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Hyena Attacks Five In Makoni; One Victim Loses Lips, Palm

1 year agoFri, 06 Oct 2023 09:50:48 GMT
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Hyena Attacks Five In Makoni; One Victim Loses Lips, Palm

A vicious hyena mauled five people in the Zuze area of Makoni District in incidents that happened last week on Thursday and Friday.

The Manica Post reported that the hyena was killed by a traditional leader, Headman Gwasira after it had injured him.

Headman Gwasira is now recuperating at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals in Harare.

The nocturnal animal’s first victim, David Zuze (54) who lost a large chunk of his lips, an arm, and a palm, is admitted at Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital in Mutare.

The hyena also inflicted various degrees of injuries on three other villagers who were treated and discharged.

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Zuze reportedly met his near-death experience just before sunset while on his way to a funeral last week on Thursday.

Speaking to The Manica Post, his brother, Simbarashe Zuze, said the family is praying for a speedy recovery. He said:

My brother said he thought that it was a dog, and only realised that it was a hyena after it attacked him.

When he fell down, the hyena pounced on him and as he bravely tried to wade it off. lt ripped off his left hand and two fingers from his right hand.

It also ripped off his lips. He had lost all hope and power when another villager came to his rescue.

The villager who rescued Zuze, Philemon Munjanja, recounted the horror experience to The Manica Post on Monday. He said:

I heard a strange sound while I was in my garden. It sounded like a hyena, but I could not imagine seeing a hyena in broad daylight. I heard someone screaming for help.

The screaming stopped after a while and I got worried. I grabbed an axe and ran to the scene. I saw Mr Zuze on the ground and the hyena lurking nearby.

The hyena tried to attack me, but I firmly held my axe ready to strike it. We went back and forth for an hour until it backed off and moved away.

Munjanja later carried Zuze to his homestead.

The following morning, the Village Head, Noah Zuze and Headman Omega Gwasira, teamed up with other villagers to retrieve David’s body parts from where he was attacked by the hyena.

Speaking in a telephone interview with the publication from his hospital bed at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals, Headman Gwasira said:

We retrieved them, but as we headed to Rusape General Hospital where David was initially taken, we met two women being chased by a hyena. We parked our vehicle and went after it.

The animal turned on us and mangled my foot. My colleague tried to strike it with an axe, but he missed it and the axe landed on my leg. I sustained a deep cut, and that is why I ended up in hospital.

He said despite suffering the leg injury, he grabbed the axe and delivered a fatal blow to the hyena.

Headman Gwasira implored ZimParks to hunt down the hyenas which are now a threat to both people and their livestock.

ZimParks spokesperson, Tinashe Farawo said he was still waiting for a detailed report of the incident.

More: Pindula News



Ziyapapa Mabhunu · 1 year ago
Kunyepa chete,inyaya dzaana James Bond 007 wana Sean Connery or dzeKwaedza
@fafi&@Bvepfe from cid · 1 year ago
@Bvepfe,, Ukaona wabrowser nyaya don't rush ku comment section,avawo @Fafi mageza mazino here nhasi
zvipoko · 1 year ago
Pokakutiwa bere pakopotsewa sekuru pakabuda sound yekuti brother barnad
Stubborn Gentile · 1 year ago
Animals are angry, recently Elephants migrated to Botswana and it was right after ZANU pf rigged elections and these ZANUpf guys went to campaign to Mabere trying to convince Wild Animals that nyika ndeye vene vayo. He was bitten his lips ,"Hit the speaker Jimmy " kkkkkk. Hyenas are sick and tired of ZANUpf propaganda, also they're being used by witches and wizards of ZANU pf in return they pay them nothing even the Chicken inn freebies 😂 So they protesting
. · 1 year ago
mapere haadi vanhu vanopfeka zvima t shirt zviya zve green
Boss P · 1 year ago
Guys ummm vakasangana nemhepo chaiyo but uyo akarwisa nedemo ndamutya hangu
Fifi · 1 year ago
@Bvepfepfe u are right people make mistakes including the VAR referees did it in the Liverpool match🤣🤣, they denied a goal saying it was offside. Cid and Zuze are clearly bums
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
In Hurungwe where I was born and bred hyenas do not attack people. I was born when people lived in those mountains on both sides of Chirundu Road upto the Mighty Zambezi River. The Hurrungwe National Parks was established around 1964. During this time up to now it is taboo for a hyena to attack people. Hyenas are scavengers. They eat anything dead unlike a lion which eats only what it has killed. It may kill today and feasts on the kill. It may come back the following day to feast on the leftover. It does not eat what it finds already dead. Hyenas attack people because they are hungry. There are no longer small animals for food. There are no hares, bucks and duikers. They lock up their domesticated animals. Therefore, the only food available are humans. In Hurungwe if hyenas come into Communal areas they find hares, duikers and [ mhara ] to feed on in Communal areas. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ]
Ziyapapa1 · 1 year ago
When hyenas can’t find animals they raid the cattle kraals anotobvisa miti yedanga one by one.Aya either waroyi or since arikudya Zanu wanhu,wanhu iZanu akatsamwa nerigging
Ching WA · 1 year ago
Zuze qechingqa mapere two ndeaChamisa one nderaChinamasa alatenga kunaFadzai Mahere Chamisa
Masvingo · 1 year ago
Bere mdera Nelson Chamisa neTrippo Sviira. Please batai mapere enyu Trippo Sviira
Zuze · 1 year ago
Pengera zvimwe. Mapere aChinamasa aya
maparamuro · 1 year ago
Zimparks guy said he was waiting for a report , from who? Are they not supposed to rush to such areas to get first hand information and comeup with measures to make sure this does not happen? Do they know their job? Apa ndivo vane mazi motor ma off-road but basa kugara mu office pane kugara nemhuka dzavo
Kongaring Kongara · 1 year ago
Mataura chokwadi,kuita kunge arikurota,instead kuen**** pachake oiratdzawo action,soo?
... · 1 year ago
muna Gonawapotera mune murume ainzi Bererashama. murume iyeyo ndiye wekupedzera ana Kurauone. I.M Zvarevashe.
Ostallos · 1 year ago
Vakaita hvo Champion Bere vakabvusa muromo wababa avo vaiva vakapfeka T- Shirt ya Ediot. Dai Champion vapedza vese vemhuru yacho kusvika Kuna MP weManicaland North Muwombi wacho....*sunga one sunga dozen*. congratulations Champion Bere... pamberi nehondo kurwiswa varakashi
· 1 year ago
Panga pakashata ko Bamunini vakazopotsa bere vakatema sekuru gumbo Seiko
@ · 1 year ago
chinono chine Zimparks bere.........
this is funny s h i t kkkk · 1 year ago
it sounds like something from an old "3 stooges" comedy clip kkkkkk
ComedyHalfHour · 1 year ago
😂 And the hyena was laughing loudly.
hahaha this is funny s h ! t · 1 year ago
"...My colleague tried to strike it with an axe, but he missed it and the axe landed on my leg. I sustained a deep cut, and that is why I ended up in hospital...." f c u k this funny !!! kkkkk
cid · 1 year ago
Zve N'anga mazviwana kupi nhai VA Bvepfe 😂😂pakanzi traditional leader anova iye headman,,,,Chero ku xool hapana chaibuda I can see
Zuze · 1 year ago
Ndivo vaikopa nezita nezita ava.
laugh emoji1
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 @cid and @Zuze hahaha ndinokufarirai guys. Asi nhasi i want to teach u something. Kupasa O'level and A'level asi uchiramba uri pa Pindula uchitadza kutenga data zvinonyadzisa wena. People make mistakes when they just browse thru an article just like what i did. Mocking someone becoz of such mistake zvinongoratidza kuti u aren't smart socially. A good teacher will correct zvakanaka not to mock a student. 🤣🤣🤣 zvino dófo ava ani manje marombeee anotoshaya dollar chairo mu ecocash🤣🤣
Kongaring Kongara · 1 year ago
Ummmmm,pakaipa pakaipa
Kongaring Kongara · 1 year ago
Ummmmmm,pakaipa pakaipa. Rabbies mumhuka idzi ma1.Kupenga mhuka pfungwa chaidzo nekuti vanhu mumamisha akasiyana varikurumiwa nezvikara.
Fifi · 1 year ago
kkkk Philemon na Zuze vakashunguredzwa ne bere🐆
Boss Boss · 1 year ago
🐃Mhuka inonzi bere inoshandiswa nevaróyi ne n'anga. But iro ndofunga paraka ngonzwa kunaka kweropa remunhu rakabva rati type yemhuka idzi dzinonaka zvekuti
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 @Zuze my bro ndiwe here uri kutaurwa nezvako apo hahaha. Bere harisi rekutamba naro rinokubvarura rokuseka futi🤣🤣. Chandafarira panyaya iyi ndekuti N'anga yarumwa rumwa haha yes zvinonakidza kunzwa nyaya inoita involve N'anga ichitsengwa tsengwa. Zuze
@Bvepfepfe. Iwe. Nyaya iri kuti Traditional LEADER. Kwete Traditional Healer. Ndiwo mafoiriro ayiita vanhu Comprehension mazuva edu tichanyora Cambridge...
Rodney · 1 year ago
Ko shamwari uripiko
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣@Worzell unowanza dzungu, wanzwa dófo, i was talking about Philemon Fugu pfee ndiye N'anga not Traditional Leader uyo handineyi naye. Worzell anenzara haana kudya lunch, u are a bitter person ayiswera achiita ma A* stars in high school, but hauna social intelligence, ndosaka uri rombeee rinongoswera rakagara doing nothing. Such is life, zvakasvitsa kupi thinking kuti getting 15 points will make u a millionaire haha.
@Bvepfepfe. You're incorrigible. Thats a typical characteristic of dyslexic / autistic individuals. I can tell you are an ama2000. New Curriculum & used to being mollycoddled. Commenting on Pindula is part of my personal Sociological research - wherein I gather public opinions & use them for my own theses. I do a lot of consultancy work for CSOs & CBOs particularly in the areas of Project planning, design, simulation, M&E etc. So I often have ample time on my hands to visit the PINDULA website's comment section. & also have very active comment sections. You should try them. PS: Emotional Intelligence is superior to Social Intelligence.
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 @Worzell firstly i can tell you are young by using age to measure intelligence. I was born in 1993 by the way. I don't need to mention what i have achieved academically because certificates don't define who I am inwardly. If I am thrown in the dessert I will survive. If u take away my academics I will still be Bvepfepfe. I know in many colleges these days people are having their assignments written by someone else, they are paying other people to write for them becoz they are failing to understand the content in their modules. You still have a lot to learn about life becoz u have a superiority complex thinking you know too much than everybody else. Arrogants is a very dangerous trait because you won't grow intellectually, u will remain stagnant. Your response showed me that u don't even understand what emotional intelligence is. You will mature by the time u realise that its wise not to think you know better than everybody else. There is a clear difference between self confidence and being Arrogant
· 1 year ago
Do hyenas attack humans especially adults human beings
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 they attack adult humans yes. They size up any animal they feel they can overpower and eat
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ya, hyena encounter is even more dangerous than leopard one because hyena will be seeing you as prey and it will be likely very hungry. Leopard attack would be mainly for defence of its young or territory and if its just a lone leopard chilling, it may even decide not to make its presence detected. Hyena is also a very strong, fast and sturdy animal so one on one with an adult human will likely result in human getting killed.
. · 1 year ago
Obviously a rogue zanupf member, they are after CCC supporters.
InTheWilderness · 1 year ago
Hyenas attack lions and buffaloes. They are hated by these animals.
Humba · 1 year ago
sad news . Zimparks ngaipindire kuuraya mapere aya.
I'm not sure if the government of Mwene Mutapa has a "Human-Wildlife Conflict Fund". Such a Fund would compensate victims of Wildlife attacks, relocate villages close to wildlife conservancies & recapture or relocate stray wildlife. What happened to NGOs like CAMPFIRE & CITES? They used to help a lot.

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