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ZESA Applies For Electricity Tariff Increase

1 year agoSun, 08 Oct 2023 05:40:44 GMT
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ZESA Applies For Electricity Tariff Increase

The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) has applied for an increase of electricity tariffs for 2023 by US2 cents/kWh.

According to The Sunday Mail, the electricity tariff of US2 cents/kWh translates to about $147 in Zimbabwe dollars.

ZETDC, a subsidiary of State-owned power utility ZESA Holdings, says the tariff increase will fund projects that include rehabilitation and maintenance of the transmission and distribution network, and service loans, and refurbishment of old units at Hwange Thermal Power Station. Reads the notice in part:

The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company, in compliance with section 53 of the Electricity Act (Chapter 13:19) of 2002, has submitted to the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA), an application for review of electricity tariffs for 2023.

Reasons for seeking electricity tariff review: to enable the utility to raise the revenue required for service provision in 2023, to cover costs for Purchase of Electricity, Operations and Maintenance, Regulatory costs, Research and development costs and General Admin to take into consideration adjustment for under-recovery in the previous year.

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To create capacity to be able to support economic growth in the Mining, Agriculture, Industrial and Tourism sectors. The magnitude of the tariff adjustment being applied for in the interim is an increase of USc2/kWh on the existing tariff.

ZETDC has one of the region’s lowest electricity tariffs in the Southern African region.

The Sunday Mail reported that in South Africa, the tariff is US11,2 cents/KWh, while Namibia charges US16 cents/KWh.

Mozambique’s tariff is US12,4 cents/kWh, with Madagascar setting the tariff at US15,3 cents/kWh. In Mauritius, it is US14 cents/kWh, while it is US12,6 cents/kWh in Malawi.

In Eswatini, it is US14 cents/kWh, while it is US11 cents/kWh in Botswana, US7,4 cents/kWh in Zambia, US10,54 cents/kWh in Tanzania and Seychelles charges US27 cents/kWh.

ZETDC is reportedly buying electricity at a tariff of US12 cents/kWh and, in turn, selling to the consumer at an average tariff of US10 cents/kWh.

More: Pindula News



skun · 1 year ago
magara magetsi makakwidza..hapana chinyowani APA..ma boss akutsvaga Mari dzemota nyowani
doug · 1 year ago
If all the natural resources endowed upon us were harnessed and exchanged locally and internationally through proper channels we would have the electricity at less than 5(Fife) cents per kilowatt hour.
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
Our resources should cover that so that we all benefit, and those in government who owe Zesa should clear their arrears, Zambia is a good example of citizens should be charged, thank you HH...
Ama 2 k · 1 year ago
why Chasi was managing it
Ama 2 k · 1 year ago
why Chasi was managing bit
Seth Haydn · 1 year ago
As long uri kutarisa zviri mundiro dzevamwe unotoora zviri mundiro yako zviri zvishoma ndopane nyaya chete ,chingotibirai makanyarara musingatiudze tazvijaira izvo zvekubirwa.
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Those who use electricity know that it is almost every 2 months that ZETDC applies for tarrif increase from ZERA. [ YAVE GAROZIVA IYI ]. Meanwhile citizens do not expect any change of operations from ZESA because they have been making unfulfilled promises. Why do politicians not concentrate on dangling scarfs and leave the proper electricity work to those trained to work with electricity do the talking. During the campaigns citizens were untruthfully told that load shedding was a thing of the past. Today as I type this chat I am under load shedding. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Watt's what · 1 year ago
I too don't have zesa from early am. We live a life of lies by these useless politicians.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Exactly ... Sunday no elec ??? Why ..... coz RBZ doesn't pay suppliers on time .
bhobhojani bhadhiza · 1 year ago
ini ndoona sokuti pfungwa dzedu semazimbabweans dzarembera kuti ngurezeze serebvu rebagwe.Tingashora ,tingatuka asi tava zvimbedeya chaizvo mbovha dzebenzi.Isu toga ndisu tozviomesera ukada kutenga nemari yakabvaruka unonzwa konzi "hee hatidi yakabvaruka" kungobuda muchitoro wonzwa mumwe achiti ndotenga yakabvaruka.Zuro pano ndisati ndageza mabori ndakanzwa guhu rekuti ma50 bond haachadiwa,Yenyu Mari kuita seinotenga kunze,nhasi heyo zesa yoti ,kuwedzera ndipo paunoona kuti bete riri nani rinofamba rakatakura zai raro,Mazimbabweans edu mazai tinozvirasira toga patozoona vamwe vane avo toshora vakuru asi pamwe tirisu mipinyi isina kukwenenzverwa zvekusvika pakuitisa mwene mhoni.Mumwe mutauri akambobvunza kuti zuro pano tisati tavhota Mari yaitenderera,kungonoti ngori muchitima chesarudzo dola ndokubva ahwanda zvekudzima netsoka dzake.Kutomuti ridza huwiii haacharidza zvoita sekuti hatisi tose pachihwande hwande.Mubvunzo woti " nhasi kungonzi Chamisa naED vavakutaurirana unodzwa konzi Mari yakabvaruka yava kutenga.Chondishamisa hechi" kwatinohodha kunze vanoida isu kwatinotengesa hatiidai.Paul kuvaGaratiya unoti " ndiani akakuroyai" chokwadi akatiroya akatigarira kumeso asina mhapa ,ndove yake ikapofomadza meso edu
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 Inonzi Zimbabwe ini i hope ndichakwanisa kubuda ndoenda diaspora
Jameson Jim Phiri · 1 year ago
ZESA please do not compare our staffs with other countries our level of income is not the same with those countries please ?????? Leave the staffs at that cost or few people will afford to buy your ZESA if you increase your staffs bringing you back to your level of income from electricity to the same obtaining now
Tk · 1 year ago
Watt's · 1 year ago
Just make it 10cents USD /kwh

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