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Zimbabwe's Employment Rate Falls To 79 Per Cent - ZIMSTAT

1 year agoSun, 22 Oct 2023 12:55:09 GMT
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Zimbabwe's Employment Rate Falls To 79 Per Cent - ZIMSTAT

Statistics released by the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZimStat) on Monday reveal that the country has a rate of employment of 79 per cent but most of the jobs are of low value.

According to ZimStat, the rate of unemployment in Zimbabwe increased to 21 per cent in the 3rd quarter of 2023 compared to 20.1 per cent in the comparative period in 2022.

The Agency said youth unemployment (those aged between 15 and 34 years), increased to 28.7 per cent up from 27.6 per cent the prior year.

The unemployment rate measures the share of workers in the labour force who do not currently have a job but are actively looking for work.

The expanded unemployment rate, which includes people discouraged from looking for work, in the country is 47.8 per cent.

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According to ZimStat, the the labour force participation increased to 44.1 percent from 42.6 percent.

However, 68.5 per cent of the working population earn less than $800 000 (US$133) per month with 52 per cent earning less than $200 000 (US$33.33) per month a clear indication that the majority of the jobs are low-quality and low-paying jobs.

According to ZimStat manager, Labour Statistics, Clapton Munongerwa, the Agency includes vendors as part of the people that are employed.

The majority of the low-earning workers are in the wholesale and retail trade, sales and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. Their average income is $197 119 (US$32.85).

The wholesale and retail sector employs 26.6 per cent of the country’s employed population.

40.1 per cent of the employed population are own account workers or self-employed, according to ZimStat.

Trigrams Investments analyst Walter Mandey told Business Weekly that when a country is creating a lot of low-quality, is a sign that the economy is not growing as it should. He said:

When a country creates a lot of low-quality and low-paying jobs, it can have a number of negative consequences.

First, it can lead to a decline in living standards for workers and their families.

Second, it can make it difficult for workers to save for retirement or invest in their children’s education.

When a country is creating a lot of low-quality and low-paying jobs, it is a sign that the economy is not growing in a healthy way.

Workers who earn low wages have less money to spend, which can reduce aggregate demand in the economy leading to slower economic growth.

They also pay less in taxes leading to a reduction in Government revenue making it more difficult to fund essential public services such as health and education.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
A good writer should have defined employment first. How can you say a person earning less than $33 is employed? Even a domestic worker in the gheto earns much more than this. This government is in the habit of making a fool of itself without provocation and angering the citizens all the time.
Mmmh imi muchatinyererawo apa iwo mabasa amavhura nema company acho aripi asi murikutaura ivo maChina enyu aya here hanty vanouya muno muzimbabwe nemanpower ravo rese netools voita vega here asi kana mukati rate yadzikira kusvika pa71% muchireva ivo mayouth arikufa nemutoriro, ngomah, dombo, suicide mukataura kudaro inini ndakazvimirira ndinoti mataura idi
Noooooo · 1 year ago
let's do our own research here through sampling the pindula readers. me .... unemployed
Chinese zodiac · 1 year ago
kkkk unenge ndiwe wega pano ukugarira maoko sebveni
☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ · 1 year ago
haisi nhau yekugarira maoko dimwit iwe nhau dze employment idzi economy haifanire kunyanya kuzova informalised zvekuti munhu wese akungo taura zvekuti kungwavha ngwavha.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The truth is everyone in Zim works hard to get a meal on the table, including by stealing and all sorts of illegality, like mushikashika hwindis, the problem is when a whole government gets so desperate as to call these activities employment.
Noooooo · 1 year ago
let's do our own research here through sampling the pindula readers. me .... unemployed
Noooooo · 1 year ago
let's do our own research here through sampling the pindula readers. me .... unemployed
wasu · 1 year ago
pane dzimwe dzakabva kutaura kt hurumende yakadai kna kdenga chaiko haknaa
mischief · 1 year ago
hoe can you count people who do not contribute tax revenue to the national fiscus such as vendors eho are self employed as some one who is formally employed?. the stats from Zimstat are very bad and misleading. independent stats should be given an opportunity to conduct their research and report corrent findings on the current employment stats. the actual figure should be in the range of 90 to 98%.
Statistical error · 1 year ago
Garbage in Garbage out.

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