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Education Ministry Establishes Complaint Desks to Address School Staff Misconduct

1 year agoSun, 01 Oct 2023 16:11:23 GMT
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Education Ministry Establishes Complaint Desks to Address School Staff Misconduct

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE) has set up district and provincial complaints desks to address misconduct by teachers, headmasters, and other school staff.

This initiative aims to tackle issues such as denying students entry due to unpaid fees. Taungana Ndoro, the MoPSE communications and advocacy director, has confirmed the establishment of these desks. He told NewZimbabwe:

The ministry has activated strategic command centres throughout the country to actively deal with unsavoury practices within the sector.

Such practices include, but are not limited to, chasing away pupils for nonpayment of fees, conducting paid for extra-lessons, discrimination and corruption in enrolment, use of corporal punishment, charging of unapproved fees and levies amongst other malpractices.

He urged stakeholders to utilise the designated point persons to report any misconduct that tarnishes the reputation of the education sector. Parents, guardians, teachers, and students are encouraged to engage with the command centre focal persons to ensure that every child has access to high-quality, appropriate, fair, and comprehensive primary and secondary education. The goal is to create an environment where education is valued and upheld to benefit all learners.

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There is an ongoing debate regarding whether students should be permitted to attend school even if they have unpaid fees. The government and parents support the idea, however, schools argue that fee payments are crucial for managing the institutions effectively. The economic crisis that has plagued the country for years has made it challenging for some parents to meet their financial obligations.

Corporal punishment is another topic that sparks disagreement. Certain parents oppose it, while some teachers argue that the policy leads to unruly and disobedient children. The issue revolves around the use of physical discipline, such as spanking or hitting, as a means of correcting behaviour. While some believe it is an effective deterrent, others argue that it can have negative psychological and emotional effects on children. 

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cid · 1 year ago
@King,,it shows u don't have kids my dear, infact Yu are still a kid yoself
King · 1 year ago
a kid must NOT BE HIT. No no no. kids are kids . never punish a kid, spoil them. that s why I use private home teachers, my kids only write exams and they pass on high rate. please, a kid must Not shamued , no no . I ve never been canned, and I will not allow my kids or any kid to be corporal punished .
Evidence Guta · 1 year ago
Shut up
Most popular · 1 year ago
mwana anorohwa panhau dze bullying chete chete. zvmwe zvose izvo kumbunyikidza mwana.
discipline inodiwa · 1 year ago
corporal punishment is necessary for instilling good behaviour and eradicate early pregnancy in school going children. shamhu nhete isinga kwature ganda inosiya pachivava ndoo inotenderwa kurova nayo mumaoko kana tsapfu. kwete matanda eshamhu anosiya mwana apondwa.
Chairman Mao · 1 year ago
Spare the rod and spoil the kid.Drug use is taking it's toll in schools.Drugs do not only affect the user but the innocent , ignorant and unsuspecting children.Bullying is the norm in schools.Remember your kid might be creating an unfriendly environment for others because they are spoiled, pampered and let loose.The way a child behaves spells a lot his/her upbringing.We seem to care but we car negatively.Teachers ,heads don't put yourselves in a vice.Leave them be.Parents (some) want their kids be schooled not educated.Teachers should produce morally upright children not academics who can't fit in any society.In the end you blame educators for the conduct of your kids you yourselves initiated and protected.
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 Problem ndeye kuti kana teacher asiri kuzvambuuuuuraaaa nepooombiii yake kumba mudzimai wake anobva ashandisa shamhu kuchikoro kupedzera shunguuu. I remember a female teacher at my school who was kind, she was married to a loving man ayimukwiiiiiiiiraaaaaa rough. Her face was always glowing and she was happy. Saka u see kuti seeeeeex inodzikamisaaaa munhu. #RESPECT!!!
Self-jerking · 1 year ago
who cares....after all we are all going to die
inini · 1 year ago
mwana ngaarobwe nembama ati tasa
unknown · 1 year ago
all a teacher has to do is pay a bribe and the misconduct case will go away just like everything else in Zim. Just pay your way out of it.

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