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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

ZANU PF Orders Candidates Who Lost Elections To Return Campaign Vehicles

1 year agoSun, 01 Oct 2023 09:56:41 GMT
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ZANU PF Orders Candidates Who Lost Elections To Return Campaign Vehicles

ZANU PF has instructed all its party candidates who lost in the recent harmonised elections to return the high-end vehicles they were given prior to the 2023 political campaigns.

The party had distributed 210 brand new vehicles, including 4×4 Nissan Navaras and Ford Rangers, to parliamentary representatives participating in the elections. However, ZANU PF had previously warned that those who lost would be required to surrender the vehicles.

In a circular dated September 29, 2023, addressed to all provincial chairpersons, ZANU PF Secretary General Obert Mpofu emphasised that all defeated candidates must return the cars by Wednesday without exception. He wrote:

This serves as a directive to all the Zanu PF parliamentary candidates that participated and did not succeed in the just-ended harmonised elections to surrender the party vehicles that were allocated to them to the Zanu PF party headquarters by Wednesday 4 October 2023 without fail.

This is pursuant to the circular that was issued before, followed by a decision made by the party leadership at the Politburo meeting held on 28 September 2023.

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ZANU PF has instructed provincial chairpersons to ensure the successful implementation of the directive. This directive will affect dozens of losing candidates. In previous elections, unsuccessful candidates were allowed to use party-issued vehicles for constituency work. It is unclear where the vehicles will be deployed, but some may be allocated to elected party officials and others may be used as pool cars at different levels. President Emmerson Mnangagwa‘s party spent millions of dollars purchasing these campaign vehicles in his bid for re-election.

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Zimbo 1 · 1 year ago
Tiri kuona zvedu tikumaterrace
Anonymous · 1 year ago
wezhira · 1 year ago
hakuna chemahara,cant wek up driving a Ford iwe wanga usina kana ka mota kemawaya uchikura. bric by bric,ngativake nyika iyi
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
imi dzorerai mota makanyarara maifunga kuti mota ndedza sekuru venyu
kg · 1 year ago
Zvinoita sezvitsva kwamuri ma ccc nokuti harisi bato renyu huye mafambiro nemitemo yedu hamuizivi. ZVAKATAURWA KARE KUTI ANORUZA ANOTORERWA MOTA. LOOK MOTA NDEYE CAMPAIGN Saka kana watadza it's fair to surrender the vehicle. kana wadza calla wafoira period.
PVC · 1 year ago
waivepo here tinyararire iwe. Useless person.
Zwide · 1 year ago
Mnangagwa must go
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ed must go coz he is just using these Mps to protect his ****, if he cannot benefit from u, he dumps the useless person or minister.Where does zanu pf get the money to buy these cars whilst Zimbabwe hospital 🏥 have no medical equipment or medicines. These are corrupt madalas, it's highly likely to have a strong decision that, any minister whose sick should be treated in Zimbabwe. People should refuse these minister 😤 to be treated in foreign country where they enjoy these facilities for themselves instead of repairing our hospital service in Zimbabwe
inini · 1 year ago
vachinyanya kuda zvinhu
ah it finished · 1 year ago
no free chckin and chips and coke for you all until 2028 shem shem shem
laugh emoji1
263 · 1 year ago
Chimwe chi twincab change chakuswera chizere ma land baron ku paddock vachitengesa ma stands.... Kuwadzana uko
Rass1 · 1 year ago
Ko iyo ZANU inombodzitenga neiko mota dzinodhura kudaro vanoiwanepi Mari yakawanda kudaro.Paridzai henyu humbavha hwenyu.Kubva 2017 up now lm sure they have bought over athousand vehicles.Apa mizvipatara hakuna maambulance,mishonga,proper equipment.Haa muri vene vayo pachokwadi.Kuita madiro a Jogina. FAMBA NERO FAMBA.
nyere · 1 year ago
Good move,y wasting our resources to team bhora musango?kunyepera musangano kt mune vanhu imi muchiba motivation zvima 10 kg zve upfu MA m$$$$ma
NATO · 1 year ago
chibaby chezanu chiripi.chikasatsvaga dhara chofamba netsoka gore rino😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
NATO · 1 year ago
chibaby chezanu chiripi.chikasatsvaga dhara chofamba netsoka gore rino😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Next · 1 year ago
Those who got more votes than ED Shweeee will be required to surrender their campaign Vehicles too. Cde. de Richt of Cowdry Park venge vakataimira Ford Ranger yaMtooli zvadhakwa. 🤣🤣🤣
👁️ 👃 👁️ · 1 year ago
Dear Zanu pf loosing candidate. In my company [forever solution] we do sale wheelbarrow at low cost. Come grab yours since it has got wheels just like a car and it has 2 control handle system
cid · 1 year ago
The article clearly states that "Zanu pf had previously said that those who lost would be asked to bring back the vehicles" zvinhu izvi vakagara vaudzwa kuti ukadyiwa haulumi. Nothing to be excited about
· 1 year ago
True so its fair to them
King · 1 year ago
Honestly, everyone was told before getting the car key. to return the car is not an issue . TCs were signed. ask them. this party is guided by vigilants people .
ah eh um ok · 1 year ago
ha those losing will now start saying eh the vehicle was stolen , i c.u.n.t return it eehh
Bobby · 1 year ago
Kwaa motodzokera kumabharikoro nema 120Y.
. · 1 year ago
Ko uya wekuChinhoyi wekupaparika achisenga tank ne borehole equipment neFord Ranger yemusangano achaita sei manje? Kukwira kuBoot re Honda Fit yemunhu vakavharirwa chibhorani here akomana?😆
Boss Boss · 1 year ago
🐃 hehehe ndokunonzi kurumwa nechokuchera 🐊
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Maiweeee haha yaaa u see Zanu Pf is a party inodya vana vayo. ED is a crocodile, igarwe kairi. Motokari dzakubaya wena. Just like zvinoitwa nembinga kana dzakurambana nema small house dzinotora zvese. That's the game of politics. Vanzwa butter
laugh emoji3
. · 1 year ago

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