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Consumer Rights Group Shocked By Botswana Company's Plans To Export Donkey Milk To Zimbabwe

1 year agoFri, 20 Oct 2023 13:32:06 GMT
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Consumer Rights Group Shocked By Botswana Company's Plans To Export Donkey Milk To Zimbabwe

Local consumer rights groups have expressed concern over plans by a Botswana company to export donkey milk products to Zimbabwe.

The company, Takuwa Natural Products, recently announced that it intends to establish a donkey milk value-addition base in Zimbabwe.

Responding to the announcement, National Consumer Rights Association (NACORA) spokesperson Effie Ncube told the Southern Eye that Zimbabweans were not consumers of donkey milk and other products. He said:

Therefore, it boggles the mind as to why Zimbabwe is seen as a viable market for such a product. At this point, it is unlikely to attract a lot of consumers.

Before authorising the imports, the health issues should be comprehensively explored and consumers informed accordingly.

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The product should also be well labelled so that no one confuses it with cow milk. A picture of the donkey should be on every package and marked in bold letters.

Mangwe Ward 6 councillor Similo Ndlovu told the publication that it is common knowledge that Batswana consume donkey meat. Said Ndlovu:

People are surprised about the move. We meet with people in Botswana during funerals in the Patse area, and we have seen them eating donkey meat.

Health and Child Care Minister Douglas Mombeshora said that while they were yet to analyse the donkey products, it is evident that the products are not poisonous. He said:

We need to analyse to find out how much fat, proteins, etc, but people in Botswana have eaten it and are alive.

Research has shown that donkey milk is highly nutritious and contains essential nutrients such as vitamins (particularly vitamins A, B, C, and E), minerals (including calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus), and fatty acids.

More: Pindula News



Kule Kule · 1 year ago
munodhla vanhu, mbwa, kiti, nyoka, makakanje, madzetse, mipurwa nezvimwe zvetisingazivi makavanda mudzimba umu. chashamisa pakumwa mukaka we dhongi watengeswa pachema chii nhai vazukuru?
Killer Bean Forever · 1 year ago
So many people taking it personally! This is just a natural result of expanding regional trade. Let the milk come and face the market and regulators. It will sink or swim like any other cultural or regional delicacy trying to go international.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe is open for business and donkey milk is on its way....!
porongi · 1 year ago
kkkk just imagine after working hard for the whole day, sitting under a shed looking forward a full glass of cold donkey milk kkkk makutijairira manje I heard that there are a lot of cattle in Botswana why not giving us that milk
🇿🇼 · 1 year ago
It's already in the circulation the cheapest lacto u hahaha muzvikona umo I have seen soaps lotions wwithh donkeys milk
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Because you are always crying poverty and hunger evryday, some Botswana guy thought he might help you with nutrition from donkey products, even though Botswana has pleanty of cattle.
doug · 1 year ago
Just leave them to do what they want, and people will do with that milk what they have done with the 50 Bond note.
sorry · 1 year ago
ne corruption irimuZimbabwe pamwe takatodya kare maproducts acho , panenge panerimwe ririkutodya Mari through smaglin of donkey products , haaaa chuhurumende icho hr hamuchizivi imi , that's is if they are cheep there, anongopinda semapinzire avanoita ma drugs ana mbwa ava
meat is meat · 1 year ago
people around the globe have eaten all sorts of animals including humans as long as one does not die from poisonous portions, i dont see why the fuss about milk from a donkey.snake and dog meat are chibese favourite as well as snail and slug. baboons and monkeys and elephants are some of the delicious dishes for certain tribes in Zimbabwe
Sorojena · 1 year ago
I've once seen crocodile, lion, zebra meats and other game meats sold at TM Hyper, some people were buying. So let those who consume it buy.
Verbatim bulletin · 1 year ago
Hazvina brain mukati izvo shuwa Shuwa Mbongoro ubabhemi donkey here I give up eating beef not too sure kwairikubva anymore
Takuwa Natural Products · 1 year ago
kana usingaude unongorega kuutenga zve
👁️ 👃 👁️ · 1 year ago
I know the milk will be in Zimbabwean store. This country is a biggest joke
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
aaah Ivo ana fuguu naPuttin vachiita basa rekunyenga madhongi azviite
Charlie Chaplin · 1 year ago
I think we shud jus declare war against Botswana coz it looks down upon us as a sovereign state
Da Truth · 1 year ago
Fu,,u,,c,,k,, mbongoro milk to hell with it .
Tintin · 1 year ago
ipai vari kumusha pamwe vangazive pekuvhotera😁😁😁
KG · 1 year ago
Reign · 1 year ago
matswana akuda kutijairira vanofunga kuti isu kuno madhongi hatina here and hationi kuti ane minyatso bt we respect ourselves hatidye **** idzo
zimbabweans are stu pid · 1 year ago
neighbouring country ikada kubatsira with healthy products that they consume pachezvavo and have in abundance tinovatuka nekuvashora_asi USA the so called police of the world ikatirasira bougar, chikafu chemabhiza,hembhe dzakaraswa kana dzevakafa nebvudzi rezvitunha( brazilian indian hair kudini) nemabhero, tinogashira tichinyemwerera nekuombera like ediots, africans are damaged beyond repair tikuda kupuwa a 100% natural quality product by neighbouring country kuti tisapotane as maafrican countries, tigrowe tese,donkey milk iyoyo will even create jobs and oportunities in zim,zimboz
aaaa · 1 year ago

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