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COTTCO Owes Cotton Farmers Millions Of US Dollars

1 year agoSat, 21 Oct 2023 05:43:46 GMT
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COTTCO Owes Cotton Farmers Millions Of US Dollars

The Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (COTTCO) says it still owes farmers about 30 percent of payment for deliveries made by farmers last season, reported New Ziana.

Speaking to journalists recently, COTTCO chief executive officer, Priscilla Mutembwa said that efforts were underway to pay all farmers’ outstanding payments before the onset of the 2022/23 summer cropping season. She said:

We are trying to improve the production as well as how we can be more prepared to be able to work better with the farmers in terms of input distribution and farmer payments.

We still owe some farmers about 30 percent of the amount that has been delivered which we are currently working on very vigorously with both the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and our partner banks as well as the Ministry of Finance.

Mutembwa said to date, COTTCO has paid $16.7 million to farmers, out of $23 million owed, adding that the company was working hard to ensure that arrears to its workers are also cleared.

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She said COTTCO has not yet distributed free Pfumvudza/Intwasa cotton inputs to farmers around the country. Said Mutembwa:

We have not started the distribution of free inputs, but we have prepared as much as we can; we normally distribute after the end of October, we are also waiting for some of the inputs to arrive, so we are not too late. We are currently working on making sure that we are prepared.

Some farmers in cotton-growing areas such as Muzarabani and Gokwe have abandoned the crop due to low prices and late payment for their deliveries by COTTCO.

More: Pindula News



Sabhuku · 1 year ago
zveCotton dai zvambovhariswa bcz Cottco haisi kuzvikwanisa or allow private buyers to come into play. Competition is good for business. Same applies to GMB.
Ghetto Prophet · 1 year ago
Why kuita business risina profit,, makuda kungwavha ngwavha mari yekubhadhara product thats nonsense. Its high Zimbabwe move with time invest in technology,, we have abundant of Lithium,, with very high demand of Lithium batteries locally and globally, find a way to tap into that.. Runinga chairwo has very high demand and fetch good money go with it.. Takarasima nezvisinga mari
... · 1 year ago
Wadyajena wakadya mari yevarimika
doug · 1 year ago
Please do not tempt your employees to steal or become corrupt. You are seriously sending employees whose salaries you have not been able to pay them, and you want them to go and distribute free inputs on an empty stomach?
s.class · 1 year ago
siyai kurima cotton yacho nemi munozvidawo.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kuba chete is the problem,cottco was complaining Kuti havasi kuunza cotton isu takavapa mbeu,how can u bring cotton and u r not paid until next season wavekupiwa free input futi.hazvishande.Wadyajena akadziba Mari dze cottco varimi vachitambura,akaitwei ,akangosiiwa wani.its useless kurima cotton,Ivo maCEO ngavairime kupurazi kwavo,tione ka Kuti inobatsira kwazvo,havadi kuirima bcz iri useless.
Da Truth · 1 year ago
Cocoa in Northern Africa is a gud example it benefits the end dealer not the farmers , cotton is modern day slavery farming .Who are the force behind cottco dugout and find out .
ummm · 1 year ago
Be serious Cottco
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
COTTCO must be serious with its business of buying cotton from farmers. How can it come to this stage of the farming season before it has finished paying farmers ? No wonder why COTTCO is finding it difficult to lure farmers back to growing cotton again. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
· 1 year ago
vanhu vanorima cotton pfungwa dzavo dzinodhonza mushe here
Anonymous · 1 year ago

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