exist.
. · 1 year ago
makorokoza 4ED - mining activities should be regulated and done in a safe manner-izvi zvekupinda mungwavava vanopera nekufushirwa pasi varivapenyu vana ava

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